✨ Chapter 1 ✨

Ivy's Pov

"Ivy! You introverted hermit! Wake up!" Jada called from the kitchen, the smell of her famous bacon strips filtering into my room and almost actually making me want to move from my bed.

I groan slightly, pulling my duvet higher up my body and disconnecting from the morning world completely, drowning in the darkness of my blanket.

My roommate's angry footsteps came towards my bedroom, her slippers tapping on the hardwood floor. Jada always manages to make it feel like she was some angry aunt, or like I was the protagonist in some scary horror movie.

The doorknob to my room turned and she burst in with a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Come on ass! You have a job to get to," Jada shook her head disapprovingly as she surveyed me in my bed, my hair all tangled and frizzy from tossing and turning.

I peeked my eyes over my duvet, wrinkling my freckled nose to the smell of her food.

"I'm not going," I huffed, poking my entire head out from my duvet.

The brunette sighed and stormed over towards me, her once semi-calm face now red and frustrated, the wooden spoon now more threatening than before.

With her spare left hand, she yanked my blanket away, leaving me to die in the coldness that was our apartment.

"Your boss is just going to dislike you more if you're late,"

"I'll quit,"

Jada chuckled at my childish words but she didn't know Miss Tate as I did, she was mean, cold and she definitely despised me. Being an assistant isn't as easy as it seems, it isn't all about getting coffee and answering the phone.

If I could quit I would, but, I'd have to face the wrath of my boss. Shivering at the thought, I turned back to my roommate whose head looked like it was going to explode.

"You can't quit, it pays well AND you get to stare at models all day,"

"Perv," I mutter under my breath, leaving my bed and walking towards my dresser.

"What can I say, woman, are just my weakness!" She cried dramatically, pretending to faint.

"Plus, you get to see your hot boss every day. I wouldn't mind getting some of that," Jada joked, winking at me suggestively.

"I hate you,"

I chuckled at my best friend, she always managed to keep me smiling but at 8:30 in the morning I wanted to curl up, sleep forever and not have to deal with being happy at all.

"Get out my room!" I yell, shoving her from my doorway and trying to disregard her dagger glare.


Here I was again, waiting outside my boss's room with the same old clipboard and an annoyed frown placed on my face.

I could hear the mumbling in her office as they debated clothes for next season, I couldn't understand a thing they were saying.

All this fashion talk just has me confused, I don't even know the difference between a running stitch and a satin stitch. I huff in annoyance as a beautiful blonde model struts past me, her makeup looking flawless against her clear skin.

I looked nothing like these models, my heart dropped as I felt my confidence levels fall lower by the second.

The clothes I own are all second hand, I tugged at the sleeve of my blazer. I could never be as beautiful as the models that come in and out of this department, or even as sophisticated as Miss Tate.

My pencil skirt was one of my cheapest items of clothing, handed down to me from Jada's older sister. I can't help but feel like her family feels sorry for me.

Yes my job pays well but most of it goes to rent, sure, Jada pays half but it was my apartment to begin with...I want to pay the most.

"Whatever! Just find me the orange I asked for,"

A knot formed in my throat as Miss Tate came out from her office, she wore a tight black dress that complimented her curves, not to mention it was very low cut and I could feel a sudden heat grow over me.

As intimidating as she was, her complexion was irresistible and you could tell that everyone in the department liked her.

But intimidation was her superpower and I was the subject of it.

My eyes diverted away to the floor where I continued to mentally scold myself for gawking at my boss.

Her client, that was previously the victim of her yelling, hastily exited her office without even looking back.


A shock jolts me and I look up to see Miss Tate glaring at me from her office door, her deep brown eyes cursed distaste at me. The power this woman had was incredible, even her mouth that lay flat was enough to make me cry.

"Y-Yes?" I answer, dismissing the nickname she uses for me and twiddling a curl of my hair around my index finger.

The clipboard in my arms was now hugged against my chest, acting as my safety net as though it would save me from the anger of my boss.

Miss Tate stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, surveying my face which probably was a terrifying sight as my boss seemed to scare the shit out of me.

"I need you to come with me after work to collect some fabric,"

Go with her? I usually do these things by myself and usually run out of her office before she has the chance to tell me she hates them.

"But I-,"

She furrowed her brows at me, gathering my facial expression, and I could tell that she knew how I was feeling as she said through gritted teeth, "It wasn't a question, you're coming with me whether you like it or not,"

Without even taking into consideration how I felt, she brushed down imaginary dust from her expensive dress and went back into her office.

"Seriously?" I whisper to myself, slumping down on the waiting chairs outside.


"Are you going to get in or just stand there?"

I gazed at my boss's car, the owner staring at me with furrowed brows, but the car was perfect the way it shined in the sun was mesmerising. Never before have I been in such a nice vehicle, let alone it being my boss's car and of course Miss Tate was the only one with a Bugatti Chiron in this whole parking lot.

"Unless you have a car?" She asked, leaning further over the passenger seat to see me through the window, her lips parted slightly.

Her ebony hair had been put up into a messy bun, probably to stop from getting in her way and stressing her out more than work did.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I think about the bus ticket I had used this morning, "Um no it's fine, Miss Tate, I-I can pick my car up later," I lied, looking around the car park as though I was searching for my own vehicle.

I slipped into the passenger seat, smelling the faint aroma of my boss's perfume. A citrusy combination of lemon and lime, plus the small waves of leather from the seats.

