Finding A Job

After a second I manage to escape but Emmy seemed sad now, her bunny on her shoulder looking like it was trying to console her.


Staring at the bunny who I never saw move I was suspicious, then decided to ignore it.

After we finish our drinks I ask Emmy and Caroline if they knew about guild requests or any other way of making money

" The guild only allows, adventurer's to take requests. You become a Rank one trainee when you complete your first year, and some of the best of the first year become rank two" Emmy said

"So do you have any ideas about a possible job I could try, or a place to find work? I don't have any money and still do need to eat" I say

" I'm not sure since I work with my mother, but you could ask the guild attendants. The guild is a place in the center of most shops, people often post job opportunities here to entice new workers" Caroline pitches in

" Thank you, I now know what I'm going to do for today!" I say in a determined voice to try and psyche myself up because I have a

had a bad history of attempting to get a job

" Don't forget about the Tournament this evening. The matches are sent out today and the fights start tomorrow" Caroline said while getting up and heading back to the dorms

" I believe in you Alice, You'll be fine" Emmy said before following in suit

Walking down the stairs and over to the front desk, I am faced with a problem, I have to jump to reach the bell on the desk and when I do I can't quite reach it.

To fix this I climb into the counter with a surprisingly large amount of effort and ring the bell. A stout lady comes to the front and scolded me for being on the desk

" Kid off the desk, what do you want?" she sounded irritated

" I was hoping you could help me find people looking for employees" I said

" Child, you need to grow up first, come back when your ten" She said

" I am ten and can prove it" I was starting to get irritated, Insult my hight, call me kid, I did not go through seventeen years of hell to be talked down to like a child, but I kept my composure

" Mam, I just want to see some employment requests, You can do that at least or are you too useless" ... and I let it slip again, Damn it!

Grunting, she grabbed a stack of papers, and being the asshole she was placed them on the counter just out of my reach

Climbing back up onto the table I am once again yelled at but this time I just flip her off, take the papers and leave, now it is time to look for a job.

I look at the papers, and their are many jobs listed, but not many are in the realm of my capabilities. I am small and weak which makes labor based jobs not the best for me and that was a large majority of the jobs so I am left with the others.

My first choice is a small shop for foods or other miscellaneous items, I figured I had some costumer service experience, and could do relatively well there. I pull the files of jobs that match this description and begin the job hunt.

The first shop I go to is called Maya's Magical Emporium, it is a shop for magical items. I felt it may help me get to better know magical items, and other things of the sort.

I walk in and ask about the job listing and find out the position was already filled. Having a bad feeling about the future I attempt again.

This time I was going to a small store that carried food, it was small and run by the wives of the farmers on the outskirts of the city, I tried to get a job their but I was turned away because I was a Beastman. Apparently Beastmen are ridiculed and commonly known as theives and bandits.

My Day continued in a similar manner, I was either turned away because I looked like a child, I was a Beastman, the spot was already filled, I was an Adventurer's Guild Academy student and couldn't be employed during school, etc. Every place had its own reason for not hiring and a few hours later I returned to the guild almost empty handed. I still had the papers describing the jobs, so not completely empty handed.

I return to the front desk and thankfully a new person came to greet me, because if the other lady came back I probably would have gotten teased and she would have been bitten.

Handing the papers back to the clerk, I try to think about other places I could look "I might be able to get a job from lily, she did say I made a good model for her clothes" I mumble to myself as I have started to do frequently to allow Oreo to hear my thoughts

' Who's lily?' Oreo asked, I just told him she was a friend and left to go to the Tailor's shop

Arriving at the shop I step in and look around the store. Not finding what I'm looking for I call for lily, while standing near the door she took me in before.

" Who is it" I hear from the other side of the door

" Alice " I respond and like magic the door is flung open and within seconds Jacklyn is bear hugging me and crushing the life force out of me

Laughing at my predicament, lily proceeds to unlatch me from her sister and allow my soul to renter my body.

" So what did you come here for? I doubt it was to get the life squeezed out of you by my sister." Lily said while petting my head

" I was wondering if you could help me with a job" I said my head down " I tried a ton of other places but I couldn't find a place that would have me and I remembered you mentioned something about me being a model so..."

" I see, well I would love to have you model for some of my cloths but I can't hire you. I lack the money and product to help you in that department, but if I need you for something I'll be sure to call you and pay you accordingly" I tried to smile while thanking them but the smile faltered and my voice wavered slightly.

