The Entrance Exams and Festival

Noticing the translations are the same too I chose that one as my preferred language.


" Archaic? That's definitely not something you see too often. Where did you learn that?" The Guildmaster inquired

" My parents taught me" I said, seeing that would be the best way to escape further questions

" I see now where would your parents be young lady?" He kept pushing

" Dead" I said in an impassive manner

" I see. I apologise for asking. Anyways allow me to get the papers." The Guildmaster retrieve the proper paperwork

Returning not long after, He gave me the papers and I began filling them out the questions. They were simple, Name, Age, Race, Class, and what I wanted to focus most on were the most important questions the others were useless.

After completing the application form I handed it back to the Guildmaster and he reviewed it.

" The application was filled out to a satisfactory level, but I would have to ask for you to put your real class on the sheet" he said pointing to the part that asked for my class.

" I know your race is a black cat, as it was listed directly above your class, but please revise this and put your real class" He said with a kind smile

" I apologise, but that is my class is Black Cat" I say stifling a giggle

"I need to know your class" he repeated no longer finding this Funny " Black Cat" I replied again

He was fuming at this point, taking a deep breath, in a barely controlled voice he stated "Child, I want you to be serious, please tell me your class so we can continue with the enrollment process."

" Is their any way for me to prove to you my class is Black Cat, because I'm not joking" I say back with a straight face

Putting his head against his desk The guildmaster just stopped moving.

The room was an awkward silent as not a muscle was moved. The others had thought it was funny at first but when they realized I was serious they stopped laughing.

" Couldn't she use her Identification Token to show us her class" Blake finally broke the silence

" That would require her to have Mana Manipulation, and you can only get that on your first class if it's a mage type class, you know this." the Guildmaster said, not thinking the Beastman in front of him was a mage, as they typically go for more physical classes because of their natural strength. A Beastman mage was a rarity and often looked down upon by others of their kind.

" How do you do it? I ask, with which he responded

" just channel some magic into the plate and say class" so that's exactly what I did

" Class" like that the black star shaped crystal necklace turned back into the glass pane from earlier with a black mist inside. the mist arranged itself to display

[Class: Black Cat]

Unsure of what to say, a simple "well then" escaped him and he took back the paper. Moving on to the practical portion of the test I needed to showcase some ability of mine I plan to work on during the academy. This tests administrator was Miss Himeko, apparently she is one of the strongest mages in the guild. We arrive at the training grounds that is huge. About the size of a professional football stadium it had a series of sparing rings and targets setup for ranged and close combatants alike. Focusing on the task at hand, I decide to do the only thing I can do at this point, other than speaking, magic. I had only ever used Void Magic before, but I didn't get anywhere with it, and something tells me I should keep that to myself for now. I decided to try Sunfire, because it is currently still light outside and sounds fun, and yes that is my reason. I focus Mana into my hand again and the sparkles return this time I try to use Sunfire. The sparkles turn yellow and orange. I compress the sparks of Mana and it turns into an orb of swirling yellow and orange.

Condensing the ball until it got to the size of a golf ball it becomes hard to make it smaller so I attempt to release it forward and a beam of light emerges striking a straw dummy across the field and setting it on fire.

" An affinity for Sunfire, impressive, if you work hard I might forgive you for earlier" Miss Himeko told me,

" Well I'd say you have potential for becoming an adventurer and that's all you need let's make it official" Miss Himeko left for the guildmaster's office to give him the news, and I follow right behind her.

After Finalizing my entry to the academy dusk had arrived, but before I left,

"Here is two sets of the uniform for our school, along with a key to your dorm and the list of classes you will be taking. Your friends asked me to tell you they will be waiting for your arrival at Jacklyn's sister's Tailor shop." The Guildmaster told me " It will be a pleasure to have you attend our school."

" Thank you sir" I say to the Guildmaster an leave for the Tailor shop. luckily I could find it quickly. As I make my way over I notice Shops had begun setting up stands along the sides of the road.

I enter the Tailor shop and find Everyone all dressed up in completely different things. Blake is wareing a dark blue and black yukata, Grant is wareing an typical black suit, with a white undershirt, Lily is wareing a Light blue cocktail Dress, while Jacklyn was wareing a green and yellow short ball gown that reached her ankle but didn't drag on the ground. I don't know what is going on but it doesn't seem right. Individually each of them looked stunning, even our squatty friend Grant looked dashing in his suit and tie, but together they just looked wrong, but who am I to judge them so I try to play it cool,

"You all look ... Nice?" and, fail horribly. I couldn't contain my confusion as to why they all chose cloths that don't match in the slightest, especially with a tailor being one of them, aren't they supposed to have good sense of fashion? Also where are we going, a festival, business meeting, cocktail party or royal ball, I had never imagined I would ever see something like this and be this confused, but seeing is believing, and I believe that these people need to not be seen together right now.

