
"Mr. Angel, how long the puppet could be forged into my clone? Is it still not finished yet?" Marissa asked when the group of the wild boars and the group of chaser coming closer onto their direction.

Ever since she got the from the system, she had started to ask the system to manufactured it into her clone, to be precisely, the system had started to manufacture the right before she and Kamandhanu went to the palace to receive the rewards and degree from the Emperor, it's about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, but the process need a rather long time. It needed thirty hours to finish it.

[It needs two hours more to finish it]

Mr. Angel responded.

"Two hours..." Marissa muttered. "It would be a little inconvenient if I have to act in my chicken form, but if I have no really other choices, I guess I should just make do with it. I will cast the invisible spell to hide myself when I fight the enemies, so that there wouldn't be anyone who got suspicious that I was the black chicken from that banquet time." Marissa suddenly sighed and lamented.

"It's a pity I couldn't show off my ability in my chicken form because I'm afraid I would be found out. If I'm strong enough, I wouldn't care about this trivial thing. Even if I was found out, I would have mean to protect my self. Meanwhile, if I'm in my human form, I don't need to cast the invisible spell the whole time. I could fight and show myself in front of everyone as I wish."

"I hope Kamandhanu, Uncle Huth, and the group of tigers could finished the enemies without hurting themselves. I couldn't help with anything except with my and . However, this two skills could only be effective if I'm on the higher level, such as when I consume the and get the strength of Nascent Soul. Currently, I'm only at the first Stage, Warrior Dan-6. I could at most effect the enemies on the Grand Master level even if I forcefully exerted my strength to maximum level in order to cast the two skills. Sigh... Forget it. I will just consume the again if I have no other choice." Marissa made up her mind.


"You devils, we don't have a feud, but you just have to attack us for no rhyme or reason." A voice of a woman could be heard when the group of wild boars came approach the vicinity of Marissa's little shop.

"Hahaha, that's your fault for being a woman. If you come obediently with us, we won't do anything to your tribe, you could live a blissful life with our Master and your tribe would also not be lacking in food." Followed by the previous woman voice was a young man's voice, full of evilness.


The young man sway his long whip to slashed at the group of wild boar. A few of the wild boars exclaimed in pain because the tip of the whip had touched them.


The wild boar roaring in pain, but they continued to run as fast as they could.

When the group of wild boar arrived in front of Marissa's shop, the woman paused. She looked at the peoples inside. There were two young man with different colour of robe, a group of peoples with the same dark yellow attires, and an old man in a black attire.

The woman's gaze paused on the old man, her eyes instantly lit up. "Come, all of you here." She turned around and ordered her followers to come to the front door of the little shop.


"Elder Huth, please help us. I beg you. If you help us this time, I will be abide each of your orders from now on. You could order me to do anything, except for that kind of thing which involves the relationship between man and woman. But other than that, I would do anything." The woman begged in a very pitiful state, but she didn't cry at all, she just looked so sad and helpless. She was a very tough woman after all, she didn't have the habit to cry in front of a crowd.

"This..." Uncle Huth looked to the side. He knew that the Little Ancestor was now with this young man. The Little Ancestor said that this young man was her fianceé. So, if he couldn't ask the Little Ancestor to make a decision, this young man was the one who was supposed to be asked. The one over there is Mr. Abimana, he was the little brother of Little Ancestor. But Little Ancestor said, just asked Mr. Bayu if there was anything that he couldn't solve alone. "Master Bayu, what should we do?" He asked Kamandhanu who was currently in disguised.

Hearing that Uncle Huth was actually asking the other people to make a decision, instead of making a decision by himself, the peoples in the surrounding trained their gaze to the young man. Who was the young man? Could it be his status in the Tiger Tribe was higher than Uncle Huth?

However, the strongest individuals in the Tiger Tribe, other than His Majesty, were currently only Uncle Huth and his younger brother who they called as Second Elder. This young man didn't look like the Second Elder? Several of them had seen the Second Elder, but he was already a middle aged-man, his appearance looked fierce and ruthless when he turned into human. Could it be that the Second Elder disguised himself? It didn't seem so! Even if he was the Second Elder, Uncle Huth wouldn't be that submissive and respectful like what he did toward the young man here, right? Everyone was confused.

Arya Kamandhanu kept silent for a moment because he was discussing it with Marissa through telepathy. "Well, she said we should just help them. But, she asked this person here and her family members of the wild boars to work at this shop after this business is finished." He said expressionlessly.

The woman turned for a moment to the fellow members of her family behind her to ask for their opinion. "Everyone, what do you think?"

