Cursed As A Wild Boar

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Finally, the thirty to forty dark yellow-robed peoples were all now laying on the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely.

"Heh, you think that now I've become a wild boar, you could do as you wish to me? You all could bully me as you guys want? Dream on!" The wild boar suddenly stood up with two of it's paw while it rubbed it's two front paws each other as if it wanted to clean them away of the dust and mud.

Thereafter, it turned around and saw lots of peoples were watching at him with a look of awe and amazement. This made it feeling so smug as it stood elegantly amid the crowd and squinted it's two eyes to enjoy the gasp and admiration from the audiences.

At this moment, Jaka Tingkir who had been away from the shop for an entire night came back while bringing four white rabbits on his two hands. He grabbed that rabbits by their long ears and he seemed to be very proud with his 'achievement'. He walked rather fast as he showed off the four pitiful rabbits in the air so that everyone could see them while calling out loudly to Marissa.

"Lady Boss, look what I've got for us to eat tonight, heheheh... What do you think, Lady Boss? They would be very delicious if we roast them later, right?" He said smugly as he laughed cheerfully and walked toward Marissa. After that, he offered the four poor rabbits with both of his hands.


Marissa grabbed the four rabbits in annoyed as she glared at Jaka Tingkir. "No way! How dare you have that kind of thought? Hmph!" She snorted hatefully before gazing down at the four rabbits. She suddenly sobbed a little while rubbing gently at the soft and smooth furry rabbits. "Oh my pitiful cute rabbits, please stay safe and healty... Big sister would avenge you if there is even a tiny bit wound on your body." She muttered as she checked one by one the white cuty-rabbits. Thankfully, she didn't find any and the four rabbits were all still okay. She then sighed in relief and shoved the four rabbits to the nearby employee as she instructed her to keep them safe for a while.

"Good for you that they are all still in a good condition, or else, I'm not gonna letting you scot free away from this." Marissa scolded Jaka Tingkir while pointing at him in annoyed. How dare he lay his hand on the pitiful furry rabbits!

"Ah, Lady Boss, what about our roasted meat tonight?" Jaka Tingkir was bewildered.

"Roasted meat your head, don't even think about it." Marissa was disgruntled.

"Aiyah, then what about we eat roasted chicken tonight?" Jaka Tingkir suggested.

Hearing that suggestion, everyone wore a normal expression, except for Prince Anusapati, Uncle Huth, and the twenty members of the Tiger race who looked at Jaka Tingkir as if he was a very big idiot. 'You mean, she, the descendant of that individual, the honorable and heavenly ancestor, the suspected being from the 'Holy Chicken Race', should eat the things from her own kind? Are you f*cking reta*d? Although what you suggested were the unintellectual chicken, they were all just the same, alright? There is the word 'Chicken' on their name.' They thought inwardly as they shook their head silently.

Well, Jaka Tingkir couldn't be blamed though for he didn't know anything. After all, wasn't it normal to eat chicken?

Sure enough, Marissa suddenly feeling enraged but couldn't do anything. Her face was flushed red because of it. She also wanted to eat roasted chicken, alright? Roasted chicken with beer, what a paradise! But, could she? Could she? Hahahaha...

Moreover, she couldn't just unleash her anger to the innocents who didn't know anything, right? So she could only glared indignantly at Jaka Tingkir for suggesting that perverse idea. "Stop talking nonsense!" She could only said those sentence for she didn't know how to respond.

"Oh?" Jaka Tingkir looked at her in puzzled. How the heck he offended the Lady Boss? Was it because of that rabbits? or that chicken? What's wrong with eating them? Must she be so angry? However, because he wasn't someone who would fight with a beauty, he could only scratched his head and avoid to get into a quarrel. After all, he, Jaka Tingkir, as a popinjay-like hero, shouldn't fight with a beauty, right? What would be his prestige then if words were to spread out later? Remember, Facing and talking with a beauty should be handled with a soft and gentle manner. No matter what the problem, everything would be solved when you praise them and compliment them, as well as giving them of their favorite food, favorite things, and... money?! Alright, let's stop this nonsense!

Marissa then turned toward the heroic wild boar and said. "Mr. Hero... Has the problem been settled? Let this humble one invite you to her little shop so that we could solve your other problem?" She gave a faint smile as she looked at the smug wild boar meaningfully, hinting that she already knew everything.

The male wild boar stared at Marissa in confused. It wondered what this young woman was up to? Could it be she already knew that it wasn't a genuine wild boar?

