Gandring Sword

"Twelve Move..." Kamandhanu swung his sword in desperate. "A little more..." He said as his hand had been trembling non-stop.

The battle had been going on for almost two hours and Kamandhanu seemed to be in the losing side.

That was actually normal as their strength differed by almost one great realm. Arya Kamandhanu was at the peak level of Void Apprentice while Elder Renteng was in the advanced level of Void Connoisseur. Moreover, Elder Renteng possessed Yellow Sword, although it's not a top-notch weapon, it's considered to be a high level weapon, whereas Arya Kamandhanu only used ordinary sword.

To make it worst, Elder Renteng also trained his physical strength which was called as 'Blabak Pangantolan'. This skill could enhanced the physical strength and when trained into a higher level, the body would be immune to any ordinary weapons.

"Heheh, little ba*tard, you are overestimate yourself. Although you really caught me off guard with your cultivation is actually on Void Apprentice Stage, and it's even on the peak level. I really never thought you could conceal your cultivation so well. Nevertheless, it's not enough to defeat me." Elder Renteng said arrogantly.

"Damn, this old fogey is so persistent. If this continue on, Kamandhanu would be in danger. I should give him a hand..." Marissa muttered. After that, he shouted through the telepathy tool. "Kamandhanu, I'll give you a good sword. Take this!"

Kamandhanu turned his gaze toward Marissa while still battling the old man. He saw her throwing a silver sword which looked very exquisite.


Kamandhanu caught the sword firmly and his pupils instantly dilated. He was so astonished that he was caught off guard by Elder Renteng. The Yellow Sword was swung at a high speed that the edge of the sword almost sliced his throat.

"Saifi Angin..." Kamandhanu muttered and his position instantly changed. He teleported about twenty meters away from his original position.

'Aji Saifi Angin' or only 'Saifi Angin' was a skill that enable ones to move like a wind. If mastered to the peak, this skill could even enable someone to move as if he or she was teleported due to the high speed movement.

Kamandhanu glanced at Marissa for a brief moment. His feeling was very complicated. There was awe, amaze, disbelief, feeling touched by her action, and of course gratitude.

'It was actually the Sword of Elder Gandring. How could she possess it?' Kamandhanu thought. He was so amazed with this discovery and fell into a state of disbelief. After all, he didn't know that Marissa possessed a system. With the system, Marissa could stealthily store the Gandring Sword from the assassin at that time to her system's storage.

At this moment, Kamandhanu was also feeling so touched because Marissa had no qualm to lend him such precious sword that could even create a bloody war if it was known to the public. But here she was, 'giving' him the sword without thinking too much. Was it because she was too stupid, or she was very confident she could take it back from him, or... Was it because she trusted him that much? Whatever the reason, her action had earned her a good evaluation from him, Arya Kamandhanu. He felt so grateful.

Noticing the gaze of Kamandhanu which full of complicated emotion, Marissa nodded in encouragement as she gave a sweet smile.

"That sword...!" Elder Renteng finally noticed the different between the new sword and the previous one on Kamandhanu's hand. The ordinary one had been thrown into his cosmos sack while he kept the new exquisite one.

After a few seconds later, realization finally hit Elder Renteng as he widen his eyes in disbelief. He had heard a secret information a while ago through communication talisman that the Gandring Sword of the Emperor had been missing. This information only known to a few peoples and he was one of them. Thus, he, as well as the few others were ordered to create this chaos while also searching for 'that' sword in order to use it to kill Prince Anusapati.


The Gandring Sword was a blessing as well as a curse. It would become a blessing on the right hand, but become a curse when it comes to the Emperor and his descendants.

Long time ago, Ken Arok asked for Elder Gandring, a genious and well-known weaponsmith, to create a powerful sword. When the sword was in it's last step to be finished, Ken Arok who was very impatient at that time, snatched that sword forcefully because he was in a hurry to kill Tunggul Ametung. In the process of snatching the sword, he had an argument with Elder Gandring and killed the elder in the end.

At the last moment of his life, Elder Gandring casted a curse on that sword and Ken Arok. He cursed that the sword would someday in the future kill Ken Arok and seven generations of his descendants.

At first, Ken Arok never care for the curse, until a few years ago, he met with a Great Oracle. That Oracle actually knew about the curse that only he and Elder Gandring knew about. That Oracle told him that if he wanted to break that curse, he should kill the only descendant of his enemy with the current Empress, and then buried the sword in a place that could never be found by anyone.

Thus, that was what had lead him to the current situation in which he made a plan to assassinate Prince Anusapati, the only descendant of his enemy, Tunggul Ametung, and Ken Dedes, the current Empress.


"How did you...?" Elder Renteng was in a state of disbelief before greed suddenly consumed him. He wanted that sword. He desired for that sword! "In that case, you are not allowed to live any more..." He started to attack again. This time, the attacks became even more fierce than the previous ones. That sword must be his. It was rumoured that the sword could bring the owner to be at the peak of the world, except for Ken Arok and his descendants, that instead of bringing them glory, it could send them down to hell.

