The Only Sweetheart of Heping

"What's wrong with you tonight?" asked Ink. Seeing that Tianshi Xue was pissed, her faithful guard was doing her the favor of picking up the knives from the floor. "Do you think we should just take a break?"

"I'm fine," she answered and made a move to take the blades, but Ink pulled them out from her grasp. "I don't think you should be touching that. Come on, let's walk. We're going to talk."

Tianshi Xue honestly did not know what she was feeling at the moment. "All I know is that I don't feel so well. You know that feeling when you can't find the right position to sleep? That's how my very being is feeling like."

Ink started to laugh. "Don't tell me you have an existential crisis right now."

"Why not?!" she asked back, her voice rising. "Is that not a real issue? I'm so bored in the palace. I wish that I'm out there with Prince Qui doing something that actually matters."