The Siege Begins

(POV Caroline)

Looking outside my window, the dark sky's showed no signs of illuminating anytime soon. I feel an eternity has passed and yet I still cannot sleep. I'm tired and quite frankly it infuriates me, so much so an ironic cycle seems to have formed to fuel my restlessness. In my left arm a sleeping Emmy lies, though with the way she is thrashing about, it is pretty obvious she isn't having a very pleasant slumber. I feel no envy over the nights decision to whisk her away, but the sleep will do her body good, so I leave her be for now, trying my best to soothe her. On my other side is a tattered doll, a memento from from our other roommate and the only thing of hers that turned up aside from a massive crater, a black and white cat stuffed animal, she had named Oreo.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity staring at the doll that sat motionless in my hand, it's lifeless eyes staring back at me. Only I knew it was alive, or at least I wished it to be. After all how else do you explain the his ability to move around when he thinks we're all sleeping. Emmy's certain I was hallucinating but I'm not so convinced. After all he is Alice's and that fact alone makes it reasonable.

Alice in an oddball. She is Something else, Something different. No, not because she is deceptively strong yet tiny, and likes to have full blown conversations with a doll, it's because she has a presence more terrifying than any monster I've ever encountered when angered. The others, especially here recently, have all taken notice of it too and I have a sneaking suspicion Oreo may be the key to unraveling her past.

" What is it she can't tell us?" I ask absentmindedly to the doll in front of me. "What is she? Where did she go? Can't you tell me what's going on?"


Placing the doll in my lap I breathe out attempting to relax a bit and clear my mind. Clearly I haven't had enough sleep if I thought a doll was going to answer. Closing my eyes I tried once more to go back to sleep, but the attempt proves painfully futile. Sliding my arm gently out from Emmy's grasp, her grimace shifts to a face full of terror. Quickly sliding Oreo into her arms I attempt to give her something to cuddle with, and she immediately relaxes a bit after applying a vice grip onto the poor kitten.

Pulling the covers up over her shoulders I gently leave the bed and grabbed a black coat before exiting the room. I'm thinking a short Midnight stroll is just the thing I need right now. Clear my head then go to bed.

From the entrance of the dorms I decide my path. If I exit the eastern side of the city I could lie in the fields, and stargaze for a little, then come around full circle to the south side then make it back before morning.

Passing the darkened buildings under the light of the Light Blue, and Pink moons, Uriel and Cermia, brought out a silent and serene quality to the city. The unusual stillness, though typically calming, tonight felt stiff and foreboding. I wandered as the stars guided my path along a needlessly long winding trail that eventually led outside the city. The occasional pass of a guard, or a fellow late night wanderer, was effective at keeping the unsavory sorts from coming out, but I have done this enough times to know who and where to avoid.

As the cobblestone path shifted to dirt, the grasslands and open fields stretched out before me, and I continue to wander along my starlit path. The sporadic patches of wild grasses, attempting to invade the vacant plots of land, could be seen swaying slowly in the tame breeze. Finding a nice comfortable spot I lye down and relax, attempting to be whisked away by the shifting winds and dazzling lights above.

A light breeze picked up and I could feel the chilling wind cut through my jacket, but I was too lost in the stars. The sky, unchanging in it's mischievous yet dazzling brilliance has always been an escape for me when faced with an internal dilemma. No matter how harsh the change, or how terrible the tragedy, the stars are always there to console me and guide my path.

As I stared at the stars enamoured by the beautiful sight, I feel them start to shift. The stars begin to spiral and the heavens above crash towards me. An expanse of blinding light is then snuffed out and my body becomes immobile. My stomach begins to turn as scenes flash before my eyes, vague snippets of ravenous flames, in a hail of screams culminating into a massive fire. People fighting, falling, to grief, rage, and hunger spun into the ravenous shadow of grotesque abominations. Voices torn asunder and stitched together into a gastly wail of desperation and hunger. Innocent cries snuffed out by the gluttonous flames, and the growing shadow amidst the pain of darkness. One final voice called out in agonizing distress, emerging from the fire. Emmy. I rushed to try and save her as she crawled but my body remained bound; held captive by the darkness. Her body collapsed just short of me as her voice quivered calling out for me to help her. The light left her eyes upon reaching my feet, and I was allowed to move, as her soul was ripped from her to fuel the raging inferno. Cradling her body a patronizing snicker echoed throughout the endless abyss.