"Yellow Sword, help me kill this punk..." Elder Renteng shouted loudly. "Heheheh, it was a good thing that you kill all my subordinates. It save me a lots of time to shut their mouth after I get that sword from you." He sneered.

Clang! Clang!

One move...

Two moves...


Seventy three moves...

Arya Kamandhanu, who had been very exhausted from the very beginning, almost couldn't keep his foothold even with the Gandring Sword.

"Hahaha, your life finally comes to an end now, young man." Elder Renteng laughed in a very sinister way. "Now... prepare to die!"


Right at this moment...

"Illusion..." Marissa whispered. "Life in the world is but an illusion, death is a bridge towards the eternal life... Wishes, hopes, dreams, everything was but a lie. Only your merits and sins were of the reality... Illusion... A paradise or a nightmare, a hell or a heaven..."

Marissa kept mumbling the spell that she got a moment ago for successfully secure the Gandring Sword. It was . Although she just obtained the skill, but with the system, she could directly learn that skill in a flash. Nevertheless, if she wished to master it, she still need more time.

With her Warrior Dan-6 cultivation, Marissa could only forcefully influenced a warrior or cultivator at the level of Grand Master at the very most. But, because she consumed the and obtain a strength at the level of Nascent Soul temporarily, she could now casted the spell on a higher level and enable her to influence Elder Renteng who was at the Seventh Stage Void Connoisseur.


"Arghhh... What happened? Why do I feel so dizzy?" Elder Renteng hugged his head in pain. He felt like his world was on the brink of destruction. "What is this? Where am I?"

At this moment, Elder Renteng was sometimes normal sometimes was under an illusion that he had a feeling that he was in a different world which was spinning at a high speed, making him feel dizzy.

"Come out! Who are you? Shameless ba*tard, I dare you to show me yourself. Arghhh... So painful!" Elder Renteng screamed hysterically.

"Heheh, I'm shameless? Yes, so what? What can you do about it?" Marissa transferred her voice through the telepathy tool.

'Uh? A woman? Who is she? She delivered her voice directly into my mind.' Elder Renteng thought inwardly. In the next second, he felt his head became even more painful. "El-Elder, Elder, please spare me! Please, let this lowly one out of this world. Ugh, it's painful! Elder... this is a misunderstanding. You are a great being, please show your magnanimity. Elder?!"

'Oh, now I've become an elder?' Marissa laughed inwardly.

"Hohoho, but I'm a shameless person. How could I spare an old fogey like you who had insult me?" Marissa said mockingly.

"No, no, I was wrong. This lowly one was wrong. Great Elder, you have a big heart, please let this one got out of this strange world." Elder Renteng cried pitifully.

"Young Master Dhanu, please, hurry up! Stab him to death. I can't control this illusion any longer." Marissa urged Arya Kamandhanu through telepathy.

"Alright." Kamandhanu nodded his head. In the next moment, he moved at a high speed and stopped in front of the old man. Without saying anything, he stabbed Elder Renteng with the Gandring Sword in a calm and cool manner.

"So cool..." Marissa's eyes were sparkled. "It's a pity he didn't say something cool before he killed that old fogey." She shook her head in regret.

"Isn't it usually the warrior in the drama would say some words which sounds so cool? Such as, 'I'm the justice! Now receive your death!', or 'Evil should be destroyed. This Excalibur in my hand, would be gifted with your blood', or perhaps something else? But you, you are just stabbing that old fogey with a legendary sword just like that? There is no quote or poem? Sigh, such pity!"

Listening to Marissa's blabbering, Arya Kamandhanu was speechless. Was it necessary? I'm going to kill someone, what good is it to say some artistic words? It's not that I want to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

"Let me look! Let me look!" Marissa ran toward Elder Renteng who was now laying on the ground, lifeless. "Ah, finally he's death. It's such a huge relief." She patted her chest after confirming the situation.

"Let's search him, then burn his body." Kamandhanu suggested.

"Mm." Marissa nodded.

After searching whether there were any treasures or other valuable things on Elder Renteng, they burned the body and prepared to look at the situation outside of the gate.

"Ah, my head's dizzy." Marissa abruptly got dizzy.

[You were exerting too much of your soul power when you cast the spell]

[It shouldn't be a problem when you are a genuine Nascent Soul expert, but that previous power was borrowed from the , so it gave you a huge burden as a result, making you feel an extreme exhausted]

The voice of Mr. Angel suddenly heard at this moment.

"Ah, why don't you say that there'a such thing? What should I do?" Marissa asked weakly.

[Host should consume ]

"Then, give me one."

[One point for one pill]

"Sh*t, you are a shameless robber." Marissa cursed.

"What happened?" Noticing how Marissa looked so pale, Arya Kamandhanu asked worriedly.

"Um, well, I'm just too exhausted I guess. I mean, my soul. I'm exerting my soul power too much to cast that illusion." Marissa said weakly.

"Ah, now I got it. That's why he seemed to lost his mind before he died. That's because of your illusion." Arya Kamandhanu finally realized what just happened. "Then, here, take it." He took out something from his cosmos sack and give it to Marissa.

