Not Your Prince

Prince Qui had no intention of waking up too early that day, considering what he had gone through the day before. Since he went out here for the first time, he got what one could call a good sleep. For once, his body gave up with the tiredness, and his brain finally shut down from all of the thinking.

His whole body ached from what he did with it for the last twelve hours. But he dragged himself out of bed when he heard what seemed to be disagreements from the outside. It was not a huge sound, trying to be contained for sure—for a reason, he should not be woken up. Him being a light sleeper was not going to let it rest.

He blinked against the setting sun, realizing that he only slept for a few hours and not as long as he had hoped. His whole body jolted when he saw the group of men standing over what spectacle they were hovering over. From the tension of their shoulders, he knew that they were watching something that they should not be.