WebNovelThe Fetish100.00%

Chapter Four (Kianna Pov)

" I can't believe Carson sold the company," Nichol said angrily as she slammed her head down against the desk. "I won't be getting a pay raise until next month."

" Oh gosh," I panicked. "What if the new CEO don't even care to acknowledge our raises?"

" Fuck it, let's resign and become strippers?" Nichol laughed.

She's always trying to convince me with her stories about how good we'd be as strippers. Imagine me, a stripper. What would my name even be? And don't get me started on the outfits. Not to mention the creepy old guys staring at you. I get enough of that walking down the street.

" We should really go inside now, they don't pay us to fantasize." I said while walking toward my desk.

Nichol nodded back. It's been half a week since I saw Robert and I couldn't help but replay the date in my head over and over again. We haven't talked much since then, I guess he lost interest already.

I turn on my computer and an alert popped up.... I have a meeting with the new CEO?!

I looked to Nichol with fear as if she could somehow protect me, she gave me a shly smile as I closed my laptop and starting walking toward the door.

I step in the office, and I freeze when I seen who was occupying the desk. Holy shit it can't be? How? Did he know I worked here? What's going on? So many questions go through my head all simultaneously as I feel my heart rate increase.

Robert raises an eyebrow and gives me a smirk before ending his phone call.

" Good Morning, Ms. Johnson." He said as he stares me up and down, I can feel his eyes undressing me in his head.

" I believed your previous CEO promised you a pay raise by next month right?"

I nodded my head slowly, His eyes still fixated on me.

" Well, I can't just go based off someone else opinion." He paused.

"But I work hard for this," I argued.

Robert smiles again. His eyes still haven't moved.

"How about I gave you a sixty-day trial period to see if you actually deserve it."

He runs his thumb across his lips. "Well, do we have a agreement Ms. Johnson?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith" I said softly. I still can't wrap my head around this, what type of game is this guy playing.

Robert stands up, takes a few steps towards and lowers his lips to my ear. I couldn't help but shiver as I feel his warm breath on my skin.

"If you meet my expectations, you'll have nothing to worry about." he grins.

"Okay," I said.

I couldn't process what he meant by that. "And what if I don't meet it?"

He replies with a shrug. "It's all up to you, babygirl." His tone is noticeably deeper.

"Okay, I will try." I said. He seemed to be satisfied with my response by the grin on his face.

He walks up to me and lifts my chin with his fingers, forcing me to look straight in the eyes. I bite my lips as anxiety starts to take over.

"I already know you're going to amaze me." He says as he runs his fingers across my collarbone. Then He slowly starts bringing his hand down to my thigh. Im struggling to control my breathing while he gets closer and closer to my lady part.

"I... Um I got-" before I could finish my sentence, his warm lips was pressed against mine. I felt his other hand gently cupping my right breast, we kept going until we heard a knock on the door.

"Mr. Smith, your meeting is about to start in five minutes." a woman said behind the door.

Robert pulled away and gave me a smirk, staring deep into my eyes.

"You better get back to work." he said in a husky voice. God what just happened.