Let Me In

Prince Qui woke with a start. He could feel the dampness on his shirt with the way that it clung to his body.

"Are you okay?" asked a groggy Tianshi Xue who had pushed herself upwards and was blinking at him in the dark.

"I'm fine," he said and found out that he was running for his breath. There was a certain tightness on his chest that probably only had something to do with the healed scar. It felt like it was going to burst open. "Just… I just dreamt of something."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He quickly shook his head.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He could hear from her voice that she was getting more awake.

He leaned over and pressed a kiss on her cheek to reassure her. "I'm fine. Go back to sleep. I need to go to the bathroom."

Tianshi Xue looked at him for a few more seconds, calculating, before laying back down on the bed. He pulled the covers up to her neck and slipped off the bed.