Universe - Unknown Galaxy
Killua spread his hands wide in the void as he said.
"I shall conquer the whole universe."
But then he stayed like that for a few moments before he sighed.
"Right… my chuunibyou is acting up again…"
Even though he's speaking, no actual voice was produced from the action as there was no such thing as air to carry his words.
"Hmm… so this is space..."
And despite him knowing that fact, as nothing was reaching his ears, he still keeps talking to himself.
"It's strangely homey-ish, just like how it feels back at home in my old world…"
Because of the nature of his being, a race that belongs to the cold void of the universe, it is not unusual that Killua would get such sensations.
Even though... With the exception of a selected few, all the beings in this world would instantly die from the sheer amount of radiations and the terrifying gravity originating from the nearby black holes alone.
Not to mention the infinite microscopic objects flying almost at the speed of light and other countless unknown cosmic anomalies that humanity had yet to discover.
Indeed, for living creatures of flesh this is the most terrifying place they could ever imagine to be exposed to.
Yet, Killua just keeps talking to himself...
Casually ignoring everything around him as a massive black hole had just swallowed a meteor perhaps a million times bigger than the earth and even proceeded to annihilate other meteors that left the previous one looking like a tiny rock in comparison.
"Oh… I'm naked, But I guess when moving at such speeds it's to be expected."
Killua just realized that his pants were shredded or melted in his case when he moved at speeds exponentially faster than the speed of light, to the point that even the 'indestructible' enchantment of said clothes was negated.
"At least they just expanded and didn't shred when I transformed… I guess I'll just have to coat them with my Ki so they won't make contact with external forces."
After saying that with a thoughtful expression, Killua then transformed back to his First Form.
"Alrighty~ training is it, I guess I'll start with my First Form for now." *Tsu*
He then activated the skill 'Instant Equipment' as new clothes appeared in his body.
The said clothes being a simple white T-shirt, black shorts and violet slippers.
"Imagine wearing slippers in fucking space."
Killua chuckled as he observed what he usually wore back when he was still a human.
"Ok, so training… umm... but what should I do?"
He then proceeded to make a delinquent squat as he rested his elbows above his knees.
It looked incredibly ridiculous, considering the cosmic view and the fact that he was doing it in the literal void.
"Right… uhh- Hmm?"
While he was thinking, one of the massive meteors suddenly came in his direction.
He grunted from his position as his eyes glowed red, and the meteor simply shattered into countless smaller pieces that soon turned to miniature meteors courtesy of gravity.
He considered using Ki to obliterate the things but soon changed his mind as he decided to instead test the new title 'Speed Deity' he recently got from the system.
As soon as Killua equipped the title... everything halted.
Or at least from his perspective, as the title grants a trait that allows its user to move 9999999999999999% faster in any environment.
"That means I'm now 100,000,000,000,000 times faster... no wonder everything is still."
Killua said with slightly raised brows as it looked like the time had stopped.
"This is something entirely different than just stopping the time, because it is me that had become infinitely faster while everything else remained the same, which means… it cannot be countered... moreover, my entire being became faster as even my thought process should be affected since I can comprehend what is happening right now in real time..."
Then suddenly he paled and a shiver ran down his spine as he realised the implications of this.
His terrified stat is understandable, as that would mean that each second for absolutely everything else would be exactly 3,170,979 years for him.
*Shiver* "H-Haha... three m-million years for e-each passing second?"
He then wiped the sweat that formed above his eyes with shaky hands.
"So 'Training Mode' is it..."
And that was the last thing we hear from Killua as he started a literal infinity training that was so long... to the point he had trained every single individual particle in his body, mind, being and even soul to the absolute maximum of its potential and even exceeded that limit and went beyond what mortal, immortals, gods and TRUE GODS alike could comprehend.
His powe-▅ became so immeasurable, that even the 'adverb' itself has lost its meaning.
-= Time Skip : 2 months: =-
Japan - Kyoto City
"Haah! Hah! hah-Ugh"
In the dark alleys of the 'peaceful' city of Kyoto… a teenage girl was running desperately from something.
She heard the creepy voice again from the shadows that terrified her to her core.
"W-Who are you?! I-I'll call the police!"
The girl realised that her stamina was running low, so she stopped her aimless escape and reached to grab her phone instead.
"C-C'mon! Please?! Someone..."
But her own trembling hands seemed to be useless right now as she can't even hold her phone properly let alone calling someone.
