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When the call from the emperor came, Tianshi Xue was unnerved. She did not think that what she did was of significant importance that she deserved a special meeting with the highest ruler. She was summoned after lunch for a private tea. The emperor's secretary insisted that it was an urgent matter.

Her pulse was jumping up and down. She felt like she had done something wrong and was about to be reprimanded for everything.

"Sit down," said the emperor as a servant moved to serve them tea. As soon as her bottom met the couch cushion, the emperor spoke again. "I am not going to waste more time as I know you've been getting busier these days. I just want to thank you for carrying out all of the activities you have done so far. The people love it."

Tianshi Xue bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty. It is my pleasure to serve under the crown."

The emperor smiled, looking excited and even slightly proud. "Let me hear your next ideas."