Bismark Bounty 1

Aured City is an urban sprawl with concrete blocks plated with metal standing like towers on the backdrop of a cloudy sky.

It was like a web-connected to one another. The city itself had grown big enough, and below the towers of plated concrete is a hive city.

The hive city is continually expanding like the towers. Each tower connects from one another, creating skyways where people and automobiles can pass through.

The lights of the City of Aured were multi-colored. Like a beacon that acts as a defiance against the darkness. Despite the electrical barrier covering the whole of Aured City. One could see the dotted lights twinkling from the view from above.

From the tower platform he stood, Jakob could see the solar arrays and windmill. They are used to power the city, but most of the power comes from the circular building covered by barbican walls, preventing any entry.

Inside that building is a cold fusion reactor that powers the city. Jakob recalled that it had been working for decades now, and would last this city until its dying breath.

Jakob could attest to that belief. It held until used to block the Demon that fought the Valkyrie in his past life, allowing the Valkyrie to take the Demon up the notch.

Jakob recalled that long run, fighting through the crowd of immanis, butchering left and right, and charging without care for death. He recollected the bright cold blue light that flashes as it exploded.

"How did I survive that?" Jakob muttered. He fell in a cold well and managed to fight the belua before letting death take him. He couldn't remember anything other than he did his best.

As he continued moving forward, he took a stop in front of a circular chamber selling microprocessors. In this shop, there was a glass display of microprocessors and microcontrollers. The woman who managed the counter sat on a hammock filled with pillows and blankets.

"Hmm," she looked at Jakob. "You want to buy something?"

"Here for Quietus."

"Oh," she nodded. "I haven't seen your face. New? Who vouched for you?"

"None. I learned from someone whose name I didn't know. Outpost Draco, does it ring a bell?"

"Ah," she tapped her index finger on her mobile device. "Jakob Recker, hmm, your records are okay, but how come an Outrider would want to come here?"

"Look it up," Jakob said.

She looked his name up in the Outrider's database. His name was indeed temporarily stricken out because of his rash actions. But when she scrolled up, she saw the list of his deeds.

"Solo belua runs, nice," she stood, extending her hand over the glass display. "I am Olga, it is nice meeting you, Jakob."

"Olga," Jakob nodded. "So, can I come in?"

"Sure, not that we ever refuse any bounty hunter in our keep."

The small gate on the side opened up. Jakob grabbed on to the metal pole, slipping down the metal pole until he reached the platform. He was not the only one that came inside this Haven.

Round tables, men drinking and smoking, a strip pole, and on the far corner were turrets and security systems that could accurately tear through any trouble.

In his past life, this was his second home. When he was not in the Sanctum, the Haven was his second home. As he took three steps inside the Haven, he saw a burly man standing in front of him. The eyes of the bounty hunters staring at him

"Newblood," said the man. "You should know the next step."

Jakob followed the man into the pit. He took his upper body clothes and faced the opponent in a southpaw stance.

His opponent went it for a right hook to the side of his head. Jakob faced faster belua than this man, and he ducked in and went for a blow below the armpit, followed with a knee below the chest.

Pulling his left elbow back, striking at the side of the below the right rib of his opponent, he followed with a push of his shoulder and then going for a shoulder throw.

The burly man raised his head, but the blows he suffered had knocked him out. Climbing out of the pit, a woman who looked exactly like the woman named Olga smiled at Jakob, she neared Jakob with an extended hand.

"I should have expected this," Helga said. "Your records fighting the belua are admirable, I've never seen someone strangle a belua to death, I shouldn't have Conrad shamed like this."

"Jakob Recker," he said.

"Helga," she smiled. "It looks like we have some good new blood today."

Jakob followed Helga through table rows. One of the mercenaries here started cursing Jakob because he didn't lose. Ignoring the mercenaries, he sat on the stool in front of Helga.

"Give me your mobile device," Helga placed her palm out.

Jakob handed the device without fuss. "I would like to start today if you don't mind."

"Not at all," she smiled, "so who do you want to kill for credits?"

She showed a list of bounties. Jakob had a blank look as she scrolls through the list.

Jakob's eyes widened, his fury gushed out like a flood. But that fury was dampened by something cold. Helga shuddered visibly, red lips shaking at the sight of the coldness he spewed.

"Dion Bismark...that businessman is on the bounty..."

"He is. No, you'll try to take him down?"

Jakob glared. "Any specialize weaponry?"

"He's an aetherian user. Do you know what you're going against?"

"Yeah, just give me the weapon."

Helga cupped her forehead. "Very well, I thought I should assign you with something easy, but if that's your deathwish, then so be it. That's 500k of credits."

She produced a two-arms length rifle and placed it on the counter. And two magazines with finger-long bullets.

Jakob lifted the rifle with one and eyed the sight. Helga gawked for a second before taking out another magazine from the counter. Jakob took the mag, walking to the corner of the room with his eyes on the rifle.