
Tianshi Xue was almost done with her first-aid training with Doctor Jung and was thinking that she was actually interested to be in this field. "Is there a way that I would be a practitioner but there would not be much blood involved? I mean, I'm fine with slight cuts, but I don't think I'll survive if I see a bone sticking out of skin."

Doctor Jung chuckled as he put his things back inside his bag and said, "I wish there is, Your Highness, but there's no in between here. If you're in it, then you're in it. However, I do think that it would only take a little getting used to and you would be able to stomach looking at an open cadaver. In case you're really interested, we can start really small and we could open up some animals."

Tianshi Xue only thought about the red blood and the slimy gross-looking organs and did a full body shiver. "I don't know, Doctor. I don't hink I have the guts to see GUTS."