An Old Man

General Ei was not willing to accept this disrespect. He was certainly not going to stand by and let that boy prince do this to him! He was going to have this scar on his cheek for the rest of his life!

"He should be thankful that I have the sliver of respect left for the emperor. I do not care if he was an adopted son of the empress. I was going to kill him!"

"You won't be able to kill him. He is like the promised child or whatever. You won't even be able to defeat him in battle."

"That prophecy is bullshit! They are just trying to make Prince Qui more important than he really was. They needed some shenanigan to make it work because all he really is, is a son of a whore that the emperor fucked once and not marry."

General Bhi sighed from the corner of his tent. "Will you just leave me alone? Or I will be the one who will finish what Prince Qui started."