School Recap

(Alice POV)

School started off rather hectic. I wasn't prepared for what awaited me.

Starting off simple, my first class was a standard core class. From what I understood from the schedule, it was a combination of, language, math, science, and other similar subjects, compiled into a basic knowledge class you would need to be a systematic, functioning member of society. Not nearly as in-depth as school in my old life, but it was definitely more practical. Especially in this day and age which seemed to be some weird combination of ancient and advanced society, before guns and industrial revolutions, but still containing policies and inventions that were only possible in modern times. The class was useful nonetheless and I still got a bunch out of it. For example I learned that Skills, level up based on three criteria.

One, someone's familiarity with the subject, how well someone understands the skill and it's progression in leveling. Two, The affinity of the person and the skill. This isn't something anyone really can know they have and doesn't really effect the skill itself, just it's growth. The third is usage. The more you use a skill the better it becomes, on occasion you can learn something from a skill that you never knew before, or something you never thought about. You can also gain skills by meeting certain requirements and level up these skills in similar ways, even without the skill being used.

Something else I learned, was the exchange rate of money is real simple. The conversion from a coin to the coin higher is ten. The coins are as follows copper, large copper, silver, large silver, gold, large gold, Noble gold, Platinum, large platinum, Royal Platinum. The rest was more common sense based, but it was still real interesting stuff.

The next was a Magic class. This was honestly the most exciting class for me. I love magic, coming from a place where it never existed I have a childish love and curiosity for the subject. This was a whole class, it was going to be wonderful. Until I was called up to the front. I was a bit nervous but I did what I was told and sat back down. The class was fun and really interesting all things considered.

Then I had combat classes. This was another optional class like magic, and since I got my claws recently I thought it may be a good idea to try. That class was ... interesting. I found out that the teacher was Ms. Talfa, yes the lady that caught me trying to sneak out of the bathroom. Put like that it sounds wrong, but I swear it was innocent. Anyways she said I owed her a favor and now I am her assistant. Apparently she wanted me to help her teach the class because I was a student like them, and she was new to this teaching children thing. She though she could have me help demonstrate as motivation for the others and to help correct the others mistakes. She has a class of around sixty to seventy or so students so it makes sense to me.

For the next few hours after that I was doing constant physical exercise, and it was quite horrifying. First was the physical exams that Ms. Talfa had the whole class do and they were bad in their own right. Punishments were given to the ones who fell furthest behind, and for those who were slacking, however despite her so-called God-sight eyeglass, she never mentioned my holding back. My control skill makes it so I can limit my abilities, and being a little overdramatic creates a pretty convincing lie she never said anything about. I was convinced about half way through she was just that perceptive. Thinking logically, she saw me in thick steam, over stealth, and blending in with the walls, not to mention the background noises and the smell of soaps, but she found me without even trying, like I had none of it at all. If that was the case she could probably easily tell if the kids were giving it their all.

After that she took me for weapon training. We started with swords and it was hell. I couldn't stop until She was satisfied. Don't believe me, well I learned first hand a rather painful, yet useful lesson the first day, just because a person's Hp drops to 1, they still have to be hit with a killing blow. This means someone couldn't stub their toe to death, but being at one health makes you considerably more vulnerable, this state decreases all stats by around 70% and makes you feel dazed. If at any point I collapsed she would bring me to the healing class, a branch of magic class for the second and third years, and they would test healing and Stamina restoring magic on me. Some would work, some wouldn't and made me sick or fell like my insides were burning, it was awful. One kid, that messed up particularly bad, and actually gave me poison resistance. The up side was after one training session I got the Short Sword Mastery, Exhaustion Resistance, and Poison Resistance skills, in addition to leveling up Regeneration by one.

Finally escaping that hell, I had one other class for the day, I Decided to take a cooking class because I loved eating food here. In my old world eating seemed like more of an inconvenience than anything but now, I've fallen for it. I took this class as an excuse to eat and to learn to cook good food for myself.

My Cooking class was the most relaxing of all my other classes. My teacher was this really chill dude, who honestly reminded me of a stereotypical high hippie, but he was still cool. It was a welcome and relaxing change from the upbeat, crazy, Mrs. Hemiko, or the sadistic, ruthless, Talfa.

Class ended, and I had three hours to myself before work. Something said in the magic class had been in the back of my mind all day so it was off to the library.

I found a book with the Cardinal elements, and their properties. It was rather in-depth but it had what I needed. I wanted to know what properties made up my Void magic so I did some studying. I came to find out a few things from this session. First it seems that void magic was a mixture of time and space magic. The interesting part was they seemed to be more fused together, because unlike the other two affinities I have, I cannot make one dominate over the other. I also discovered what elements made up Moonlight magic. Ice and shadow magic were the two magics fused to make moonlight.

The process for figuring this out was simple. all magics can have the same eight basic attacks. Water magic forms a ball of water, Fire magic is a fireball, Wind is a strong gust of air, earth is a stone, and Light and shadow are the same, just being a beam. Time and space are rather unique, as these don't necessarily have attacks more like effects. Time leaves a crack in the sky, space leaves a black hole.

My schedule remained the same for the rest of the week and not many extraordinarily interesting things happened. In magic we covered the last little parts of magic, like a little History on the subject and a little more in-depth explanation of magic itself, how magic is used, and magic circuits which is are basically veins for Mana. After we started practical training. In this we went out to a field not far from the guild and used magic in a controlled environment. The point of this was for everyone to focus on their own types of magic, and have Mrs. Himeko there to supervise and help correct us. I used Sunfire primarily during this time and managed to level it up once along with Mana manipulation. In this class I also learned that the elements I use drain a deceptively large amount of Mana, having run out faster than anyone else in the class.

