Heaven Rejected Me

Prince Qui tried to explain it in the best way that he could. He remembered all of the details and was careful not to omit any details. All the while, Tianshi Xue's eyes shifted from his to the wound on his chest. Confusion was written all over his wife's face, and it even looked like she was about to start crying.

He told her about the dreams and the visions of Ieves that kept popping everywhere during the celebration party. It looked like Tianshi Xue was about to start laughing when he was done.

When he asked her, "what?" she finally did.

"This is crazy," she laughed, bending at the waist and dropping her head on the mattress. Her laugh housed no humor, only incredibility.

"I know," he said.

"No," she said, staring up the ceiling, looking sober suddenly. "Something happened with your brain when you were out there." She straightened up and looked at him. "You're going to have to check yourself with a doctor."