Behind The Face of a Princess

"Is there a way that I can get information about the military?" Tianshi Xue asked from the bed, her voice tight.

"I don't think so," answered Ink, who was on the couch, scratching under her fingernails with the sharp tip of her knife.

"Can't I just order someone to get the information for me?"

"You can ask the prince yourself," Ink said, getting bored with the conversation. "You know that you can actually talk to him, right? Like, radio him? Or message?"

Tianshi Xue felt her heart clench, and new tears sprang to her eyes. "He doesn't want me to."

She had been crying nonstop ever since she returned to their bedroom, where she found Ink already patiently waiting for her. The soldier somehow had goodness and brought her food and water, which remained untouched at her nightstand.

"He said," she continued, sniffing, "that he doesn't want to get distracted. That it would be really hard for him, so we should not talk."