She giggled and moved back over to her steering wheel, "In the future," She said, pulling us out of parking and into drive, "Call me Olive, the formalities make me feel old,"

Her British accent caressed my ears and I smiled as she let me drop my courtesy on her, I dropped my hair from behind my ear to hide my blushing.

Olive smirked slightly as we pulled down the road towards the market, "Would you mind getting cash from my bag, it's on the backseat," She pointed behind her, keeping her eyes on the road.

For a minute her face relaxed, her eyes were soft and she looked so focused on her driving to even worry about keeping up her strong facade.

I kept silent and nodded slightly, turning over and grabbing the bag placing it on my lap. The leather was hot against my skin, but I ignored it and rummaged through until I found her purse.

"Um wait-," She began.

As I picked it up from the bag a prescription note fell onto my lap, landing upwards and almost making it impossible for me to avoid reading it.

Prescription for Unisom medication, sleep-inducing drugs.

A doctors signature settled at the bottom of the note, "D-Do you have trouble sleeping?"

Olive grunted and snatched the note from my hand and stuffed it into the cup holder by her right, "It's none of your business,"

The once calmness of her face disappeared as quickly as it surfaced and I felt the knot in my throat reappear.

Shakily, I brought out change and stuffed everything back into her bag, clasping my hands together and placing them in my lap.

The rest of the drive was awkwardly silent apart from the occasional curse word from Olive as some 'Bloody Dickhead' drove too slowly, causing a block in the road.

We pulled into the parking lot, squeezing between two small minis and getting out.

"I'll wait here, don't take too long," Olive leant against the side of her car, lightly picking at her red nails.

What. The fuck. For a minute I registered what she had said, she bought me here just so I could go in by myself?!

I swallowed the need to yell and instead politely spoke up, "Why did you come then?"

She stifled what I thought was a laugh, "Because, if you get it wrong," She paused, "I can just send you back,"

Olive kept her eyes on her nails as she spoke to me, as though I wasn't worth looking at.

"Right," I mumbled, turning on my heel and trudging towards the market.


Olive had sent me a list on my phone of the things she needed with a little emoji of the devil at the end.

Honestly, this woman has no grounds.

I'd been strolling around for a good ten minutes, finding most of the fabrics I needed. Except one.

I walked around the market before finally coming to a stop at the stool that said, Felicity's Fabrics.

"Excuse me?" I called, grabbing the attention of the blonde woman at the counter, her name tag displaying Felicity in bold.

"How can I help, beautiful," She asked, leaning her forearms on the desk.

A small giggle escaped me as she complimented me, I couldn't help it but smile. I don't get called that often.

"I'm looking for a violet cotton sheet," I mumbled, standing on my tiptoes to see over to the rest of the fabrics.

"You're lucky, it's our last one," She beamed, showing pearly white teeth behind her rosy lips.

She placed the fabric on the desk, glancing at me every now and then to see if I approve. Honestly? I have no idea whether or not it's right but I really don't have the energy to come back again.

Olive looked deadly serious when she told me she'd send me back, a part of me knew she wasn't lying. She really is dead inside.

I shake my head from the thought of my boss and turn back to the clerk, "I'll take this please," I pass her the rest of my change and she wraps it up before handing it to me.

Felicity clears her throat, bringing me back to her blue eyes, "Would it be totally irresponsible of me to ask for your number, you seem pretty busy now but," She pointed to the millions of bags hanging off of my arms, "Maybe we could get a drink sometime,"

Was I, Ivy Prescott, just asked on a date?!?

I probably looked stupid, standing there saying nothing for the last two minutes.

"S-Sure," I reply, handing over my phone and allowing her to tap in her number and naming herself Felicity with a heart next to it.

My phone almost fell from my hand as a familiar voice came from behind me, a familiar British accent that made me feel giddy inside, "Totally irresponsible? You think you're just fucking hilarious don't you,"

Hesitantly, I spun round to see Olive with her arms crossed and an angry frown on her face, "And you," She shot her piercing hazel eyes towards me, "You can go home by yourself, flirting whilst working? Get over yourself,"

Angrily, her heels tapped on the floor as she took the heavy bags from my arms and sped off towards the car park.



7:34 pm

My phone light was strong against my burning eyes, I carried my heels in my hands as I finally got to my apartment and almost feeling like I was going to cry in pain.

When Olive had run off and drove home I had left my bag with all my money in her car, the only things remaining with me was my blazer and my phone.

I guess things could be worse.

The door to the apartment swung open and Jada came running down the hall to meet with me, her cardigan flying behind her as she ran, "Holy shit dude, you really weren't lying! I was 'bout to file a missing report,"

I chuckled to her statement and followed her to the apartment, plopping down on the couch and stretching my legs.

"You really walked for three hours,"

Jada passed me the leftover soup she made for dinner, vegetables bobbing about in the liquid.

"I can't believe she made you do that,"

"Me neither," I gulped, feeling a wash of tiredness come over me.

"Don't go to work tomorrow," She hissed, obviously annoyed with Olive.

I can't blame her, I wanted to yell at her until my lungs gave way but I had to hold back.

"I have to, she's got my bag and keys," I sighed and stood from the couch, "I'm just going to head to bed,"

Weakly, I lifted myself from the couch and headed to my room down the hall. My light switched flicked on and I threw myself onto my bed, curling up and softly letting tears roll down my face.

This is my life.