In combat training we made significant progress on our short sword training. The beginning of class had all of us following Ms. Talfa's hellish training regiment which was pretty much move till you drop, push further, then do it again. Fortunately, people began to complain about it being too hard, one person just quit, and she realized few people could actually keep up. This resulted in a complete change in her teaching style to one that was less physically intensive and allowed more breaks. She still had us doing a lot of work, but at least now it was at least partially bearable, and the others thankfully accepted that was the best they were going to get. After half a class of that, we started to work on weapons.

Every two to three weeks or so we would have a new weapon to learn to use, If we liked a weapon we got to chose to continue to practice that one or keep learning with the class. I didn't get a choice because I'm her assistant but those are minor details. My job come to find out is pretty simple, all I need to do is help her demonstrate form to the others and assist anyone who has questions and the courage to ask for help, while I continue to practice myself. One kid complained that I was progressing way faster than the rest of the class and that I was shown favoritism. That's not how this works exactly but I digress. In return I invited him to my after class practice with Ms. Talfa and not even half way through he passed out, and hasn't complained about anything in her class since.

Speaking of which every day after combat class came the weapon training. It was similar the combat class itself but it focused on more practical use of the movements, so I could better explain it to the others, a lot more physical exercise, and less breaks because there is only one of me. This would include more sparring, a faster pace of practice and whatever annoying activity Talfa decided I should try, before using it to torment the rest of the class. Throughout this Ms. Talfa and I began a type of friendship from all the time we spent together. She seemed like a very loud, brash, mean person, but she was actually really kind and a bit awkward. She put me through hell the first few days but I slowly began to get used to it and she began to grow a sense of respect towards me when she realized I wasn't going to quit.

It was a very difficult decision to make considering the fact that I feel inclined to cry from pain and exhaustion before we even make it half way, but In one week alone I raised my Short Sword Mastery skill seven levels among many others. This shows that her methods work and Talfa was even impressed with my growth. She told me I had a talent she'd never seen before, and even said I might outdo her in some of her weaker weapons if she wasn't careful.

In the free time I have, I typically practice moonlight and void magic which both leveled up once, Spend time with Tanya, Emmy, Caroline, Lyric and on occasion Eric, Grant, and Julien, or just nap. Last Friday, I decided to just sleep because it was the last day of school this week, and it had been a crazy week, as well as change of pace I hadn't anticipated.

Anyways, At the end of my days I go to work. My time at work is never slow just like the rest of my day. I work as a waitress so I have to get orders and deliver the correct food to the customer that ordered it. I also am responsible for cleaning tables. As I am the only other person, other than Kline, that works outside of the kitchen, I have to shoulder most of the responsibility, since he is manning the bar most of the time, so I'm always busy. However It is different from other similar jobs I've had. People are a lot more conscious of their own actions so their are less messes and it is easier to manage things.

The concept of the customers always right, doesn't exist here so no entitled customers, or rather far fewer. If they get a big head, someone ends up yelling at them before I do. Also the customers themselves keep order really well. Most of the people who eat there are students or loyal patrons of the restaurant who have been there a while, and have become, for lack of better words, a vigilante force, to keep order among the newcomers, and travelers. If someone gets too rowdy they are run off, if someone is too disrespectful, they get booted by either Kline or the other customers, but I've only seen Kline intervene once. It was initially a bit of a shock to see customers treated like that, especially by other customers, things can get violent occasionally, but I can still really appreciate it.

There was one time that a man came in, after people just started getting to know me, and started slandering me, he even hit me when I was refusing his demand of licking his boots for forgiveness of being a 'Filthy Demi-human' in his presence. The man limped out of the guild missing almost all of his teeth and most of his intact bones broken. Everyone in the room banded together to kick his ass and it was rather flattering. Even Old lady Mesra joined in, not sure if it was to defend me or just to beat up an entitled brat, but I was touched anyways.

The weekend hit, and I finally had time to cool down. I spent time with Lyric and the others in new home the first day, and I spent time with the others just catching up with them and sleep the second. They all have pretty much the same schedule as me except for the two career classes. Lyric took carpentry and was in my cooking class, Tanya took blacksmithing and cooking, Caroline and Emmy both had took sewing, while Caroline went for Alchemy and Emmy got into marketing, Gram took Carpentry and blacksmithing with Eric, and Julien took cooking and alchemy.

All in all this week had been fun, more fun than I've had I think ever in my life.

[Status Update]



[NAME: Alice ✳️

[RACE: Eclipse Black Cat (Unique)

[CLASS: [Black Cat Lv:10/30]

[GENDER: Female

[TITLES: [Child of Nature][Child of the Eclipse][Champion of Clover]

[Lv: 1/20 (Evolution possible) Exp:

HP: 540/540 MP: 2070/1070{1000} SP: 630/630 Status: Healthy

[VIT: 33

[STR: 63

[END: 41

[INT: 107

[Wis: 63

[SPEED: 84

[LUCK: 47



- PASSIVE: [Catlike Reflexes (lv5)][Basic Claw Mastery(lv1)][Regeneration(lv4)][Eye For Treasure][Night Vision][Lucky Strike][Intuition][Mark of Madness][Basic Short Sword Mastery(lv8)][Basic Exhaustion Resistance (lv5)][ Basic Poison Resistance (lv3)]

- ACTIVE: [Basic Mana Manipulation (lv6)][Basic Moonlight magic (lv4)][Basic Sunfire Magic (lv7)][Basic Void Magic(lv3)][Basic Telekinesis(lv3)][Stealth(lv2)][Claws(lv1)][Basic Claw Arts(lv1)][Basic Short Sword Arts(lv5)][Mimicry(lv2)][Universal language][Control]


[BLESSING/CURSES: [Blessing of the Cat God Clover] [Innate luck]
