[ SPECIAL CHAPTER ] In Real Life Too

300th Chapter celebration: A peek in Tianshi Xue's acting career. Can skip.


"I don't want to do it," said sixteen-year-old Tianshi Xue stubbornly. "I don't want to be friends with her."

Her mother pinched her arm a little, then her annoying sandpaper-like voice filled Tianshi Xue's ears. "Your manager said that it would be for the best! Dandan is more popular than you are. If you could ride on her fame for a few years, then it would be good. It's not like you're going to harm anyone."

Tianshi Xue only made a face and stabbed the piece of whatever green vegetable it was that her mother was forcing down her throat. She was so damn hungry that her head was spinning, but this was all she was allowed to eat. She had been on an all-day modeling photoshoot for some denim jeans. She had been fasting since yesterday and had not had an entire water bottle to herself.