While she was distracted, the thing that was chasing her didn't miss the chance as it instantly took advantage of the girl's panic to ambush her from behind.
"Kikiki~ fresh meat."
The creature then pinned the girl to the ground with it's grotesque hands as it licked her neck with it's long snake-like tongue.
The poor girl was absolutely horrified as she noticed the monster's appearance that has taken the shape of a human, it was a scene straight out of a horror movie.
The monster didn't waste any time as it immediately used its inhuman strengths to tear the girl's entire left arm from her body.
The girl let out a bone chilling scream as she wet herself from the extreme pain she's feeling from her now empty left shoulder.
*Crunch* *Crunch*
The creature then proceeded to eat the arm with bloodshot eyes while feeling euphoria from the taste and the screams its prey was releasing.
"*Hic* M-Mom... Dad help me…someone p-please*Hic*"
The girl started crying for help as she realised that her death was inevitable.
"Hihihi~ virgin's flesh so good~"
The creature slurped the remains of the girl's arm and licked the blood on it's fingers, all the way making sure its prey got the full view of the action.
"*Hic* p-please, I-I'll do anything-"
"Blah! Blah! Blah! Yeah, not happening~"
The monster then used its pinky to clean its ear as it demolished every last hope the girl has for her life.
"*Hic* *Hic*"
The girl lost all hope as she closed her eyes in silent prayers while crying desperately.
The monster spasmed in pleasure from the girl's despair as it cracked its head to the sides in order to prepare for the main dish.
But then it saw someone there- or it would have if it wasn't already obliterated waaaay before it's neurons even got the chance to get signals from its own fucking eyes.
The whole ordeal happened so fast that the girl wouldn't have noticed that her would-be killer was already dead if it wasn't for the extremely calm and disgustingly bored words she heards next.
"Too slow."
The words and the 'bored' tone itself were so out of place that the girl actually forgot her situation for a moment.
However, her mind rebooted itself and she immediately opened her eyes.
There was… nothing, both the monster and the 'voice' owner were gone.
"Eh? Are? What-"
She then tried to stood up using both of her hands as a support.
Only to freeze in her place as she just realized that her left arm had somehow 'grown?' back.
"Ah-' *Drop*
It seems that her brain was overclocking for a while now, and so as soon as it had realised that she was safe… It logged out for the moment and caused the girl to lose consciousness.
And the owner of the 'bored' voice or her saviour was actually standing at the top of a nearby light pole.
He has the appearance of a tall young man in his early twenties with a very attractive face complete with his spiked up white hair with a violet shade to it at the ends and the terrifying crimson eyes that glow mysteriously in the dark night.
And in his person, he wears an all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants and dark dress boots.
He looks almost exactly like the character 'Satoru Gojo' from the anime work 'Jujutsu Kaisen'.
"Umu, the earth seems to remain the same."
He said in a bone chilling emotionless voice.
He then looked at the countless stars in the night sky and beyond, calculating the current time of this galaxy at a cosmic level.
"So I've been away for about two months? That would be 5,184,000 seconds... and considering the time ratio… umu, it matches perfectly with my training period."
Killua's terrifying yet somehow also lifeless eyes then turned back to the unconscious girl below.
"So... what was the deal with that earthling creature? It's soul's composition was somehow mixed, it has the code of human's soul yet not at the same time as if it was forcefully hacked or something. And It's body's internal organs are almost just like humans but more compressed and much stronger, at least for earth's living creatures' standards."
He then lifted his right arm and looked at an object in his hand.
"I assume this is a tool used in the process?"
The object that he got from the creature's body 'and' soul was in the shape of a red chess piece, specifically a pawn.
"Umu, I'll research this later." *Tsu*
Killua then stored the thing in his inventory.
He was now contemplating his next moves as he put his hands in his pockets.
"I guess I'll look around for now, it's been eons since the last time I saw a civilization... or any animated thing for that matter."
Killua then nodded to himself before immediately appearing in the middle of a busy street in the city.
"What the-"
It seems his sudden appearance has freaked out some of the people around him.
However, Killua just ignored their weird looks as he casually walked away in the night street with his hands in his pockets.
"...the hell?"
And soon after, he disappeared in the crowd and the stunned people just shook their heads in confusion before continuing with their business.
Completely oblivious to the fact they just meet what could possible now only be called the 'Administrator' of their universe.