I Just Am Not

Meant to be there? Tianshi Xue never thought of the situation like that. She had always thought that she was the agrivated party here. She was supposed to be dead but here she was dealing with the problems of the royals. Who would have thought?

But she looked at the other side… she attached herself to Prince Qui's side, her arms circled around his bicep. "Do you also mean to say that I am really meant to marry you? That from the moment of my birth I was destined to be with you?"

Prince Qui's face gave an expression like he just ate something really bitter. "I don't know how your mind was capable of twisting my words into something like that. Can't it be just that you're supposed to be here and we stop there? Why do we always have to go to the romantic side?"

Tianshi Xue grinned. "Why not? It's what you're saying, isn't it? I did not take you as someone who believed in fate, but I guess you do! We're fated to be together."