" Is their something wrong with what were wareing? Jacklyn asked

" No you all look great but, um, was this planned or uh you guys look.." I couldn't find words to express how I was feeling while looking at them. I finally decide to go With " Breathtaking"

" Don't worry theirs one for you too," Lily tells me, and I try my hardest to keep a smile while responding "great"

Taking me to the backroom Lily goes to grab my outfit while talking to me " I know what you were thinking earlier, we look horrible together don't we" I just nod and she sees as she is returning with a set of folded cloth. " It was Jacklyn's idea and everyone else thought it would be fun so they insisted to have their favorite dress clothes instead of matching I told them they would regret it. I think they do, just don't want to admit I was right. Alright this is for you, I'll help you put it on" Lily then unfolds a Beautiful Black kimono with a purple and orange floral pattern a set of small wooden sandles and a black Obi.

As I'm admiring the kimono Lily quickly and masterfully removed my skirt and shirt, and in a few swift movements she had the Kimono on me and the Obi tied. The bows matched with the Kimono so she left them.

Before I know it I am changed with Lily admiring her work.

" Yep, another masterpiece, I'm going to have to thank my sister for bringing a new model."

She then leads me out of the room

After regrouping with the others, and being told for the umpteenth time how adorable I am we left for the festival. the stands were finishing the last touches to prepare for the festival that begins when the sun sets completely.

" Alright I'm going to go enjoy myself, with the little amount of money I have to spend, I'll be around" Grant said to the group and broke off

" He's probably going to go flirt with some of the pretty girls around here and get rejected" Jacklyn said to the group while laughing, Grant was too far away to hear her.

"Ok Alice come with me I'll show you what a festival is really about" Lily said while grabbing my hand

" No, sister I'll take Alice off your hands so you can have all the adult fun you want by yourself" Jacklyn said grabbing my other hand

I notice invisible sparks starting between the two of them as they release me and start arguing

I slip away and grab Blake's hand and pull him away " I hope you don't mind me tagging along with you I would like to escape whatever's happening over there." Blake smiles and replies " Of course"

Both of us now holding each other's hands we walk off to look at what the festival had to offer.

The festival was more fun than I would have thought. Where I lived in my old world we never really had festivals and if we did they were rare and I never got to go. But I had a wonderful time, The food was amazing and exotic, colors and flavors that would probably be considered unsafe for consumption in my old world was available and it was amazing. I laughed at the amount of people who tried to hit on Blake thinking he was a girl and there was even a vendor who tried flirting with him saying we were a lovely mother daughter pair, which aside from the eyes, ears and the fact Blake's an under aged guy it isn't entirely unrealistic of an idea we do look somewhat similar, distant cousins maybe?

As the night continued, we encountered a group of magic performers. They were a sight to see, six member in total created the performance each with a different type of magic, Fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark. The light and dark elements were mostly used for effects and diverting the crowds attention but did join for some of the acts, the others were used to do a variety of things from a miniature skit useing golems as characters, to Dances with magic to further captive the audience, to a controlled fireworks display, the use of their abilities were synchronized and beautiful to witness, we ended up staying for longer than intended. Playing games and having fun we return to the entrance of the guild to retire for the night.

Staring at the Eclipsed moon I hear " Thank you" from behind me. Turning to face Blake I give him a wide smile and say "Anytime" Blake crouches does and pats my head, but as he pulls it away I grabbed it. " A little longer?" I ask. No reply was given but Blake began petting my head again " Thank you" I whisper "For everything"

We remain their for a moment before we head inside. Walking up the stairs, left of the front desk, I turn left as he turns right and we go off to our own separate dorms.

Taking the key I placed in my inventory out I look at the number on the key and realizing I can't tell what it says I go though each floor looking for the door labeled the same as my key.

Opening the door I see four beds with a desk and nightstand beside each. Two beds have things on them, one has a bunny plushy that looks way too happy and the other has a tiger that looks as if its insides were ripped out.

'Well this is going to be interesting' walking to the third bed with nothing on the bed I jump onto the bed and begin to browse my system while trying to go to sleep

I decided it was time to open the Lucky box, I wasn't ready for bed yet.