I'm Fine

Tianshi Xue could not ask for anything else anymore. She was happy, and things were right with the world again. She never thought that she would ever enjoy being in the presence of other royals and delving into this plastic world, but she could not help but feel lifted with how these people were celebrating Prince Qui's recovery.

She went around the room, asking people how they were doing, how the food was, or if they were enjoying, and what else they wanted, as the dutiful wife that she was. Tianshi Xue was only thankful that she got to celebrate this day.

It marked the beginning of her happy ever after. From now on, Prince Qui was never going to leave the inside of the walls. They could have a peaceful life and possibly start a family soon. Tianshi Xue would not go through what she did—all the worry and pain that she felt, they would not appear in her life anymore.