The Extra Sunlight

Prince Qui still had not moved from the spot. "Operation what?"

Tianshi Xue pouted angrily and took off her hat, letting her white hair fall down to her waist. "You're no fun. Of course, it's not real! I only told the emperor that I want to come here so you could put a baby in me. Your old man was gullible enough to believe. He must really not want for your memory to die that he was willing to risk me leaving the safety of the walls."

Prince Qui's face was unreadable.

Tianshi Xue felt disappointment and sadness course through her veins. "Well, seeing that you don't think that this is a good idea as I thought it would be, I'm just going to pack back up and stay in the supplier's tent for the rest of the night."

She turned away, knowing that he was going to grab her. He did. "I did not mean it like that. I'm only surprised that you're here."