"Venus is the second planet from the Sun

'Time for dinner , finally food.... Something that don't need me to be stress or focused or anything for the matter , just to enjoy ... All I have to do is sit here in the commander's table just relaxing and eating ..... ALONE ....okay okay I don't complain completely ..I done hate eating alone it allow me to eat Alot without any comment from my sassy siblings er friends .. But I would have loved to know earlier about Andrew trip to the small village across the forest to help that girl's sick father ..... I knew that It's March so Venus must be going to her annual trip to the capital for three days or so .... It's been like that since I first meet her that day .... The day that made me change for ever ....First commander Venus became my family that day , my big beautiful, forgiving sister , that can and will do anything just to keep me safe ... Despite the fact that I don't deserve .... She knew the second she saw me .... That I was there with them ... I saw them kill her mother and stab her leg but she said that she never seen me before ... because I begged her , she kept me safe and helped me till ever thing was alright as she promised the moment I told her about my very ill mother that needed the medicine as soon as possible .... I can't forget that she stood against her father ...that scary man that could kill anyone and no one will dare ask why .... because she saw I was scared after all I was fourteen years that day and she was sixteen ..... That day I swear that I would never return to the gangs never and that I will protect her till my last breathe ' thought Tomas , he wasn't totally complaining but he didn't like to be left alone without his friends which are his only family now .

His thoughts were cut by a solider's voice

" Sir , dinner is served , sir " said the soldier

" Your new ... I never seen you before " observed Tomas

" Yes sir , I am " replied the soldier

" You are my guard , aren't you ? " Asked Tomas

" Yes sir , it's really my pleasure to be with you sir " said the soldier who looked young but smart

" What is your name boy ? " Asked Tomas

" Alex ,sir " answered the boy with a bright smile

" Okay Alex , I hope you learn fast because I get bored quickly " said Tomas with an expression that appears serious but in reality is jokingly

" I will sure make you proud sir " said Alex with Alot of confidence making second commander Tamos smile , Alex confidence made him remember when he was younger

He was a fast learner and really observent

" Let's not be more late on dinner ... Food is not as delicious went it's cold " said Tomas as matter of fact laughing

They entered the dinning building and the first thing that catched Tomas eyes is the group to be tested today .. he didn't see that staying in the outside under the moon light as a punishment , it was his best time during his training when he was still staying with the gang ... It was the what gives him peace then and now

Once he spotted them he smiled to himself not because no one of them tried to get away from the punishment but because they are still carefree , they are eating and smiling like nothing happened

He reached his table and sat there still smiling to him self then he looked toward Alex and raise his eye brow

" Aren't you going to sit and eat ?" Asked second commander Tomas

" Of course sir ... I will be eating after you are done sir " said the young man without making eye contact with the commander

"Sit down boy ... Here we are a family and family eats together " said the second ranked commander with a serious tone that made Alex sit without thinking

" As you wish sir " said Alex as soon as he sat down

The Dinner was great and every thing was as it should be after eating second ranked commander Tomas went to his room with his new guard Alex ... Tomas sat down looking at files and paperwork that was on his desk for a couple of minutes before he started talking

" Alex " started second ranked commander Tomas

" At your service , commander " answered Alex

" The group to be punished by sleeping outside for a week ... Bring them to me " said Tomas not moving his eyes from the paper in his hands

" Right away sir " answer Alex before starting to do as he is ordered

the boys were already waiting at the camp fire where they were going to be spending the night and the nights of the coming days for how long no one of them knew

someone was approaching them , he looked young but wasn't wearing the trainee clothes he was wearing guard and high assistant soldier that are with the commanders but they didn't know which commander

Alex was the first to speak

" Are you the group to be punished tonight ?"

" yes sir " they all answered in one voice at the same time , with respect of course cause the commander's guards were higher ranked than most solider's ranks in fact their rank comes directly after third ranked leader

" come with me the second ranked commander wants to see you "

" yes sir " answered the group and started to walk after the guard Alex

" so tell me why are you being punished ? " asked Alex out of curiosity while walking to the second ranked commander ' s room

" hmm ... I did not. .... intentional of course .. hear the three commanders speaking in commander Venus room last night " said James feeling ashamed of him self that he was the reason that all of his team are being punished

" oh.... you mean to tell me you were spying of the commanders " said Alex kind of amused

" no no no sir ... he just heard them by mistake sir .... believe me " said Mark quickly trying to defend his friend and avoid being in a bigger problem

" okay .. I believe you " said Alex surprising all of them

" thank you sir " said Mark

" after all me believing you wont change the commander opinion at all " said Alex when the reached the commander room while he was about to open the door


Venus p.o.v ( point of view)

Venus entered the room the she came for every year to see the owner ... as they promised

... the room was lighted by Alot of candles which is something she is used to

their was that person she couldn't wait to see sitting on an armchair by the window looking at the night sky , observing every and each star , she waited till she was at touching distance from him before she reached out for him with a small package and spoke

" what are you looking for ? " asked Venus casually

the boys head snapped to the voice location and his eyes light up

" I thought you won't come " whispered the voice before standing and embracing her and holding her tightly

" when did I ever ? ..... by the way happy birth day ..my brave prince " said Venus still hugging him

" I missed you ... how are you ? " said the boy after the let go of each other

" actually good the new soldiers are really good and I'm fine ... so till me what were you looking at ? " said Venus smiling

" I was looking at Venus planet "

" oh .. okay "

" you do resemble that plant ... you now , I think that why uncle gave you that as a new name "

" really how so " said Venus laughing

"Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. As the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon, do you see that Reinette ? " Venus froze upon hearing that name

" lan " she wispered