The Right Words

Tianshi Xue did not expect it to be like this, but the days were blending to one another. The following day that she woke up, it was already the fourth day that Prince Qui was gone. In three days, he would be back.

She did not immediately get up and only stared at the space where Prince Qui was supposed to be. She was still hugging her make-shift 'Qui' pillows. It's all going to be okay, she told herself. She already made a deal with the emperor, and she received a digital copy of the order he made of Prince Qui's staying inside the palace.

There was nothing that she should be worried about. But something was gnarling on her stomach. Some part of her was still telling her that things would go wrong. That not everything would be perfect—that NOTHING would be perfect in her life, especially in this palace.

In the end, she still thought that she was the villain like how she was in her past life.