
We needed fourteen in total and decided to meet up at Granny's after catching all of the ones we could find.


My ears twitched and my eyes dilated as I focused on my hearing and sight. Faint red wires could be seen in the sclera of my eyes.

I Started running through the forest paying close attention to every detail. The rustling of the trees, any form of sound from bugs to tiny Snickers from mischievous children, even smell helped in some way. I could tell if a Child was near because I could smell something off from the normal forest. It was definitely interesting to say the least.

One after another I found the pipsqueaks and forced them out of their hiding spots and brought them to dinner.

Approaching granny's house with the queen bee of the bunch, Harmony, I arrived back and Lyric was standing there with the other children, all of which were now found and unfortunately I lost.

Lyric and I had a competition on who was going to find the most, I lost eight to six, but Lyric still seemed slightly impressed. I have a feeling he has had to do this a lot.

We all entered the massive building together, the children making a point to be as dramatic as possible. The inside was way more packed than it was before. The common area was filled with adults, mainly men, who were just peacefully conversing amongst themselves, some had there children with them. Just like the troublesome bunch of kiddos we recently wrangled, They were a diverse crowd. The most prevalent being Elves, or at least they had the most consistent population. There were more beastmen then elves, but the variety ranged from dog to bear, cat to chinchilla, birds and the sort. There was probably everything under the sun in that room. Not literally of course but you get the picture. There was however a few intriguing things I noticed, not that the sight in front of me was normal.

First, there was one big buff red man, with horns that came from his forehead, almost in a vertical line above his eyes, that curved upwards. They were thin, but long, and black in color matching his short hair. He also had purple eyes and I what I think was his daughter was on his lap. She had features similar to her dad's just more feminine. She had a paleish red skin, her horns were more positioned towards the top, sides of her head, and were little yellow knobs. She too had black hair, but unlike her father, her hair reached her waist, she had red eyes and she had a whip-like tail that ended in a small flat spade.

The second thing I noticed was I did not see one normal looking human being. Not that that's a bad thing just something I noticed.

The last thing I noticed was the stares from the people in the room. More specifically directed at me. I was a child they had never seen before and if the impression I got from this place is anything to go off of they were in essence a huge family that was compromised of all the forests residents. The Plush on my head didn't help, but merely reminded me I need a better way to carry Oreo. He stays there extremely well. How? I don't know, but the amount of times I've forgotten he was there is more than I would be willing to admit to him.

Taking Oreo off of my head and delicately clutching him in my arms. I walk further into the room as the children disperse and find their parents, I follow Lyric and Harmony to Gladeius who is coincidentally sitting beside Mr. Demon.

" Now Gladeius who is this" Mr. Demon asked in a deep voice.

" This is Alice. She's a friend of Lyrics from school." He replied

" Well now your quite small to be attending the academy, how old are you little one?" He was now talking to me.

" I'm ten" I say in response, close up he is a little intimidating.

" Now that's about the same age as my daughter, Say hello Ravi." He then nudges the child on his lap which I now noticed is far larger than I initially thought she was. If I were to guess she was a little larger than the size of Lyric. Her dad was just so big she seemed smaller.

Ravi snuggled closer to her father while burying her head into his chest peering at us through one eye.

" No need to be shy." Her father said a little exasperated.

She shook her head in reply and an exhausted sigh was released from Mr. demon

I walked up to her and put out my hand " I'm Alice nice to meet you"

She gave no response but I could see her eyeing Oreo.

I held Oreo out for her to touch " Wanna pet him?" I asked

It took a second before she stretched her hand out and pet the top of Oreos head for a moment.

" Mini Alice" She said while patting Oreos head " Fluffy"

She turned completely out of her dad's chest so that she was sitting normally on his lap when she stared at me for a moment before she started petting my head too.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head down as I let out a satisfied purr. I like head pats, but only gentle head pats. I do not know exactly why, but I get a peaceful sense of happiness from them. It also make me a little sleepy.

