One Way or Another

"What do you want from me, Xue?"

To say that Tianshi Xue grew a little chaotic deep inside with Prince Qui's question was an understatement. Here, she found an opening. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I want you. Plain and simple."

There was the rare indecisiveness in Prince Qui's eyes. "But you do know that we can't do this right here."

Tianshi Xue nodded her head. "It's not like I'm asking to go all the way," she said and pressed her body closer to his. "I just want a kiss."

She waited for his reaction. For most of the time, she had been honest with her feelings with him, especially at this kind of thing. She did not even think about her pride anymore because it was not like she was throwing it away.

They entered this relationship fully knowing what it would mean.