A small silhouette stared back from inside the ball of blazing souls, her visage slowing walking through the fire into clarity. A small body, shambled forward slowly swaying and lightly convulsing. Drenched in blood and dirt. Her head hung low as her features became more clear, a petite build fashioned with a thin swaying tail, and a set of frayed feline ears twitching slightly as if she had heard something far off. The flames obscured her corrupted body but a pair of glowing blood red eyes pierced through, lifting in accordance with a gleeful snicker. A wave of recognition swept over me and my breath suddenly halted as my body fell up crumpling onto the wall, headless, before my eyes. The scene turned to dust as a pair of eyes masked by a cloud of death stared into my soul with a sickening hunger.

I began to choke as the scene faded shocking me awake. My eyes shoot open to meet the glaring incandescence of the sun, and retreat as quickly as possible back behind my eye lids. Rubbing the pain out of them, I scramble to get to my feet. The scattered remnants of my twisted dream, reordering itself, as the scene burned into the back of my mind replayed over and over without refrain.

All I knew for certain, was if I wasn't careful, very soon I would end up dead, and there is a good chance Alice is going to be the one to kill me.

I make out the east gates of the city far in the distance and make my way for them even before I become conscious of the decision. I could probably find a caravan or some sort of travel party getting out of the city soon. Placing my hands over my ears I tried to block out the haunting echo of desperate screams and started to move towards the Gates. Emmys voice caused a wave of pain and conflicted emotions to paralyze me.

Turning back I race back towards the Dorms cursing myself the entire way. ' I'm going to die, I need to get away!' Then again, the thought of losing Emmy; the pain of watching her die in my arms. Terrified me more than death.

Stepping into the city I am on edge, unsure how much time I have left. I need as much time as possible to try and think of a way out of this. As I briskly traverse the city, I noticed a lack of guards that typically patrol the streets, It was around mid to late afternoon yet foot traffic seemed light, almost deserted. Has the conflict already started? Does that mean it's too late to run? I do find it strange that they haven't tried to evacuate everyone, typically that happens when a Monster Raid occurs. Was a person responsible for the calamity that befalls the city? Do I have more time than I thought? There's too much I don't know.

No I need to focus. First I need to know what reason Alice would have for killing me, and how to prevent it. Pushing through the front doors to the guild, I instinctively duck, as a fist flies wildly just above my head. Falling back onto my butt at the sudden presence in front of me, I raise my eyes to see a very angry Emmy.

" Emmy." I say in a mixture, of both panic and complete elation as I turned to see part of the wall that had taken Emmy's punch crumble to the floor.

A firm grasp clenches onto my shoulder, and lifts me up, as Emmy wraps her arms around me. Her eyes were puffy and red as if she had just been crying. I could feel my bones creak, and I was about to try and escape when I heard her through her silent tears. " I ... Thought I lost you too."

Shifting slightly in her grasp I wrapped my arms around her attempting to cradle her but I couldn't stop myself from trembling either. " I'm not going anywhere." I whispered, which caused more tears to fall from the both of us. The image of a mangled Emmy flared up again causing me to grip tighter. " I'll never leave you behind."

Looking back at the stairwell that would lead to our dorm, I silently cursed myself. The thought of running lingered, but I couldn't any longer. If I ran I would be leaving Emmy behind, and I know for certain that Emmy wouldn't want to leave anyone else behind. She's too nice for her own good.

" There, there Emmy. I have some good news so don't look so sad."

I try to give her the most reassuring smile I could muster, however it wasn't very convincing. None the less, Emmy seemed comforted by it. Her face still was lost. It pained me to see that far out stare as if she's given up on life.

" The good news is Alice isn't dead." I say stiffly omitting the whole point that she is out for blood; mine specifically.

" What!?"

Emmy shrieked right next to my face causing my ears to ring. A light rekindled in her eyes.

" Where is she?! How do you know?! Let's go find her!" Emmy grabbed me and started to drag me out of the guild.

Protesting her newfound strength, I barely managed to hold my ground. " Wait, we need to do something first!"

" No we can't risk it she needs our help." She continued to try forward. I stumbled and caught hold of the guild door.

" No! Emmy stop!" I cried once again desperately trying to pull her back.

" But, we need to help her if she's in trouble!" Emmy argued and I could feel my arm nearly tear out of it's socket.

" Emmavailia!"

Her face contorted, seething with an unsettling rage. I've never seen her this mad before but I needed to collect myself. I want to save Alice too, but I didn't know how. The person I saw it was her but it wasn't. Alice would never do any of this would she?

