The Tailor

And with that we depart to find some cloths, as I fervently attempt to achieve max level with Universal language.


I continue singing in a quiet voice while we heading back the commercial district of the city. The entire City was walled off in a massive circle with four gates, one in each Cardinal direction. The city seemed to have residential and commercial districts relatively separated. Housing was far more common in the northern parts and businesses were more common in the southern. The city was massive taking about an hour on foot to get from one side to the other which was coincidentally what we had to walk to get back to where we started.

As I spent the entire time singing to myself I hadn't realized when we arrived back to Southern gate. As soon as We arrive at what seems to be the main street, Jacklyn picks me up and runs to nearby tailor's store.

"Lily, I'm back~!" Jacklyn calls out after stepping through the entrance to the small building, getting weird looks by the couple people looking at the few clothes on display.

"Hey, little sis. Long time no see" A voice calls from the opposite side of the room behind a door. The door opens revealing a tall girl with blond hair similar to Jacklyn, but instead with deep blue eyes. She had a build similar to Jacklyn and was definitely more mature looking, and taller for that matter, but not much different than that.

"And who is this adorable thing here? You didn't kidnap another child to play dress up with, did you?" Lily said with a playful smile

I froze hearing her words looking at Jacklyn in slight fear and the looks from the others in the store became ones of disgust

" No, of course not, no, I have never done that before, don't accuse me of things that never" A flustered Jacklyn quickly tried to defend herself but, Before she could finish lily got a good look at me and suddenly became scary.

" Little sis, I was joking before, but tell me , Where are her clothes" lily noticed I only had Blake's coat on. Thankfully it covered me pretty well the bottom of the front made it to about mid thigh level and the back drug across the ground and pushed my tale down, but none of me was exposed so it served it's purpose well. However, the fact I had no other clothes on became a little more obvious after a second glance.

" That's what I came here for, me and the others found her in the forest naked and alone so I came to you to see if you could make her some clothes. One normal ware and a set for the festival tonight. It's the last night, tonight isn't it?" Jacklyn started in a matter of fact tone, but started getting excited when the festival was mentioned

" You always have been one for unrealistic requests haven't you" Lily sighs with a small smile followed by a short laugh

" And you've always been one for fulfilling them haven't you?" Jacklyn replied with a smirk.

" Damn right I am" lily said with resolute determination "Alright follow me" and we all went into the back room where Lily stripped me and began taking measurements. It was awkward but I had been naked pretty much all day. Come to find out shame is only temporary. My current clothes were kinda like only wareing a towel in public. Weird, embarrassing, and not something anyone would ever really think of doing, but I was still covered and everything was ok for the most part. what surprised me the most was no one mentioned anything. Was this a normal occurance?

Finally done with the measurements, Lily kicked Jacklyn out telling her to inform the other where they were, knowing she probably ditched them when she saw the Tailor shop, which was 100% correct. Not wanting me being seen naked lily kept me with her in the back room and got to work. It was inspiring how fast and fluid her work was she was definitely an experienced Tailor. Having had my fill of watching her work I sit in a corner where Lily can still see me and I begin the sing once again.

"You have a nice voice" Lily said, " I can't understand a word your saying but it sounds pretty"

" Thank you" I shyly reply with a small blush. she just giggles and continues working as I go back to singing

[Universal language (lv10->)]

Looking at the notification I become confused so I pull up my Status and look at it again



[NAME: Alice

[RACE: Eclipse Black Cat (Unique)

[CLASS: [Black Cat Lv:1/30]

[GENDER: Female

[TITLES: [Child of Nature][Child of the Eclipse][Champion of Clover]

[Lv: 7/10 Exp: 18/21

HP: 160/160 MP: 120/120 SP: 100/100 Status: None

[VIT: 9

[STR: 10

[END: 10

[INT: 12

[Wis: 11

[SPEED: 16

[LUCK: 32



 - PASSIVE: [Catlike Reflexes (lv1)][Eye For Treasure][Night Vision][Lucky Strike][Intuition]

 - ACTIVE: [Basic Mana Manipulation (lv2)][Basic Moonlight magic (lv1)][Basic Sunfire Magic (lv1)][Basic Void Magic(lv1)]

- UTILITY:[Universal language]


[BLESSING/CURSES: [Blessing of the Cat God Clover] [Innate luck]


'Why did the level disappear?'

[Notice: Skill [Universal language] has no further level or evolution removing the display of level from your skill's Status]

' Oh that's convenient' ... Facepalming as I look over my status again and realize I am in a fantasy world but never tried Magic

' So I have Sunfire, moonlight, and Void. Sunfire seems like a bad idea in a clothing store so not that. I do remember the other class I was going to chose was void based let's try that. System mind explaining void Magic is and how to use it?'

[Of course, Void Magic is a unique magic with the ability to manipulate a second dimension where everything appears but nothing exists. It's most notable features is it's massive mana cost, utility and it's resistance to the effects of other Magic.]