"We will obey your order, My Lordess." The group of wild boars one by one nodded their head and announced their opinions.

"Alright. We will be here on your order from now on." The woman bent down in one knee in front of Kamandhanu.

Arya Kamandhanu looked at them without any expression, nodded his head slightly and uttered some words. "Not me, but my fianceé." He said.

"Ah?" The woman was surprised for a while. She didn't see any woman among the group inside the shop. Nevertheless, she just nodded her head obediently. "Yes, the order of the Madam." She said.

At this moment...

"Heh, how come you stupid cats always get on our way every time we are having fun? Are you that idle? Just get lost already. There are only twenty of you here, whereas we've got more than two hundreds peoples."

Suddenly, an arrogant voice came approach the shop. He was the young man who slashed his whip on the members of the Wild Boar Tribe prior to this. The young man looked to his surrounding and sneered. That bunch of stupid spectators! Heh, that's okay, just let them be. That way, there would be more peoples who could tell around about their Demon Barbarians who wouldn't even be afraid of the Tiger Race and instead fight them head on. This tale should be able to instill fear to the peoples in the surrounding of the forest or even in the whole State of Singhasari, right?

Marissa looked at the young man and thought inwardly. 'This young man is only at the early level of Nascent Soul. Why is he so arrogant? Couldn't he see that Uncle Huth is already on the advanced level of Void Master? What is he relied onto to not fear on Uncle Huth? Does he possess a Supreme Treasure?'

Marissa looked around and found out that there were ten Void Apprentice experts among the Demon Barbarians, three Void Connoisseurs, about thirty peoples on the Nascent Soul, fifty peoples on Origin Core Stage, and the rest were either in the Core Formation Stage or Grand Master Stage.

She kept looking around and observed the group of Demon Barbarians, but couldn't find if there was anything wrong with them. Until, suddenly, Marissa who was standing atop Kamandhanu's shoulder and was in her invisible mode, turned her gaze to a particular spot among the crowd of the spectators. She didn't linger around of that person, because the moment her spotted that person, she already got a few information of that person.

"Undying Race... Possessor... Blood Sucking Energy... Void Master, middle level, uh no, advanced level! Hm? It changed again to middle level. What happened? His cultivation level is not stable? He's the person who casted that curse all along?" Marissa muttered to herself, and she felt shivered on her entire chicken body all of a sudden. Her chicken feathers abruptly stood up because of the goosebumps she felt. It was fortunate that no one could see her.

'Why is the information provided by the system regarding that person so scary?' Marissa thought. Then, she talked for a while with Mr. Angel before once again focusing her attention to the commotion.

"Everyone, let's charge together! Give this busybody fatty-kittens some lessons!" The young man from before roared loudly, raised his hand to give a signal, then grabbing his whip tightly before going forward to charge at the enemies as well.



Clang! Clang! Clang!

Everybody began to engage in the big battle. Uncle Huth was fighting against the three Void Connoisseurs experts and five out of the ten Void Apprentice experts. Arya Kamandhanu was fighting against the five Void Apprentice experts and ten or so Nascent Soul experts, as well as the fifty Origin Core and some of the Core Formation experts. The rest of the Nascent Soul experts which were twenty in numbers, as well as a few of the Core Formation experts were fought by the twenty or so experts from the tiger race.

Prince Anusapati was fighting against the Grand Master experts, whereas Marissa was on her guard against the expert in the darkness who probably the one who cast the curse this whole time according to the news she obtained from the system. She had to make sure that the curse wouldn't work this time. No, not only this time, but also in the future! She had to catch that devil who possessed such a wicked spell. That person was too dangerous!

", activate..." Marissa muttered. This robe was the first reward she obtained from the system as a starter rewards. It had a defensive and offensive attribute with a power which were equal to Core Formation expert. She didn't always activate this robe the entire time because it would deplete her own energy in just a short period of time. So, she would only activated it when she thought she needed to activate it, just like this time.

"This robe also has an offensive attribute. Doesn't it mean I could borrow the power of this robe to cast the as well as the ? Let's try it..." Marissa searched for some Core Formation Experts among the enemies and launched an attack on them.

"Ilussion..." Marissa started to chant. "Life in the world is but an illusion, death is a bridge towards the eternal life... Dream..."


"Hahaha..." An excited laugh could be heard among the crowds of the Core Formation expert. The battle was just about to get more intense, but here he was, laughing like a mad man.

The peoples in the surrounding ignored him, thinking that he might be laughing because he was too excited to battle the tiger race. It's not that until the man suddenly hugged the person beside him and forcefully kissed him on the lips that everyone instantly realized that there was something wrong.

