Ch6. Gringotts

Hagrid dragged Harry to Gringotts.

Harry watched him as he handed his key, the key he never even saw to the goblin. The heaviness of his heart really couldn't be described by mortal means. In that instance, he wanted nothing more than to strangle Dumbledore for meddling. Why him anyway!? Couldn't he choose some other poor lad for spreading his love for young boys?

Then there was Hagrid. Harry really wanted to beat the half-giant for being such a gullible fool. The idiot wouldn't make even a good fodder. But he was perfect in roles such as this. In roles where Dumbledore asks him to be discrete but actually wants the secret to be heard.

Heck! When he said he wants you-know-what from the you-know-which vault, Harry had an urge to facepalm. Even the goblin was silently staring at him with a slight sneer and barely widened eyes. And for goblins that can be translated to gaping!

After a while goblins finally shook off his shock at the bumbling fool in front of his desk and simply replied.

"Very well."

The goblin took them to Harry's trust vault first. Harry looked forward to the ride in a cart and seeing Hagrid barely able to fit inside was quite hilarious. The green hue the half-giant gained after the ride though. Now that made the trip worth it for Harry. He even somewhat stopped being mad at the clueless half-wit.

The goblin opened Harry's vault and revealed the mountain of galleons. Harry knew the Potter trust vault should contain a lot of them but the sight shocked even him. He side-glanced at the goblin.

"What is the ratio between pounds and galleons?"

The goblin gave him an acknowledging nod and answered.

"One galleon is worth a hundred pounds."

Harry stilled. He was expecting something like 5 pounds to 1 galleon but…

After he got out of his shock, he thought it made sense. After all, if a wand costs around seven galleons, Olivander would be out of business really soon if galleon wasn't worth a lot.

Harry went inside his vault and looked at the goblin.

"Is there something that could hold coins for me?"

"Ah, a mokeskin pouch. One costs 5 galleons." Goblin said with a grin.

Harry shrugged, took five galleons closest to him, and handed them to the goblin. The goblin reached into his pocket and handed Harry a pouch.

"If you want anti-theft measures to be installed you will have to pay an additional fee." Goblin shot Harry an expectant look.

"I will." Harry noncommittally shrugged and walked back towards the pile of galleons, ignoring the greedy-looking creature.

Hagrid just looked at the interaction with an almost visible question mark above his head, understanding nothing. When he saw Harry filling his newly acquired pouch with handfuls of galleons, making the pile smaller by the second, he felt out of place.

In the end, he asked.

"Harry, why are you taking so much?"

"Oh, for emergencies." Harry offhandedly stated without even stopping his quest for reducing the amount of his gold accessible to Dumbledore. He was really doubtful the old coot had access to Potter's main vault. If he did, the goblins would be worthless for safeguarding the money of wizarding families. No, these small, greedy, reputation-obsessed creatures would skin Dumbles alive if he wanted to access the main Potter vault. After all, he is not a Potter.

While that was all good and well, Harry also realized the old goat-lover will probably try other means to access Potter vault.

'Yup, I will have to avoid certain Weaselnette with passion in the coming years. Maybe find a counter to love potions?' Harry thought.

"What kind of emergencies?" Hagrid interrupted his musings.

"Food, books, stuff…" Harry rolled his eyes.

"But, Harry, Headmaster Dumbledore said you shouldn't take too much." Hagrid told him as if he was a fanatic who just quoted the Bible.

Harry almost burst in giggles.

"What does a Hogwarts headmaster have to do with my money?" He asked innocently.

"Oh, Headmaster Dumbledore is your magical guardian!" Hagrid proudly exclaimed.

There. That was what Harry waited for.

"So, if he is my so-called guardian, why did he not visit me even once in the last decade?"

Hagrid looked stumped and confused at first but then gained an understanding look.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is a very busy man, Harry."

"Oh… if he is so busy, he won't have time to meddle in my problems. I will have to be prepared for emergencies, then. Ergo, have money with me for all occasions." Harry gave Hagrid a megawatt smile alongside a winning nod, evidently ending the conversation.

The hesitant half-giant just stood there, not knowing what to do. He turned for help to the snickering goblin who raised his eyebrow at him. Seeing no help is coming his way, he just sighed and waited for Harry to empty his trust vault.

After dealing with Harry's trust vault where he left one knut so it won't be closed, they were on their way to the you-know-which vault containing you-know-what. The goblin swept his finger across the wall and Harry resisted the urge to groan.

The vault was different. It looked mysterious and interesting. Hell, even badass! For an eleven years old kid, it would surely create an impression of safety and a secret he would want to unravel.

Except… every adult, that is not Hagrid, would realize it really was not very protected. The vault was in the middle grounds of Gringotts, therefore average security. The opening mechanism for the vault might have looked badass and different but in reality, it was even less secure than standard key-hole. As long as one knows in what order to swipe his finger along the wall, it will open. For a standard vault you at least need a key! Many could argue there must be some other magical means to protect it! And yes, there might be. But the vault with an insanely important thing is still positioned in the not-so-protected area of Gringotts!

'It's as if somebody goaded a thief to break in.' Harry thought sarcastically.

"This is a secret Hogwarts business, Harry. Best not tell anyone about it!" Hagrid remarked.

'Sure, you oaf. Tell the kid not to do something! Couldn't you be more obvious?' Harry gave him a deadpan stare.

"Alright." He uncaringly shrugged and walked back to the cart.

'Acting as if Hogwarts was some kind of secret organization full of assassins… Heck! Who would actually send Hagrid to retrieve something so important? Even more so, if it is so secret… why the hell are you dragging a child with you!' Harry ranted in his mind.

To the outside, it looked as if he was brooding but to be honest he felt wronged. He felt underestimated. And he also felt pity for the original Harry. Such an obvious bait. Dumbledore really thinks of Harry as unable to think for himself. If he did not, he would not employ such a stupid plan! And while Harry was glad the old goat-lover underestimated him, it also rubbed him the wrong way.