Meanwhile, Jaka Tingkir who was feeling that he was being ignored by Marissa turned resentful. He shifted his gaze and followed to whom Marissa was talking to. When he saw that the one who was called as Mr. Hero was actually a wild boar, he stunned at first then suddenly laughing furiously.

"Hahahahaha... This, this... Hahaha" Jaka Tingkir held his stomach, feeling so amused with the unique pose of the wild boar which stood on the ground with it's two paws like a human being, while one of it's front paws was put on it's hip, and the other was used to stroke it's furry head.

Realizing that there was someone who dared to laugh at it, the wild boar was infuriated. "What are you laughing about? Heh, you stupid popinjay dare to laugh at me? Darn it! I'm going to beat you up right away." The wild boar suddenly made a move and ran toward Jaka Tingkir, full of resentment.

"Bring it on!" Jaka Tingkir who was still laughing, abruptly stop. He looked at the wild boar who became crazy all of a sudden and wanted to have a fight with him, approached him like a bull who spotted a red clothes. He was shocked at first, then laughed once again as if he found it very funny. Thereafter, he also started to make his move.


Bruk! Brak! Bruk! Brak!

A clash between a human and a wild boar hereafter started with both of them flanking away. However, in just a second later, they made a move again and started to fight vigorously as if their life depended on at this moment.

Three thousand years later..., Bai Qiuran was still in the Qi Refining Stage... Uh? Shoot! Wrong script! Cut, cut, cut!

Five minutes later...

Both human and wild boar were in a tattered state. Jaka Tingkir looked at the wild boar in astonishment, not expecting that the wild boar to be so strong that it could even put up a fight with him, an expert at the middle level of Nascent Soul, and one of the members of the 'Thirteen Heroes'. At this moment, he felt so aggrieved that he turned to Marissa and begged for her to make this insolent wild boar as a substitute of that rabbits or chicken, to be a roasted meat for their dinner tonight.

Hearing that it's wanted to be made as a menu for a dinner, the wild boar was so enraged that it started to prepare to fight for another round. Marissa couldn't sit still anymore as she finally yelled loudly to stop the pair of human and wild boar from fighting once again. "Stop, stop, stop... Are you that addicted to fight? If you want to fight, do it outside, don't fight in front of my shop!"

Jaka Tingkir and that wild boar instantly stopped in their track. When Marissa asked them to come to the shop, both also entered the shop obediently. Why did they have to enter the shop just to talk? Of course, because the shop was the safest place of all! If there is something happened, Marissa could repel the opponent by using the system's security mechanisms. Was it really so? Of course! The incident a while ago when the system was caught off guard and couldn't immediately help her to deal with the enemy was not because the system was weak or unable to beat the enemy, but because the enemy was really so strange and peculiar!

The enemy was like an non-existent being who possessed no aura, presence, and intent. It wasn't that the enemy could hide his aura or killing intent so well, but because the enemy really didn't possess any. So, in short, when the enemy came approach, even the system couldn't detect it immediately because the enemy was like a being who never born, never been created, and never exist to begin with.

Nevertheless, now that the system already possessed the record of the enemy, the system would immediately capable to recognise the enemy once he came back again even though the enemy possessed no presence at all.


Inside the shop...

After Marissa ordered her employees to put the thirty or forty dark yellow-robed peoples into the shop's prison, just like her other earlier prisoners, she brought that wild boar into a certain room inside the shop to avoid the customers or other peoples and spiritual creatures from eavesdropping their conversation.

Although Marissa thought their conversation shouldn't create a huge impacts or it wouldn't effect anything except for a reputation of a certain wild boar, Marissa still chose to avoid the crowd when they were conversing. And also, Jaka Tingkir insisted on coming along, so Marissa was helpless from his nagging and just let him followed them into the room.

When Marissa entered a certain room with a glass wall at the shop, she instantly lifted up the curtain so that peoples or the customers inside the shop could still be able to see what they were doing inside the room. However, she activated the soundproof so the customers or employees outside of the room couldn't hear what they were talking about. She did this so that the peoples with a bad intention wouldn't create an unnecessary trouble for her out of nowhere, such as accusing her for adultery with a man and wild boar? Who knows? We would never know what the other peoples thought on us anyway or what kind of schemes lied beneath their smile, right?

"So, Jaka Sembung, could you tell me what happened actually?" Marissa sat leisurely on a modern white sofa as she tapped the surface of the table in front of her.

