World of Glass

The seventh day in the North Forest. 11. AM.

Inside the underground chamber...

Marissa was unconscious. Amid her unconsciousness, in the depth of her metaphysical world, she abruptly opened her eyes. She looked around and found that she was inside a world of glass. Everything around her were many piece of huge glass, built together to form a massive glass labyrinth. Looking around again, she saw her many of reflection on the glass.

This was the first time she saw her face in this world. It was still the same old face she possessed when she was on Earth. There was not many things changed, except... She was a bit taller? She wasn't sure. And also, there was this strange temperament about her that she couldn't really understand.

She knew herself so well. She was the type of a reckless soul who didn't really care about anythings. But, when it was time for her to care, she would really care till the end. However, the reflection on the glass was clearly a very dignified person. It was even somewhat... Masculine? Eh? The heck! It can't be that in her previous life she was a man, right? She had became a chicken in this lifetime, God, please don't make another absurd development. I've been used to be a woman!




All the glass abruptly lit up as if they were a television that suddenly switch on. Marissa nearly jumped out, because it was too sudden. There was a brief of hissing and multiple black lines moving up and down on the glass screen resembled a broken TV. But, after that, the glass screen became clear and showed a beautiful scene.

It was a scene of a beautiful scenery where a beautiful plum flowers blossomed happily to welcome the spring. Uh? Spring? Marissa was bewildered. How come there was a spring in Nusantara? She was very sure that Nusantara only possessed two seasons in the entire time, it was rainy and drought season. There was no winter, spring, summer, or autumn. Sometimes she also yearned for that four seasons to exist in Nusantara, but it was clearly almost impossible, except if there was a massive change in the global weather, that would be then become possible.

However, although Nusantara only possessed that two seasons, it had it's own advantages. It wouldn't experience an extreme cold or extreme hot. It didn't need a certain time for the flowers to bloom, or for the flowers to fall and withered in an exaggerated way. It was mainly warm the entire time. Even so, because of the effect of global warming, the weather in the modern Nusantara which was now called Indonesia, there was still a time when the weather became too hot, or some cities and towns also possessed a rather hight temperature compared with the other territories.

While Marissa was trying to figure out where was that place, a huge mansion resembled a palace appeared on the glass screen. Once again, the scene changed, it was zoom out until a certain room could be seen in the view. A pregnant woman could be seen sitting on a thin mattress. She rubbed her belly as she lowered her head. She muttered something, but Marissa couldn't hear what she was saying.

Marissa kept looking but there was not a development at all to that of the video on the glass screen. It was not until there was the sound of a flurry footsteps outside of the room that Marissa was sure that the video was still working on.

A moment later, two women appeared on the sight. The first woman looked to be a shy and quiet type at the first glance, but Marissa was sure she wasn't. Why? Because not long after she appeared, her eyes was like a glaring sun, venomous, and full of hatred. She was a bit short compared to the second woman, but possessed a very beautiful face. If she didn't look like she would be spewing some fire from her eyes, she would be like a lotus flower, an innocent beauty.

The second woman was a tall and slender figure. She wasn't that beautiful, but she had a great figure. Her body was almost all the woman in the world dream of even in their dream. Some parts that were needed to be protruded were protruded. Some parts that needed to be slim and thin were slim and thin. Some parts that needed to be perky was perky. Some parts that needed to be curved were curved. All the things that were written on the 'Modern Earth Standar for Body Goal', were all exist on herself. Such a perfect figure! Nevertheless, she was lacking of something. She didn't have a temperament. She didn't have something that could be said to be a 'Personal Charm'. She looked like she was the follower of the short woman?

"Serre, you b*tch, you still have the nerve to stay at this mansion. You're a disgrace to the family. You better get lost immediately." The shorter woman flared up the moment she arrived inside the room in which the pregnant woman was sitting.

Noticing that the woman didn't even move an inch when they arrived, the shorter woman became irritated. How dare she ignored her? She immediately walked toward the pregnant woman whose name was Serre, and then pulled her hair up fiercely. Serre spontaneously looked up but because her face was obstructed by the shorter woman's body, Marissa couldn't see the pregnant woman's face.

"Heh, look at your face. You really do not have any shame, right? If I were you, I would kill myself." The shorter woman kept throwing vicious words after vicious words. "You're not going to say anything? You'll pretend to not hear my words? Heh, are you deaf or are you mute? How dare you come here again after being stained by that beast?"

