Little Piece of Heaven

Dinner was a hard event. For one, Tianshi Xue was trying and bracing herself on her seat. She did not want to suddenly be in a craze and crawl on the dinner table, kicking the platters of food to the ground, and press her butter knife against the emperor's throat. 

But that did not stop her from clenching her utensils too hard that the silver spoon was hot when she finally stopped clutching it, deciding that a meal was not for her tonight. She patiently waited until all of the royals  finished eating and when they were in the comfort of the bedroom.

She spun around with a frown on her face, "You're leaving? AGAIN?!"

Prince Qui only started unbuttoning his jacket, which was not helping Tianshi Xue focus because she was waiting until he reached the last one. "It's only for a short time."

"How short is a short time?!" she asked, following him into the closet.