In The Ship (9)

Lee Do Hwa then tried to call Ahn Yoo Na back. But this time the cellphone became inactive. Lee Do Hwa then looked for Ahn Yoo Na in his room. But apparently, he couldn't find it there. Lee Do Hwa became increasingly anxious and panicked, because the last time he communicated, Ahn Yoo Na sounded like she was in shock. Then Lee Do Hwa tried to contact Lee Jun Ki.

"I lost Ahn Yoo Na, she could not be found," said Lee Do Hwa reported.

"Has she met Ferry Park?" asked Lee Jun Ki.

"Looks like not, last time I called as something happened, how is this Chairman Lee?" asked Lee Do Hwa.

"Try to check again to the right side of the ship!" said Lee Jun Ki.

"Okay, I'll try to find it there," replied Lee Do Hwa. He also hung up on the phone.

Immediately he was running towards the starboard side of the ship or the starboard section of the yacht. In that part, it was quite quiet and almost nobody could say. Lee Do Hwa then tried to thoroughly search for Ahn Yoo Na. His anxiety was mounting because her cellphone was also unable to be contacted.

Then Lee Do Hwa saw something suspicious behind a pile of wooden boxes. He saw a leg that looked shaking. Lee Do Hwa immediately checked it out. And how shocked he was when he saw Ahn Yoo Na who was sitting hugging her knees with a trembling body.

"Yoo Na!" shouted Lee Do Hwa calling the girl.

Ahn Yoo Na then looked up at the person who had called her. She immediately stood up and hugged Lee Do Hwa, sobbing. Of course, Lee Do Hwa was surprised because suddenly Ahn Yoo Na became like this.

"What's wrong Yoo Na?" asked Lee Do Hwa while stroking Ahn Yoo Na's hair to make it calmer.

"I ... Oppa. Sorry if I become weak like this in front of you," said Ahn Yoo Na crying.

Lee Do Hwa then held Ahn Yoo Na's face, which looked sad with wet eyes. Lee Do Hwa looked at her in surprise. Why and what's wrong with Ahn Yoo Na. He doesn't know yet.

"What's wrong?" Lee Do Hwa asked then turned to Ahn Yoo Na's body, which he felt cold to touch. Lee Do Hwa then took off his tuxedo jacket and put it on Ahn Yoo Na's body so she could warm herself.

"Let's go first to the room, it's cold here!" Lee Do Hwa then took Ahn Yoo Na.

"Where are your shoes?" asked Lee Do Hwa, who was surprised to see Ahn Yoo Na now barefoot.

Ahn Yoo Na didn't answer, she just shook her head and was reluctant to speak. Lee Do Hwa could only keep his curiosity in the room.

Arriving in the room, Ahn Yoo Na then sat on the sofa. Lee Do Hwa then gave her a bottle of mineral water. Ahn Yoo Na then drank it slowly with her hands still shaking.

"Actually, what is it?" asked Lee Do Hwa curiously. It must have been something terrible that caused Ahn Yoo Na to be in such shock.

Then Ahn Yoo Na shared what she had just experienced.

"I was trying to take a walk on the right side of the ship. I accidentally heard a commotion. I had intended to leave the place. But I failed because I heard the name Ferry Park mentioned. So I tried eavesdropping. Their conversation. And after peeking they were fighting it was Shin Min Jung and Cha Do Hyun. "

This is where Lee Do Hwa is listening. Maybe they fought because Shin Min Jung had just had an affair behind Cha Do Hyun. So thought Lee Do Hwa when he only half heard the story from Ahn Yoo Na.

"They fought because one of them mentioned Ferry Park's name. Cha Do Hyun accused Shin Min Jung of having a relationship with Ferry Park. But Shin Mi Jun did not want to admit the affair."

Lee Do Hwa laughed sarcastically at the story of Shin Min Jung who didn't admit to her affair.

"Cha Do Hyun didn't want to participate in this event, so because Shin Min Jung insisted, he was forced to join in. They fought while telling that Shin Min Jung deliberately approached Ferry Park to make Kang So Ra hot. Of course Cha Do Hyun too. know that Kang So Ra is a former lover of Ferry Park. And Do Hyun also knows very well how Kang So Ra's relationship with Shin Min Jung is often hot. So Do Hyun accuses Min Jung of approaching Ferry Park just to heat Kang Sora's heart. "

"Then what makes you scared and weak Yoo Na?" asked Lee Do Hwa had not found the thing that caused Ahn Yoo Na to hide there crying.

"Cha-Cha Do Hyun killed Shin Min Jung," answered Ahn Yoo Na in a trembling voice.

"W-what? What do you mean?" asked Lee Do Hwa, also surprised to hear that.

Ahn Yoo Na's body also trembled, and Lee Do Hwa came to understand that Ahn Yoo Na had witnessed the murder.

"H-how could Cha Do Hyun kill Shin Min Jung, did Do Hyun see you as a witness to his murder?" asked Lee Do Hwa.

"They fought because Shin Min Jung brought up another Cha Do Hyun case," said Ahn Yoo Na haltingly.

"Another case?" asked Lee Do Hwa, increasingly not understanding the reason why Shin Min Jung was killed.

"Cha Do Hyun has killed someone before," said Ahn Yoo Na, shaking.

"You mean?" asked Lee Do Hwa, getting more headache with Ahn Yoo Na's story.

"Do Hyun had killed someone before Oppa. And that's why he killed Shin Min Jung."

"Did he see you?" asked Lee Do Hwa.

Ahn Yoo Na shook her head.

"Then where is Shin Min Jung's body?" asked Lee Do Hwa.

"He threw it into the sea," answered Ahn Yoo Na while shaking.

"Ahn Yoo Na, realize don't be weak!" said Lee Do Hwa, trying to reassure Ahn Yoo Na who was very shocked to see the incident.

"You're a trained agent, and you have to get used to seeing terrible things," Lee Do Hwa said knowledgeably.

For Ahn Yoo Na, this mission was indeed her first direct mission. So when she witnessed such a terrible thing it was enough to shake her soul. So from that, she had said to Lee Do Hwa apologizing that she was currently very weak. Yet she has not taken a single step towards her assignment.

"You're right Oppa, but seeing Shin Min Jung thrown into the sea, I became reminded of my father and mother." This time Ahn Yoo Na sobbed. Makes Lee Do Hwa feel that there was something strange in Ahn Yoo Na.