'That explains some of it but not how to use it. guess it can't be that easy can it?' I decide to try some so using Mana Manipulation like with my voice I attempt to gather it in my hand and sparkles begin to appear dancing around my hand. I notice my Mana had been reduced and I can control the sparkles without expending more but I can only push them around five inches from my hand before they dissipate. Closing my eyes and focusing on the void element in my mind I feel a sudden surge of energy towards my palm while a shiver runs through my body and I begin to feel slightly heavy. looking at my palm I notice the sparkles turned black with a faint orange surrounding them. Pulling up my status, I realize constantly pulling it up anytime I want to check my status would be a hassle, so I ask the system if they could do anything about it and now I have a constant screen in the corner of my vision that looks like this.

[Lv: 7/10 Exp: 18/21

HP: 150/150

MP: 20/120

SP: 100/100]

It seemed the little black and orange sparkles took 100 Mana, probably explaining the feeling of emptiness I felt. playing with the sparkles a little longer, I accidentally ran two of them into each other and they stuck together. I could separate them but I was now curious as to what I could do with them together so I pushed them all together and they fused into a small ball about the size of an apple. Compressing further the ball turned almost golf ball sized. It felt loose at first but the smaller it got the harder it was to compress, like a spring, looking for some way to release itself.

"Alice, come here I want you to try this on" Lily called out to me, breaking my concentration. The ball of Void Mana was released and imploded causing what looked like a piece of broken glass surrounded with fracture lines to appear in the sky completely filled with black like space itself was shattered, then quickly patched itself.

I hop up and run over to lily who has a small outfit for me in a changing room in her workroom. The outfit contained a mostly black skirt and a similar black shirt both accented with orange along with a matching purple bow and pair of panties. Both the panties and the skirt had a hole in the back for my tale to fit through as well.

I look at lily as if I had been wronged, though it was my fault for forgetting I was a girl now.

" What, you don't like it? Well I could always get Jacklyn to force you to ware them" lily replied to my expression as a shiver runs through me feeling that it would be so much better to willingly change than for Jacklyn to get involved.

Begrudgingly I enter the changing room and change into the clothes. They actually feel really comfortable, to my surprise and I turn around to find a mirror on the back of the door. Seeing my reflection I fully understand why Jacklyn was obsessing over my adorableness and why Lily made the cloths she did. To put it simply I was adorable. I never got a clear view of myself but now I see it. I had pale skin and black hair, that much I already knew, I had huge heterochromic eyes one was Orange while the other was purple, and they complemented my cute nose and small mouth nicely. The edges of my bangs had flared highlights of orange and purple, and the rest of my hair and fur was pitch black. Opening my mouth I noticed sharp little fangs which would also be considered more cute than threatening. My small stature only further amplified the other features. The purple bows however I didn't know how to put on nor did I really want to. As I exit the room Lily sees me and dramatically claims it was truly her finest work. She the sees I don't have the ribbons in and ties the around both of my ears. I laugh at her actions, from then on there wasn't a doubt in my mind Jacklyn and Lily were sisters.

"Here you can also have these" Lily said and placed a pair of letter boots and black stockings in my hands. " It'll add to the outfit and you don't want your feet getting cold " For some odd reason I feel a tug in my heart.


" Huh?"

"Why are you all being so kind to me?" I ask tears welling up in my eyes. " Ever since they found me in the forest they've been so kind to me and helped me so much, and now you. Why are you helping me?" I start crying, no one had ever been this kind to me not once has someone cared for me like this except for the couple I had as foster parents for a year and I had to leave them. I simply went along with everyone having fun and being sidetracked I never though of all that was done for me until now.

" I know why I helped you, it's because my sister asked me to. I may have helped you without her maybe not, but I do know she's the reason I did. Her reason? I don't know. You'll have to ask her yourself but if you're going to be thankful, be grateful for her. Heh, my sis is the best isn't she" Lily replied in a soft tone filled with pride.

"Yeah" I weakly mutter through my attempts at stopping my crying. When suddenly A bang interrupts our moment

" Whooooooo's talked 'bout me" Jacklyn said as she kicked down the door bringing her self and the others in.

" Nevermind, my sister's the worst." Lily muttered, her expression switching to exhaustion. Walking towards a smiley Jacklyn, Lily quicky puts her sister in a headlock yelling something about her breaking another door.

"Hello Blake, Hello Grant, I want to thank you for helping me earlier." I run up to the others and greet them with a smile my eyes still a little red.

"No problem kid, Though we didn't really didn't do much. We were dragged around as much as you were. She has way too much energy sometimes." Grant said glancing over to Jacklyn who is now beginning to turn blue in the face from her sisters chokehold.

"Is she going to be ok!?" I asked in a panicked voice. From my knowledge a face should definitely not be blue.

" Ah, she'll be fine." Grant assured me, and as if on cue, Jacklyn is released and falls to the ground gasping for air.

I walk over to Jacklyn who is on her hands and knees, lean over and wrap my hands around her neck as I whisper " Thank you for everything" into her ear then look into her eyes.