"Uh? What's this?" Marissa looked at the small porcelain bottle in front of her and asked in puzzle.

"Soul Revitalization Pill." Kamandhanu asnwered. "You should consume one or two to replenish your soul power."

"Eh? Thank you very much." Marissa was feeling so touched.

After consuming one pill, she felt refreshed and full of spirit. She then laughed inwardly to mock Mr. Angel. "See, I could afford it even without the help of money grabber like you, hehehe how is it, Mr. Angel?" She laughed smugly.

[Ah, it's good to be young and have a lover]

Mr. Angel sighed like an old man.

Hearing that sentence and the sigh afterward, Marissa was feeling amused and laughed so hard.

"Why are you laughing?" Arya Kamandhanu asked, feeling confused.

"Why, can't a chicken laugh?" Marissa taunted.

Arya Kamandhanu was left speechless once again. Can she just answer properly? 'Whatever.' He thought.

"Let's go to meet the other soldiers." He said.

"Alright." Marissa nodded as she jumped into the cosmos sack owned by Arya Kamandhanu, which was specially made for spirit beast or magical creatures.


Morning in the Singhasari State...

After reporting the situation to the Emperor a few hours ago when the dawn arrived and the crows made some noises to wake up the peoples, Arya Kamandhanu and the other soldiers were allowed to take a rest.

At this moment, the sun finally climbed high and radiated it's light and heat, making the air in the surrounding to be extremely hot. Peoples who were working at this hour were sweating profusely.

It was noon and the time showed it's about one o'clock. Arya Kamandhanu was ordered to come to the palace to receive rewards for him and the entire group of Imperial Guards that he brought last night to search for Prince Anusapati.

"Your Majesty..." Arya Kamandhanu bent on one knee to greet the Emperor.

"Rise!" The Emperor waved his hand.

"Arya Kamandhanu, the head of my Imperial Guard, you've vanquished evils and established justice by destroying the evil sect in the Devil Mountain. Today, I will give you and your brothers a few rewards." The Emperor smiled magnanimously as he beckoned for the eunuch to read and announce the rewards.

Actually, the Emperor felt his heart bleeding. Arya Kamandhanu had destroyed the sect of his ally, Master Tong Bajil. But, instead of punishing him, he should instead reward him, and then compensate that old man later for his Devil Sect had been destroyed by the Head of The Imperial Guard.

"By the mandate of the Emperor, with his grace and blessing, hereby reward his loyal guards who had gone to search for Prince Anusapati with one tael of gold each and they were to be exempted from tax for one year. Second, other than the first one, there would be an additional reward of one tael of gold for them who had participated in the destruction of the evil sect..." The Eunuch announced with great enthusiasm.

One tael of gold was equivalent to one hundred gold coins, equivalent to one hundred thousands silver coins. This was a huge sum for a family of five. The soldiers of Singhasari State usually possess three or four children. So, added with the parent, there would be five or six peoples family members in total. There were also family who owned more than four children. But, the overall average was three children.

This kind of family could live in a very decent life for almost three years with that one tael of gold. They could even purchase a big and spacious house with complete rooms to live on, such as four bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, and one bathroom. In addition, they could also bought a few beautiful clothes. If they could be frugal on their spendings, they could even live with that amount of gold for five to seven years. But of course, this was with one condition, this one tael of gold could only be used for food, a few clothes and a house, no other expenditures.

Nevertheless, the soldiers usually the expert in martial art. They would need some pills and herbal supplements as well as skill books to be bought, or a fee to study under a teacher, so this sum of gold at the very most could be used in less than one year.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your generosity." Arya Kamandhanu was once again bent on one knee.

"You are all deserved it." The Emperor nodded. "Actually, there is still the third reward. And although the order to find my son, Prince Anusapati, isn't complete yet, but I will appreciate every bit effort you have made. If this order is to be finished well and I could find my son, I will add the reward. Well, Eunuch Varman, please continue." The Emperor ordered for the eunuch to continue to read.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Eunuch responded respectfully. "For the Head of the Imperial Guard, by the degree of the Emperor, because of his great achievement, hereby the Second Son of Elder Hanggareksa, named Arya Kamandhanu, would be betrothed to the Eldest Princess of the Emperor, Princess Rumbu. Please, accept the degree, Young Master Dhanu." The Eunuch finished the degree and and gave a flattery smile afterward.


A few of the officers inside the room was in a state of shock after the degree was announced. Whereas Arya Kamandhanu's cold face suddenly changed. His expression was unreadable.



Would Arya Kamandhanu accept the degree of the Emperor to marry Princess Rumbu?

A. Yes, why not? He could become the son-in law of the Emperor.

B. Yes, he will accept it reluctantly

C. Yes, he will pretend to accept it for now.

D. No, he will refuse it blatantly and then got sentenced to death for disrespecting the Emperor

E. No, he will refused it but then he will be given a very difficult condition by the Emperor. If he could fulfil the condition, he would have a right to refuse the degree.