" Emmy, I can explain everything, but not right now. Not here. Just trust me. Ok?"

Grabbing the neck of my coat she looked me straight in the eyes " You better explain everything. Now!"

"F-fine ... but ... not here. There's a better place" I say finally realizing the small sprinkle of people in the lobby of the Guild were all staring at us. "First, where's Oreo?" I ask Emmy.

With a look of skepticism she opened Alice's old bag she had sling over her shoulder and she delicately pulled out the doll.

" Great let's go." I hightail it out of the Guild hall and head to a shop down an alleyway just a block or two away. Fumbling with a key I have attached to a necklace I unlock a small door with a bubbling cauldron emblem on it.

" Mother." I call out into the empty storefront. Her store was set to open on the late evenings but if we were lucky she would be here now.

From around the corner a hunched figure emerged from the backrooms. The one Emmy and I called mother, an old alchemist who essentially adopted us, met my gaze with a knowing smile.

" So it's time then. I'll make some tea." Leaving for a few minutes, I was given time to collect my thoughts.

Her intuition was frightening, even to me, but sometimes the fact she always seemed to know what you were going to say before even you did yourself was comforting. This was especially true in a situation like this. How much do I tell them? How much can I tell them? Can we be wasting time on tea? Am I too late? What's important? Is it selfish of me for keeping this to myself?

I don't remember when I stopped breathing, but the warmth of Emmy's embrace pulls me back I need to tell them everything, anything they know could help them survive. I won't be able to get through this alone. I need them.

Mother walked out from the "The tea is done dear. Now what was it you wanted to tell us."

" Ok, where to begin. First I'm not-"

~ Rumble ~

The earth quaked as three loud bell chimes resounded from the Church. That was the warning for when the city was under an immediate threat. Something had breached the City walls.

" Shit." I couldn't help but mutter. I knew what I needed to do, even if I didn't want to. I steeled myself, telling myself this was the only way.

Closing my eyes I called forth a power I had hoped I would never have to use again.

" Oreo, I Veiliene the princess of the spirits I command you. Awaken and tell me where Alice is."

The dolls body spasmed a bit before it slowly rose onto it's feet. Looking around it's sudden jittery motions conveyed a sense of panic.

"Where is Alice." I reinforce. I could now see that it's soul seemed to have been restrained by some sort of magic.

The souls voice conveyed thoughts of fear and remorse. " I don't know where Alice is. She's dead, but she was moving."

Before I was able to process what Oreo had said,

" Come children we must leave." Mother said collecting a few loose items and a coat as Emmy and I did the same. We were not apart of a defensive force so we were to evacuate with the rest of the civilians.

There was a single teleporter in the city that allowed for instant transportation to any others connected to it. We were lucky enough to be near the facility housing the teleporter and we're quick to get in line. We would have been able to make it in as the first group teleported however Emmy had resisted at first. She didn't want to run away, or leave anyone behind. Luckily Mother managed to coerce her.

After a few minutes of waiting, the teleporter had cooled down and it was ready to send the next group of people. Opening the door a pool of blood drained into the hall. Corpses laid strewn about the room, limbs had been removed from their host and were relocated elsewhere on the platform. Peices of one person were found in all four corners of the room, a torso could be in a little as two pieces to an many as twenty. Heads, arms and legs were cleanly severed, and the blood that drained out into the waiting area was staining the soles of our shoes red. My face went green as Emmy vomited. Mother had passed out completely, and I scrambled to ensure she didn't hit her head on the ground. Others around us began to break down, some were outraged, others fainted, or preyed and a few looked as if they had all but given up on life.

After the initial shock Emmy had managed to pull herself together, but oxygen seemed to illude my lungs. Our only method of escape had now been foiled. Worse, it turned into another nightmarish way to kill the residents of the city. The invasion was upon us. My vision would come to pass. We were all going to die.

Looking over the carnage in the teleporter room a thought sent a frigid chill up my spine. Had Alice caused this? She has always been good with magic and learning new things, plus she is always sneaking about here and there whenever she can. It shouldn't be possible for someone to tamper with the teleportation circles, but I feel that if she wanted to do it she could.

No, she wouldn't do something so cruel. That's not her, she can be mean, but never unprovoked. She would never harm innocent people. Besides she had gone missing, and there should have been someone to inspect the array. Then what Oreo had told me finally sunk in. Alice had died, that means whoever that was in my vision wasn't her. But who was it? And better question; Would 'they' be capable of something this horrible? The thought wasn't comforting.