I'm Here Now

Tianshi Xue had no idea that Prince Qui was going to be home that night. She had in mind that her husband would be there first thing in the morning or in the afternoon. She did not care what hour he would arrive, just that he would be with her.

Tomorrow, she smiled to herself as another was flung in the air. She was getting better at this. Still, some of the knives refused to stick themselves in the red target in the middle, but at least she no longer had to pick them up from the floor. That gave her back pain. 

Ink had been leaning against the wall, still with her arms crossed over her chest. She was barking orders at her and what she was doing wrong. Tianshi Xue was getting annoyed by her voice but followed anyway. She wanted to do well on this. At everything that she tried, she excelled. This was not going to be an exception.

Suddenly, Ink grew quiet.