No Ceremonies

For all the grandness of this entire palace, Princess Shanti thought that there would be a ceremony when she was chosen as the future bride of Prince Xiaodan. She thought that there would be a party. Something wherein an announcer was going to raise her hand in the air because she was the victor. Then the people would cheer around her and share this special moment.

But no, the announcement only came in the form of a letter. It was delivered to her bedroom an hour before she was meant to leave.

"Dearest Princess Shanti," the letter read, it proceeded to tell her that after the long event of the courtship season, she was the chosen bride by Prince Xiaodan and that Heping Empire was hoping that she would accept this proposal for they believed that she was the princess that the people needed. It flattered her endlessly as they made comments about her good nature and how they saw potential in her to be in the Heping council.