The wild boar who was sitting on the opposite sofa in a way that resembled a human being instantly looked up in shock. He stared at Marissa as if she was a ghost. How come she already knew about his identity when he didn't even tell a single soul about it? Not even a ghost or a wandering soul knew about his identity, and now here he was, sitting on a strange chair but feel so comfortable to sit on, and in front of him was a stranger, an unknown young woman, who told him directly about his identity? Who was she? Was she a fortune teller? An oracle? Or someone who was very skillful in divination?

The wild boar subconsciously turned his gaze to the side and found that his 'comrade' as well as his 'old brother' who he had already known since he was still five years old, Jaka Tingkir, also wore an expression of shocked. So, Jaka Tingkir also didn't know about his identity? He thought that Jaka Tingkir also already knew about it. After all, Jaka Tingkir was famous for his ability to recognise any women even though they had already disguised themselves so well. He could even recognise them instantly even if he only meet them once. Of course, Marissa was an exception!

Why didn't Jaka Tingkir recognise him? Oh? He just realized that he wasn't a woman, so of course Jaka Tingkir wouldn't be able to unleash his special skill!

"How do you know?" The wild boar who shortly admitted that he was indeed Jaka Sembung, finally could asked what he thought as the most important question at this moment.

"You don't need to ask about it. The most important thing right now was, how did you become a wild boar? Was it because you were cursed by Elder Black?" Marissa asked flatly.

"Elder Black? Who was that?" Jaka Sembung, in his form of a wild boar, asked in puzzled.

"You don't know Elder Black?" Marissa was surprised. How come he didn't know who was Elder Black? Wasn't Elder Black supposed to be Jaka Sembung's great enemy according to the real historical drama of Nusantara? Wasn't it also because Elder Black that he became a wild boar and even become a blind person? Then, who was the one who cursed him to be in this situation? Could it be some of the histories also had changed because the time in this world was already in a chaos from the beginning?

Unfortunately, Marissa didn't know yet, that in this world, the status of Elder Black had been upgraded by several levels which made him to be a big boss, instead of a sole enemy of Jaka Sembung.

"I don't know. I was in a mission when I was suddenly got attacked by a group of masked-men. After a period of time, I could kill them all successfully, but, the leader of the group, when he was about to die, he suddenly casted a curse on me, and here I am, becoming a wild boar." Jaka Sembung said helplessly. His expression looked quite funny when he talked helplessly in his wild boar form.

"So, about the group of peoples in the dark yellow robe? Who are they?" Marissa inquired.

"I don't know. When I walked aimlessly in this forest in my wild boar form, I overheard peoples talking about a mysterious shop that was established recently in the middle of this forest. When I asked them at that time, they pointed that the shop was in this direction. Sure enough, they didn't lie to me even though I'm in this form. When I was about to come here, I was hindered by this yellow robed peoples and got into a fight with them. Well, you know how the story progressed after that." Jaka Sembung sighed.

"B-brother Sembung? Are you really Brother Sembung?" Jaka Tingkir finally couldn't helped but ask. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time up until now.

"Aiyah, Brother Tingkir, how come you are so block-head when it comes to men? You don't even recognise my voice anymore? I see, your brain and skill only available for beauties, eh? Tsk!" Jaka Sembung teased Jaka Tingkir. He felt a bit annoyed but wasn't angered at all.

"N-no! It's not... It's just that..."

"It's just that your brain only filled with beauty and beauty." Jaka Sembung laughed.

Jaka Tingkir was feeling a bit ashamed to hear that words, but because he usually was a very thick-skinned person, he immediately overcome his embarrassment easily. "Hahaha... Brother Sembung, don't talk nonsense." He waved his hand.

"How come what I said become nonsense in your ears? Isn't it all true?" Jaka Sembung rolled his eyes.

"Alright, stop quarrel, you guys." Marissa waved her hand. After that, she looked at Jaka Sembung. She couldn't helped but twitch her mouth when she looked at his awkward predicament as a wild boar. "Brother Sembung, would it be possible for you to bring us to your teacher, Elder Sapu Angin?" She asked in a very serious tone.

"Ah? You... you, you even know who was my teacher?" Jaka Sembung was even more bewildered. "Who are you exactly?"



What could it be Marissa's purpose to meet Elder Sapu Angin?

A. To ask him to expel the curse on Jaka Sembung

B. To ask about Elder Black

C. To study under his tutelage and become his disciple

D. To inform and ask about the evil souls and 'Undying' Race

E. To force and subdue Elder Sapu Angin to be a soldier under her wings