But How?

When Prince Qui went back to their room, he found Tianshi Xue on the bed, combing her long silver locks. "How did it go?" she asked him.

Something lodged in his throat. "Great."

Tianshi Xue nodded, then smiled, almost proudly. "Did the emperor tell you about our compromise?"

"Yeah." He started to unbutton his shirt. "It's nice of you to think about that."

"Are you okay?" she chuckled. "You sound like you're about to get sick. Do you want to eat? Or are you constipated?"

"I'm fine," he said and shrugged off his jacket. "I just need to shower."

He already took a bath before he alighted the train. It was just when he got here that he felt like he should scrub himself clean from all the lies that he was about to feed Tianshi Xue.

He really should just tell her…

But how?

Would it be crueler to tell her tomorrow night?