"He's not beast, and he didn't stain me. We've got married." Serre answered with a low and hoarse voice.

"Oh? Hahahaha... Married? You've both got married? Are you trying to joke with me? Everyone knows you're running away with that beast. Who are you trying to bluff? Who would believe your words? Is there a witness? Heh, no one, right? You're just trying to make yourself looked clean and pure, but you know what? You're even dirtier than the sh*t of that bunch of wild dogs at the back courtyard of this mansion. Hahaha..." The shorter woman kept insulting the pregnant woman, but Serre didn't give any responds anymore.

"You're not going to talk anymore?" At this moment, the shorter woman grabbed Serre's mouth and pinched it fiercely. But, Serre's didn't even uttered any sounds. She didn't scream and not even a gasp was coming out of her mouth as if she couldn't feel any pain.

"Indah, beat her for me!" The shorter woman suddenly turned her head to the tall and sexy woman as she ordered her to beat up Serre.

"Yes, Miss." The tall woman responded submissively as she instantly walked toward the pregnant woman.

"Do it quickly!" The shorter woman commanded arrogantly.



Bang! Bang! Bang!


Thereafter, there was a sound of someone got beaten up. Slap, kick, punch, throw, all kind of ways were implemented by the tall woman toward Serre. But Serre didn't even make any sound during the whole time she was beaten up. She kept silent and hugged her stomach in a very protective way.

"What are you doing? You can't even make her scream? And you call it a beating?" The shorter woman yelled furiously.

Indah, the tall and sexy woman was hesitated. She also didn't know what to do anymore. She had mustered all her strength to beat up Serre but the woman was too persistent and possessed a strong will. She actually felt a bit touched by the way the woman protected her child. She was also feeling guilty to beat a pregnant woman, but what could she do? The Miss was a very ruthless person. If she didn't obey her order, she would be the one that got punished later on. It was okay if she was the only one who got the punishment, but the most frustrating thing was, sometimes her family members also got the impact. Her family would have it difficult to do their business and works if the Miss was to be unhappy.

"Why are you keep standing there? Have you also become stupid now?" The Miss yelled again. "You don't even know how to beat people? Kick her belly! Hurry kick on that ba*tard seed." The Miss became even more ruthless.

"But, Miss..."

"But what? Are you trying to disobey my order? Kick her belly!"

"But, what if the child..." Indah couldn't bear it anymore.

"What child? I don't see any child here. I could only see a little beast who wasn't born yet! Moreover, even if the child is to be born as a human, it would still be a child of that beast. It's better if it die when it still in this dirty woman's belly. They both should just go die! They could only bring shame to the royal family. What would peoples think if we keep this kind of b*tch in this mansion?" The Miss kept prattling and insulting the pregnant woman.

"But, that was the order of His Majesty..." Indah tried to remind the Miss so as to restrain her Miss's behaviour.

"His Majesty? What order? His Majesty was just giving a face for grandfather as they are brothers, and they both were the only son of the Ancestor. If not, do you think he will keep a woman like this in the family?" The Miss sneered.

Noticing that Indah still didn't make a move, the Miss grunted in annoyed. "Still not making any move? Do you want to do it? Or do you want me to do it?"

Knowing that the Miss would really have the intention to do it, Indah clenched her fist and decided to just do it herself. The Miss was a ruthless person. She wouldn't care no matter what the outcome. In her mind, it would be better if Miss Serre was to die together with her unborn child. So, it's best if she do it herself. At least, she could restrain her strength so as to not make a big impact to the baby in Miss serre's belly.

'Sorry, Miss.' Indah muttered inwardly. She closed her eyes and started to kick Miss Serre in her protruding belly.

Sure enough, Serre was screaming loudly. There were even tears on her face now. Compared to the strong side of herself a moment ago, Serre looked even more haggard and pitiful right now. "My child... my poor child, please be safe... my child, sob sob sob..." Serre was crying loudly as she hugged her belly tightly. She kept muttering 'My child' as she cried and protected the unborn baby with all her might.

"Miss, it's done." Indah turned around to face her Miss, but she didn't dare to look her directly. She lowered her head as her voice was trembling a little when she was speaking.

"Not bad. But you actually didn't do it well, yet. I'm not feeling satisfied at all." The Miss said with reluctant. "Forget it! We still have many times to play with her later. Now that I think about it, she was indeed better staying in this mansion. At least, she could cure my boredom when I have nothing to do." After saying that, she looked at Indah with a malicious eyes. "Although you obey my order in the end, but you still argue with me previously. I will settle this score for you in a while."

