Yes What?

"D-determining the relationship?" Tianshi Xue choked out. The food lodged down her throat before it went down the right pipe.

Prince Qui nodded. She could not believe how relaxed his face looked. It was like they were talking about the weather. How on earth was he able to take this thing cooly?

Tianshi Xue suddenly had the damning thought that the prince had not really thought much about this and was making hasty decisions. "If this is about my proclamation of wanting to have children, then I take it back. You should not be pressured by that."

"I'm not feeling pressured," he said and took a look at the setting sun before turning his attention on the small bottle containing salt and sprinkled his meat with it. "It's… I've been thinking about this one for a while. Never mind the talk about having children for the moment. This is entirely a different thing."