
"So, where are we going right now?"

"To a city."

"Then do what? You said you found out how the demons got there right, aren't going to share at least some information."

"Of course, well, they did not go there, rather they were already there, the humans they were converted into demons."

"What? And how are you so sure?"

"Well, I just counted, adding the numbers of demons and left-over humans made the exact number of people who would be in that village, but that alone proved nothing, the next thing was the presence of a human soul inside their body, so, that proved my point."

"Does that mean every demon was once a human?"

"No, that's impossible, demons are a separate species like humans, elves and vampires."

"How can a human even turn into a demon?"

"Turning, a human into a demon completely is impossible, its more like they sacrificed their thinking capacity, emotions and even body to gain power, and it resulted in the creation of a mindless artificial demon."

"Sacrificed? How could they even do that? Even if that was possible, why would anyone even do it?"

"How? I think I know how they did that? As for why let me show you how desperate humans can be if you give them a reason."

"Look, we have arrived."

The city was pretty big, the population should exceed more than 50,000 in total, it was a well-developed city.

"Let's, go to some restaurant, I am starving."

"No, we are going to the slums."

"Huh, but why the slums?"

"To test my theory, of course, about how humans turn into demons."

"You are going to use the people of the slums as a test subject."

"No, of course not, I am going to use this entire city as a test subject."

"But why? They are just living a normal life, why should we interfere, if you really want you can just use a few people beggars and spare the rest."

"Are you questioning my decision? Questioning me is like questioning the word of god himself, are you sure you want to do that? And besides, use some beggars and spare the rest? You make it sound like one life is more precious than the other"

"But still..."

"Shut up and just follow me, you just need to follow the words of God, you don't need to question it."

I did not say much, I simply suppressed them, I wanted them to question themselves about the things they were doing in the name of god.

We went to the slums, mainly to the places where beggars would live.

The twins and Delvin who were raised in a proper society had never seen a place like this, it was dirty, the smell was foul, the people were wearing torn and old clothes, trash was thrown everywhere, they felt incredibly uncomfortable being there

"Umm, what are we even supposed to do here? Can't you hurry up so we can leave?"

"Don't act like kids, learn to adapt to your surroundings, besides I am searching for people."

"Huh, what kind of people."

"Do you think every person here was born in this place?"


"No, there are many here who were thrown here, like the ones who got trapped in a game of political power, and lost or even the warriors who were discarded after they were in no condition to fight, that's just how the world is, the survival of the fittest, as soon as you are no longer useful, you would be gotten rid of"

"What would you do after finding them?"

"In the previous villages, not all the villagers were converted into demons, so there must be some kind of trigger, that lead them to be converted into demons, I am going to use them to spread triggers throughout the city."

"So, what's the trigger anyway."

"Ever heard of the phrase, the worst kind of demons are the kind that lives in the hearts of men."

"Men, not women?"

"No, I meant men, as Humans, both men and women, that's not the point, I am going to give those people a chance to take revenge."

"So, what are you going to do, create, hate within their hearts? If it was so simple as hatred turning them into demons, then nearly every human would be a demon right now."

"No, it's not just hated, ever heard of the seven deadly sins? This entire kingdom is surrounded in the smell of demons, the humans who killed demons, have some of the blood of the demon covering them, and when they return to their kingdom, covered in demon blood, the smell will spread. Still, the sent could not be easily detected, the smell is linked with a kind of spell that causes anyone who overindulges in any one of the seven deadly sins such as greed, lust, envy to turn into demons."

"Huh, but if that was the case, then the entire population of this kingdom would have already been converted into demons, after all, there are no humans who would not possess any kind of sin, like greed or envy."

"Yes, but the humans seem to have noticed that, some have even cast holy spells, to reduce the effect of the smell, but the further the people are from the caster, the less effective the spell becomes, the previous village was very far from the casters. So they turned into demons with just small triggers, this city is very near to the casters, there is barely any smell of the demons in the air, but still, if the trigger is big enough they will change into demons."

"But, so then how are you going to make the entire city overindulge in some like of sinful activity?"

"How? Humans are creatures filled with desires, and I am simply going to use that."