She suddenly stopped, got up from her seat, and picked me up from behind before holding me like a teddy bear and sitting back down one arm around my chest holding me the other on my head petting it.

It was a little awkward but I was currently absorbed in the head pats so I didn't really care.

And like that we sat on silence...

Forcing my self out the trap, I squirmed as to attempt to regain my dignity but as I was about to escape Ravi seemed upset and the others were already laughing at me so I relented, Degrading once again into someone's living doll.

" Your definitely an interesting one Alice" Mr. demon said " I've been trying to help little Ravi to open up but haven't had any success. She seems to like you."

" My, I haven't introduced myself yet. Allow me to do so. I am Azazel, pleasure to meet you"

" Ravi" Ravi said

" Nice to meet you both" I replied in turn

" I'm going to see if the mothers needs any help with dinner." Lyric said to everyone and departed, Harmony in tow.

" I'm coming with" she called out

I got up and decided to follow them, but before I did I held my hand out to Ravi.

" Want to come with?"

She looked nervous, scared almost. She looked at me, then looked up to her dad who just nodded his head and smiled.

" O-ok." She said and took my hand and together we walked up stairs and joined the others to see what we could do to help.

Arriving in the kitchen, I was stunned. It was like the entry just instead of men there were women, and they were being productive. Of course they weren't all women but most were and they were all doing something to help. People were walking around to grab things, cutting things up. The entirety of the bear corpse was gone, and I didn't see any blood either which means it was cleaned up already too. I stared in awe at the speed that these people were working, but was snapped out of it by Ravi tugging on my hand. There were a few people who would stare for a second and say something to the person beside them before they continued working.

I decided to just try and find lyric and see if he could tell me what to do. After a minute of searching we found Natalie instead.

" Hey Mrs. Natalie where's lyric and Harmony?"

"Oh? Alice, seems like you've brought someone else along too." she said looking at Ravi, and I could feel my hand getting squeezed a little tighter.

" Sorry dear, I didn't mean to frighten you." Natalie said as she realized Ravi was nervous

" It's ok, I-its not your fault" Ravi replied her head down.

Natalie just nodded " Anyways I sent Lyric and Harmony back down. Dinners almost ready and you two have been pretty helpful today. So don't worry about helping. Also, Thank you for your help today Alice."

" Your welcome." I replied and turned to Ravi " You ready to go?"

" Mn" Ravi nodded her head

We headed back downstairs and waited for dinner with the others.


(3rd Pov)

Two children entered the kitchen area of the center of New home, a place everyone referred to as 'Grandma's house'.

These two children in particular seemed to attract a lot of attention from the people in the kitchen and shortly after people began to whisper amongst themselves.

Quickly, word of these two children made it's way into the far corner of the room where a woman with paleish pink skin, a black whip like tale and black horns that looked similar to small ram horns, stood cooking.

" Iris, I heard that your daughter and some Cat demi- human child came in holding hands together." one of the women standing near her told her

Upon hearing of these children's arrival she became ecstatic, and began scanning the room for these two children and caught them speaking to a friend of hers named Natalie.

She saw how when Natalie started speaking the one with black hair and horns flinched back a bit, and was holding another's hand. Causing her to giggle a bit.

The laugh turned into a gentle smile as she muttered to herself " My sweet Ravi you've finally found a friend. I hope she can help you recover."

The lady went back to working being the happiest she has ever been in a long while.

(3rd POV: End)


Finally It was time for dinner, and oh God was I not prepared. Come to realize there was easily over five hundred people eating there and the place I thought was a dining room, which was under the kitchen, was actually just a place for the food to be put. There were numerous tables completely packed full of random types of dishes. I had no clue what to do and was honestly, intimidated by the amount of people and food. Not to mention the chaos that was when people actually started to get food. Everyone went crazy and some people started getting into fights. Nothing massive but I did see a few people get punched and elbowed, whether intentional or not was debatable.

I ended up standing there for a good ten or so minutes just having a miniature panic attack about everything. It all just happened so fast I wasn't ready.