"Get lost!" The man who was gotten kissed got so mad because of his comrade's action. That was so disgusting!

Meanwhile, Marissa was laughing inwardly. "Heheheh... It's just began. Let's make it more intense." She muttered. "Illusion..."

"Arghhhhh who am I? Where am I? What is this place?" Someone else is suddenly going crazy in the middle of the battle. It was a Origin Core expert.

"Hahaha... Oh my sweetheart, I miss you so much, let this brother hug you." That previous man who forcefully kissed his comrade was getting crazier.

"Oh yeah, money... I love money so much. This is all mine! This money is all mine!"

"That ba*tard, I'm going to kill him! Don't think I don't know that you are often talking bad about me behind my back! Come here! I'm going to tear you!"

"You lowly creatures, kneel down to me. I'm the ruler of the world! I'm the God!"

Suddenly, one by one the enemies who were on the level of Grand Master, Core Formation, and even some of the Origin Core experts were going crazy. They cried, laughed, yelled, and acted like they were having some mental issues. The surrounding enemies, spectators, and even the helpers from the Tiger Tribe were confused and bewildered, unsure about what happened with this whole situation.

When the enemies with the higher level of cultivation saw the situation of their comrades, they wanted to help, but they were hindered by Uncle Huth, Arya Kamandhanu, and the twenty helpers from the Tiger Tribe. And so, they could only watched their comrades helplessly drown in their own world and fantasies, trapped inside a strange illusion that was probably the doing of the enemies in the dark who were watching this battle and casted the spell silently on them.

One hour later...

All the enemies below the Nascent Soul stage had been laying on the ground, lifeless. Their whole bodies were pale and looked like as if they died because of an extream fear of something. Their eyes were red and bloodshot while their skin and facial expression looked paler and older. It was a strange way to die! Of course, it happened because Marissa's seventy percent contributions on the battle by using her two skills and .

One hour more later...

At this moment, only some of the Nascent Soul experts who were still alive, together with two of the Void Apprentices, and the three Void Connoisseurs.

The three Void Connoisseur experts should already died by now. But because the three of them possessed a treasure that could suppress the enemy's power, the cultivation of Uncle Huth dropped by three realms at once, which made him now as a peak level of Void Connoisseur, decreasing so much from his original strength, Void Master advanced level. With this situation, it would be really hard for Uncle Huth to subdue three of them in a short time.



Amid the bloody battle, a strange occurrence that couldn't be detected by anyone was happening right now. The energy fluctuation in the surrounding become so strange and full of dark and evil energy.

"Kamandhanu, becareful! I sense something strange is going on." Marissa sent a telepathy message to Kamandhanu.

"Mm." Kamandhanu answered shortly. "You too, tell me what should I do if you need any help." He added afterward.

"Okay." Marissa nodded her chicken head. She then turned her gaze toward the spot of that 'Undying' man from before. "Magnifying..." She chanted.

Thereafter, through the , Marissa could see a gale of black and greenish energy were brewing in the middle of the battlefield. The black and greenish energy were spread onto the whole area of the battlefield. That energy then dived into the bodies of the Demon Barbarians. A few seconds later, some strange and eerie howls were echoing loudly, coming out of the dead bodies of the enemies. But the strange thing was, there seemed no one who could hear the sinister howls? How could it be?

Marissa looked around and noticed that everybody's expression was still normal. They were all focused on the fight and watched devotedly.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Following the strange and eerie howls, something even more weird and horrifying happened. From the dead bodies of the enemies, souls after souls were coming out of them. The bodies that was left by the souls became foul and rotten all of a sudden. Those souls were full of wickedness and resentments.

Marissa gasped and felt goosebumps. She subconsciously turned her gaze to the man among the spectators who was according to the system's information obtained through the , was someone from the 'Undying' Race.

The moment Marissa looked at that man, the man also looked at Marissa. Wait, did he really look at her? He could see her? But, she was in her 'invisible mode' right now.


"Damn! Did he just smiled at me!" Marissa exclaimed. She widen her chicken eyes while her chicken heart was beating so fast. Not because the man was so handsome but this situation was so thrilling and it gave her a terrifying feeling.

'Fudge! Smile your, Mom!' She cursed while flapping her chicken wings anxiously, then tried to calm her heart down, thinking about what she should do.



What do you think? Did that man really could see Marissa?

A. Yes, he got some skill that enable him to see through everything

B. Yes, he got a treasure that could detect any presence

C. No, he just coincidentally looked at Marissa

D. No, he just suspected that the expert who cast the illusion was Kamandhanu, that's why he looked at him, not Marissa

E. No, he was just a mad man who suddenly wanted to smile