Sleep Peacefully

Prince Qui knew that he could not put a hold on his father's request any longer. He was sure that the moment that he had stepped out of the stuffy room he had been stuck in for the past few weeks, somebody had already blabbered about it to the emperor.

As he was making his way to the throne room, Prince Qui was still trying to form the words in his mind. What was he going to tell his father? That he lost? He knew for himself that he did. There was no way in hell that he had been the one who killed Gamma and Ieves.

Speaking of, he did take up the offer to go to the morgue. The temperature was almost freezing, but the bodies were there, covered in a white sheet. The corpses were there; eyes closed, pale lips, and nearly translucent skin.

Prince Qui had to hold on to the table as he breathed out. It was real. They were dead. But how…?

The orb burst? Did it accumulate too much magic that it destroyed itself?