I was hesitant to join the food brawl but that's when an angel descended from the heavens or rather Ravi walked out of the craziness completely unhindered with two plates of food. She handed one to me and brought me along outside to one of the bridges. We sat down and Ravi stared at me with expectant eyes.

I looked at what was on the plate and it seemed to be a collection of five different dishes. One was slices of meat, the second was was just a simple salad nothing overly special, there was also one that seemed to be purple cubes covered in some thick blue substance, some form of pasta I assume, and a cookie or at least I hope it's a cookie.

Ravi kept staring at me so I started eating, starting with the meat I put it in my mouth and it felt like it melted in my mouth. It tasted like it had been lightly seasoned but still had a wonderful flavor. Tearing into it and releasing the juices caused a moment of euphoria. I stared at the remaining prices and started drooling. I moved on to the salad, and it was salad, can really make that one any special, it was good none the less. Nice earthy lettuce like leaves filled with an assortment of savory fruits and vegetables. The next thing I tried was the weird purple and blue dish, that was honestly the one I was most afraid of. I put the purple chunk into my mouth and brace for impact, but am surprised when I tasted sour and the sweet. The purple cube seemed to be some form of fruit and was sweet itself and the blue topping is sour leaving for an unusual contrasting taste but I found it good none the less. I then tried the pasta and immediately spit it out as Ravi laughed a bit. I was shivering after. I didn't even taste it before my body decided it was not supposed to be in my mouth and completely rejected it. I wasn't going to eat that again.

Ravi seemed to be satisfied and started to eat her own food which was the same thing I had minus the pasta look alike I finished eating everything aside from the cookie and had a satisfied expression. Before looking at my dessert.

I picked the cookie up and stuck it in my mouth. It was good, but subtle. Everything that I had eaten so far had a lot of flavor in comparison, but it was just a simple cookie. I don't know why but despite this fact I think the cookie was the best part of the meal. It wasn't as over the top as the others but it was my favorite.

Me and Ravi sat in silence before she laid her head on my shoulder.

" How was the cookie?" She asked

" Wonderful, Compliments the Baker." I said as I looked into the sky. It was getting dark.

" Thank you." Ravi said

" Hmm?" I look over at her

" Thank you for the compliment, Thank you for being my friend, just thank you." She said

"... You made the cookie?" I asked confused

" That's what you got from that?" She asked surprised

" What it was a good cookie!" I said defensively

Ravi just shook her head, and I looked back to the setting sky.

" Your welcome." I muttered to myself, then got up " I should go home soon so I'm going to now. Bye Ravi."

" Bye Alice." She replied

I said my goodbyes to Lyric, Harmony and there parents. I also briefly met Ravi's mom, Iris. She seemed nice enough for the few minutes I was there.

I started to walk home, as I didn't need to hurry because I didn't have work and I decided to play with my system, the logical way to cure boredom.

I pull up the menu and look at my stats



[NAME: Alice

[RACE: Eclipse Black Cat (Unique)

[CLASS: [Black Cat Lv:5/30]

[GENDER: Female

[TITLES: [Child of Nature][Child of the Eclipse][Champion of Clover]

[Lv: 10/10 (Evolution possible) Exp: 18/21

HP: 280/220 MP: 1370/370{1000} SP: 290/290 Status: Healthy

[VIT: 18

[STR: 29

[END: 21

[INT: 37

[Wis: 32

[SPEED: 45

[LUCK: 35



- PASSIVE: [Catlike Reflexes (lv1)][Eye For Treasure][Night Vision][Lucky Strike][Intuition]

- ACTIVE: [Basic Mana Manipulation (lv2)][Basic Moonlight magic (lv1)][Basic Sunfire Magic (lv5)][Basic Void Magic(lv1)][Universal language][Control]


[BLESSING/CURSES: [Blessing of the Cat God Clover] [Innate luck]


I decided to try and evolve what the worst the could happen?

I click (Evolution Possible)

[Evolve (Confirm)(Cancel)]

I select confirm as I trip over a root and my vision turns black.