In The Palm of Her Hands

Tianshi Xue did not expect that his conversation with the emperor would take more than just a few minutes. He ended up offering her a seat because of their discussion, which he greatly opposed but could not resist when she finally let out the waterworks.

When she turned her back, she started to grin like a maniac.

"Hold a moment," followed the emperor, and she fixed her face again. "There's another thing that I want to talk to you about."

She turned to the front with a sad face."Should I retake a seat?"

The emperor shook his head. "I'll keep it short. In fact so short that I'll say it now. I heard that you had an altercation with Empress Li Xiu."

Tianshi Xue bowed her head. News traveled like the speed of light here. Before she could say anything, he spoke again.

"The empress is a very disagreeable woman, but she also makes a lot of contribution to the empire."