If We Make It Out Alive

This was probably one of the worst decisions that Prince Qui was going to make in his life. Looking for someone to direct his anger to, Prince Qui instructed Aiguo to find the person responsible for this castle.

When the man trying to bother him earlier returned, Prince Qui grabbed him by the collar and slammed the soldier against the wall. "Why did nobody tell me?!"

The man cowered under his blazing eyes. "I-I… I did not know anything about this, G-General."

"You didn't?! But the letter was here! Didn't you read it?!"

This man that he was holding was in the rank of a colonel or even a one-star general. But Prince Qui trumped over all of them. 

"I… I did, general," said the man, averting his gaze. His fingers were on Prince Qui's wrist, helplessly willing it to release him.

"What happened? Why didn't I get it?! I am in charge here ever since I arrived! The letter was dated that day that I got to the first castle!"