Battle Training (2)

Chapter 24 : Battle Training (2)

"What did you get yourself into? That's easily a rank 3 beast or higher." Spark's voice echoed in Young's head.

"G-glad you woke up. Heh." Young whispered, he struggled against the pain which was slowly making him feel lightheaded.

"Such a state. For now the ugly little blobs are out of range to attack you, but it won't be for long. If you're going to strike down your foe, you need to do it now." Spark said.

"Strike it down? And how do you propose I do that?"

"Simple. I'm going to release some of the energy within you, all you have to do is guide it out of your body and towards the enemy. Seeing that you are able to control a full body Lightning Cloak, you should be able to manage it."

"I thought you wanted me to absorb every drop of pure lightning?"

"I do. But if you die we both die. It's that type of situation. So get ready, I'm doing it now!" Spark said as his voice faded away. Young gritted his teeth and straightened his back.

"I'm the master of the Jade family. The most loved in all the land. You can't defeat me, I won't allow it." Young repeated to himself as he held up his weapon and prepared to strike. The creatures were now well within range to fire on him and the large mass of acid was slowly drifting his way as well.

"Spark." Young shouted as he watched the creatures lurch in preparation of firing acid balls.

"Spark!" Young shouted as several acid bullets began to travel his way.

"SPARK!" Young shouted as time began to slow down and a sense of dread panic overcame him.

"Now! Guide the power to its destination!" Spark commanded.

Young's eyes began to glow a white color as thick bands of lightning sparked from his body, striking the nearby cavern walls as well as the floor. Young pointed his sword before him and allowed the building energy within his body to erupt forth. Seven large branches of lightning shot forth, and in turn seven more arms appeared from each -- the cavern lit up with brightness as the fierce elemental energy slammed into its foes. The lesser grubs were vaporized instantly, as were all their attacks. The Greater grubs didn't last much longer as the same exploding fate awaited them. The massive jolt of lightning reached the 100 Years Grub in an instant but its tough skin fended off the attack -- at least initially.

Young could feel a greater rush of lightning energy flowing through his body, so much so that he had to struggle to avoid resisting. It felt as if each passing second was stealing away both his soul and sanity yet he refused to give him.

"I'm… the .. master of the Jade family. The most… loved in all the land…" He grunted as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

"Just a little more Young!" Spark's voice sounded desperate, and this was something Young found humorous given the situation.

"Are you worried about me?" Young said as he sank down to one knee. He glanced towards the opening of the cavern and realized the creature's flesh had begun to change colors, burning and singeing as it began to dry.

"It's not enough. More Spark!" Young shouted.

"I can't! You'll die if you take more! Just a little more, the creature's hide is reaching it's limit!"

"I'm reaching my limit. Just… do it! I can't hold on anymore!" Young shouted as his consciousness began to lapse.

"Tsk. Dammit, okay! I'm doing it!" Spark shouted in return.

The surge this time was unlike any Young felt before as the Rank 3 energy rushed through his body. He could feel his muscles beginning to crackle and burn as his body seized up in pain. His heart began to beat erratically, a sign that the energy he was dealing with was way beyond his level. By the same token, those two seconds were all Spark needed for the attack to pierce through the Grub's thick outer flesh. The sound of a loud pop, followed by a squeal as the lightning attack ripped into the creature's innards filled the cavern. In an instant the creature was dead -- and in that same instant so was Young Jade.