Good Things

Prince Qui cancelled their library session night and he usually took the bathroom first but this time Tianshi Xue showered first. She scrubbed every inch of her and made sure that she lavishly drenched herself in lotion afterwards. She smelled better than a freshly powdered baby by the time that she went back to the bedroom.

Once Prince Qui shut the doors to the bath, Tianshi Xue got moving and pulled out the bag that Howin stored under the bed. It contained the things that she needed for the night. She pulled out the small candles and placed them all over the area, lighting them up as she go.

The smell of essential oils immediately filled the bedroom and Tianshi Xue posed herself on the bed. Prince Qui usually took twenty-minute showers and she had some time to spare. She looked over her Linker and found that people were still talking about the video that was released a couple of nights ago, the one with them on the swing.