CHAPTER THREE - Overthinking

Quinn giggles at the sight of Edward yelling at his son even though the sadness and fear of this mornings nightmare still runs through her body.

She spaces out at the thought of Declan, but suddenly shrieks at the sound of the mounted clock on the wall as it strikes twelve pm. Quinn shakes her head and walks to the kitchen to find herself a tub of chocolate ice cream to calm down.

Her feet then leads her to the lounge to see Declan shoving his wallet into the back pocket of his sweatpants and grabbing his phone shortly after.

Quinn gulps the cool treat. Half regretting it as her throat burns. She decides to question Declan. "Where are you going?"

He ignores her and slams the door shut.

Quinn's P.O.V

"Please be safe, baby. " I whisper after hearing our car pull out of the driveway.

Declan has never spoken to me like that. Ever.. I don't get why he got so defensive towards me about pointing out where he was. I was just trying to point out how something eventful can happen at the same time as something else completely different.

I guess a part of me tried to call him out?? No..?? God I don't know. This is completely ridiculous! I mean... I... saw what he dreamt about. He probably knows that.

The ice cream tub begins to feel lighter. Causing me to look down at it. "Fuuuuck... "

The ice cream tub is almost empty.

I dig the spoon into the left over ice cream and set it on the coffee table in front of me. I rub my face in frustration. I can't stop thinking about that nightmare.

What the hell is in that box? I wonder.

Without wasting another second in my thoughts, I head on down to the basement. This place scares me so much. My own footsteps remind me of how Declan walked out to catch me.

The cupboard where I saw Declan put the box in catches my eye. I open the doors and pull the box into my arms.

"Here goes nothing.." I say.

I take a peak inside of the box hoping to find something. "What the hell?! Are you kidding me? Nothing?!"

My hands scurry through the items. There is nothing but old car parts in here. The box flies back into the cupboard with a swing of my arms. I close the doors before holding my head.

Am I okay?

Of course not! I'm puzzled. I'm stupid.. This is just way to damn confusing.

"Get yourself together, Quinn." I tell myself and dust my clothes off before exiting the basement. The house sounds awfully quiet... It's just an illusion. I'm all by myself and bored... and scared.

I take a small stroll back to the lounge to finish the last bit of ice cream left in the tub.

"Hmmm... wonder if Morgan is at home." I grab the landline on the table next to the couch and dial her number.

"Morgan? Hey, it's Quinn..."

"Oh my God, Quinn. What's up sister? How's the new house?"

"I'm just sitting around here. We moved in yesterday and currently boredom has me by the ass." I sigh while looking around the house.

"..but where's Declan then? Can't he keep you company?" Morgan asks.

"He st, urrh.. he went out for a while. Needed some home office supplies."

"Well.. okay. Want some company? We can meet somewhere.. or I could come over??"

"Not right now honey. I need to take a nap."

"Too much ice cream?" She stifles a laugh.

"You know me too damn well. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Sure thing."

Morgan hangs up, allowing me to drag myself to our bedroom. A whiff of Declan's cologne catches me at the door. It instantly makes me smile. I kick off my shoes next to the bed and notice that he left the bed as it was this morning.

I'm so tired that I couldn't care less about it. My body slumps itself on his side of the bed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


I wake up in the darkness of our room.


I immediately grab the alarm clock on the nightstand.

8:43 pm

I set the alarm clock back down and turn on the lights.


No Answer.

The house is so dark. I hope I'm not dreaming again. I shiver. Wait! Mirror... Mirror! If I can see myself in a mirror, it means I'm awake.

I run up to the mirror next to my side of the bed to take a look.

"Thank God." I let out a breath of relief as my reflection stares back at me. A tear slips from my eye. I quickly wipe it away, not wanting to cry tonight.

I step into a pair of morning slippers and walk to the kitchen only to see that nobody's there. It seems like my husband is not home yet. Dinner would've been on the countertop already. He always cooks dinner when my naps get a little too long.

My phone buzzes on the kitchen counter. Alerting me with a very annoying ringtone.

"Stupid." I say while going through my notifications. '2 Missed Calls from Mr Leto❤️'

He tried calling me.

I hold the phone up to my ear while his number dials. It's ringing too long. "Hey! Declan Leto speaking. Leave a messa-."

Ugh!.. Voicemail.

My thumb hovers over Morgan's contact. I need some company. I tap on it and wait for her to answer.

"Hey Morgan."

"Hey! I was wondering when you'll wake up." Morgan laughs. "What's up?"

"Is it too late for that visit? I need some company." I pout as if she could see me.

"Not at all. I'm on my way... I'll bring some ready made cocktails."