Slapping myself on the cheeks, I thanked them again and left the store. I returned to the Guild and went back up to the bar, my stomach grumbling, in displeasure from not being fed in over a day in a half with actual food.

" Hello Mr. Kline" I said, when my stomach growled louder than it had ever before, like it was calling out to Kline, knowing he had the means to procure good food

" So how did the job hunt go" Kline asked, seeming amused from my stomach's calling

" Awful, if I had a little money from every place I was turned away from I wouldn't need a job" I say as I take a seat and sprawl out over the counter

Glancing over, I see him cleaning up some dishes that had been used and go collect some more from the tables out in front of the bar.

After a moment of dwelling on self pity my stomach reminds me of why I came

" So Mr. Kline would it be possible to get something to eat and owe you a little more later?" I ask

"So you're not going to ask me for a job?" Kline asks, which is not at all an answer to the question I just asked

" I didn't think you need help, it seems dead here all the time." I said " But if your offering I will gladly accept."

" Wonderful." Kline said "Now pick something from the menu you want, you can consider this a welcoming gift from you boss."

Looking back up at the menu I realize I still don't know how to read common language here

" I can't read any of it" I said, Kline just face palmed

"And you wonder why you couldn't get a job" he then sighed " I could teach you a little I guess, you do have a point, I am pretty free at certain times of the day." He proceeded to check his ingredients and make something

" Your lucky, I had the ingredients to make one more omelet today, here" Kline then slid a plate in front of me

" Thank you!" I almost screamed and devoured it in no time, having licked every part of the plate clean in a matter of seconds

" I want you to report in for work at five to seven in the morning and six to ten in the evening" Kline said as I finished he then tossed me a pocket watch " Keep this until you get the ones from the school"

" Affirmative, Boss" I give a salute to Kline

" Now go ask the guild master for a book on common" Kline shooed me away and I was off to the Guildmaster's office

Knocking on the door I was called in and asked the Guildmaster if he had a book that translates Archaic to common, He said I would have to go to the Mages Guild to find a book on that, and briefly wrote a letter telling the Mages Guild what I was in need of. He also told me where it was and what I needed to look for.

" An unnecessarily tall structure made of old stone in the middle of nowhere" I said to myself while looking at a building In front of me, " Awful instructions but Extremely accurate"

In front of me was a wide tall tower covered in moss and looked creepy. It was that one house on a happy neighborhood you would purposely cross the street to avoid walking in front of. It was also in the middle of a field so that made it more suspicious.

I enter the building and am greeted by the exact opposite of what you would expect white walls and two sets of spiral stairs lining the walls lead to higher floors. I notice a desk similar to the one at the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild so I approach it.

Excuse me I ask, as the lady at the desk looks up from her book to see nothing but, Places the book down. I call out to her again and jump up to come over the counter further than just my ears and she sees my face. She comes around the front of the desk.

" Sorry dear, may I ask what you are doing here?" She said with a sweet smile on her face

" I have this letter, I need to borrow something from the Guild" I say handing the letter over to the Attendant

The attendant was muttering while reading the letter " Interesting. hmmm? What! why does that bastard need something like this?"

I was suprised when I heard the hatred in the voice of the attendant ' What did you get me into Guildmaster?'

The attendant, realized she had an audience and cleared her throat, " Sorry child, but may I inquire as to the use of this supposed book? I don't see the need to give this to that man. Please tell him I am going to need appropriate reason to give him that book"

" I'm the reason for the book" I tell her, as confusion is shown on her face "I mean I can speak archaic not common, it would be helpful to know for school"

" My word, You know archaic it is quite the achievement for a child your age" The attendant smiled at me before the second part of my statement, became rationalized in her mind, " Your old enough for the school?" she sounded shocked.

" Yes, I'm ten" I say, I am beginning to get sick of explaining my age to others, and others assuming I'm some lost child.

" My apologies, I will retrieve the book" The attendant went to go retrieve the book

" Please return the book in a timely manner" The attendant said " Have a nice evening"

Like that I left, and returned to my room. Walking up the stairs to my room, on the wall I see a list of names, beside them are rings and fights. Mine was Ring 6 Fight 6. I'm not concerned with winning so I have some free time.

Returning to my room I open the book on translations, and get to work.