Indah shuddered as she abruptly looked up to the Miss. She wanted to try to reason with her Miss, but After seeing the venomous eyes, she immediately lowered her head back. She didn't dare to speak anymore nonsense, or else, the consequence would be dire.

"Let's go, we will come back again later." The Miss waved her hand.

Indah nodded and answered softly. "Yes, Miss."

However, just as they were about to walked out of the room, Indah saw her miss moved toward Miss Serre in a high speed before giving a kick to the belly of Miss Serre who was still hugging it tightly. Miss Serre, who was being caught off guard, screamed again. She hurriedly moved backward with difficulty.

"Miss..." Indah stared at the beautiful but evil young woman in disbelief. She didn't expect that in the end, her Miss still took part in torturing Miss Serre. She even kicked her in the belly with full power.

Looking at the reaction of Miss Serre, the young woman who was called as 'Miss' by Indah, curled her lips as she snickered and nodded her head in satisfaction. It was only afterward that she walked out of the room unhurriedly, followed by Indah who was walking weakly behind her as she kept turning her head to see Miss Serre who was now fainted from the kick. She bit her lips and tried to not care.


The door to the room was closed and locked from outside. Right after that, the voice of the Miss was heard again. Apparently, she was talking with someone. However, the way she spoke now was very different compared to the time a while ago when she was scolding and torturing Miss Serre. She sounded reserved and shy like a little maiden. The contrast was too big.

"Ah, Big Brother Wildan, you are here. How come you suddenly come without telling me at all. If Alina knew you would come, Alina would prepare a bit." She said shyly.

"What's there to be prepared? Alina is always beautiful even without doing any make-up. I want to give Alina a surprise, that's why I come here without telling Alina beforehand. Please forgive your Big Brother." There was a voice of a young man replying to the Miss, whose name was actually Alina.

"Big Brother... You..." Alina seemed as though she was at a lost for words and was feeling so shy after being teased by her Big Brother Wildan.

"Hahaha, you are actually blushed. Alina is the cutest girl after all. Come, Big Brother will show you something." The voice of young man called Wildan was heard again.

"Alright..." Alina replied softly.

Right after that, there were a couple of sounds of footsteps which sounded like they were walking away from the room.


Marissa couldn't be bothered with that disgusting conversation. All her attention was now focused on the pregnant woman named Serre according to what the two woman calling her from before. During the time when Indah and Alina were still in the room, Marissa always found it difficult to see the face of the woman who never yelled for pain until it was involved of her baby. Such a strong woman!

And now, the woman was fainted as she was currently laying down on the cold floor. Blood was gushing out of her body. It was only at this moment that she could see the face of the woman clearly. The moment she saw the face, she was so shocked. She gasped as she covered her face. Was it because the woman too beautiful? Well, it was part of the reason, but the most important thing was... The woman's face... Was greatly resembled that of Marissa.

"It can't be..." She shook her head in disbelief. She covered her mouth in agitation as her eyed were opened so wide. She had been feeling agitated since the moment that Alina pulled Miss Serre's hairs, now that she saw that the woman's face was greatly resembled with her. She couldn't sure how to respond or face the situation. Currently, she was at a lost. She was confused, sad, angry, guilty, pity, and a lots of complicated emotions were swarming up her mind, making her feeling dizzy.

That woman...

Marissa suddenly cried out a lot. She didn't know why was that woman remind her with the word 'Mother'. Was it because she suddenly miss her decease mother? Was it because they both resembled greatly? Or was it because the high protective measure of the woman to her unborn child? Or... Was it possible that she and the woman called Serre actually related to each other?

Marissa didn't know. All she felt currently was an extreme sadness and longing. She missed her mother greatly. It was unknown whether it was her decease mother on Earth or her unknown mother on this world. It felt like her soul and body had the same reaction, and it was a feeling of longing.


There you are, standing amid the rain and sun

Smiling amid the tears and hardship

Struggling amid the pain and sweat

Walking on the life in determination, clenching your fist and gritting your teeth...


Your child never understand you this whole time

Your child is always unfilial

Your child never know how big and deep your love and affection


I miss you,


Let me hug you?



Who could possibly that woman named Serre be?

A. Marissa's mother reincarnated from Earth to this world

B. Marissa's aunt

C. Marissa's past self in her past life

D. Marissa's mother in this current world

E. No one above are correct