Chapter 11








Liam, Justin, and Jamey all make their way to Liam's apartment. Once they get there, he opens the door the other two walk-ins.


"' Welcome to my home, Justin, does Jamey have clothes to wear?" Liam asks as Justin curses to himself.



"Uh, I have to go back home to get them. Can you keep Jamey company?" Justin says as Liam opens the door for him. Jamey walks in with a sad face.


"Where is Papa going?" Jamey asks Liam as Justin closes the door behind him, not hearing Jamey.


"He went to go get you some Pajamas! Hey, I'm allowing you to eat your chicken nuggets in the living room, but you can't tell Papa ok?" Liam says with a smile.


Jamey nods excitedly, clapping his hands. "Ok, can we watch Go Diago Go?" Jamey asks and Liam nods his head. "Of course you can."







 Meanwhile Later That Day



Justin goes into the driveway, parking the car. He walks out, hoping to make this quick so he can go back to Jamey.


He knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer. There were whispers from inside, but quickly someone opened the door.


It was one of Eugene's friends.


"Hey, Liz. Uh, can I come in?" Justin asks politely, even though he technically lives here. She looks him up and down, glaring.


Liz has this jealousy towards Justin. He basically stole her man and she has hated him ever since, so why was she here.


"Fine, come in." She says moving her body out of the doorway. Justin walked inside and instantly got hit with the smell of alcohol.



"Great," Justin mumbled to himself as he looked around the living room. It wasn't a party, though there were 4 people there, Liz, Ned, Harry, and Eugene.



They were all sitting, talking about football. Ned used to be Justin's friend until he decided to live with the bad kids. And he can talk a hell of a lot about Harry.


Justin made his way upstairs. Though someone must have noticed him because he heard more footsteps.



He made his way into Jamey's room, opening the door, but then he heard someone close it. He turned around and it was Harry, great.



"Oh, um hey Harry. I'm just getting Jamey's clothes." Justin says, grabbing some dinosaur pajamas.



Harry nods, looking at the soft clothing items. "You know why I'm here right?" He asks, taking a step forward. Justin clears his throat, taking a step back.


"No, I- um, I'm just going to go-" Justin starts but Harry pulled him back. "Please, I just need to go back," Justin begged as Harry smiled.


"No, need to do that darling." He smirked, taking a step forwards as Justin took another step back. He hit the wall and he sighed.


"Please Harry, not right now," Justin says sadly, but Harry didn't listen. He grabbed Justin, putting him over his shoulder. He walked out of the room, leaving the clothes behind.




Harry walked into Justin and Eugene's old room, locking the door behind him, and Justin was trying to get off and failing.



"You know, I had a feeling you were going to show up," Harry said, grabbing a pair of handcuffs from his left pocket.




Justin tried fighting him, though it wasn't any use, and Harry handcuffed Justin to the bed. Harry straddled him, kissing him fiercely



He started going down Justin's body, taking off his shirt. "Your perfect Justin," Harry says seductively in Justin's ear, and he squirmed.



He went down to Justin's pants, and he started squirming even more. Justin knew he wouldn't be able to get out of this, he never did, never will.



Justin cried one more time, silently this time. But Harry didn't listen. He never did, never will.















Liam tapped his foot impatiently, Jamey leaning on his shoulder. Justin should have been back. He should have been back an hour ago.



"I knew I should have gotten him a phone, yesterday," Liam grumbled with himself. Jamey looked up at Liam for a split second, before looking back at the tv.





When the movie ended, Liam got off the couch, going into the master bedroom. He went to grab his shoes, before walking back out.



Jamey looked behind him, watching as Liam put on the shoes, looking at him curiously. "Why are you putting on your shoes?" Jamey asks, watching as Liam walked towards the door.




"I'm going to get your Dad," Liam says opening the door, though before he could leave Jamey yelled for him to stop.


"Wait, is something wrong?" Jamey says, tilting his head in confusion, exactly how Justin did.


"Uh," Liam starts, not wanting to scare the young child. "I'll take that as a yes," Jamey says sighing.


"I don't want you to get in trouble, Mr. Liam. I suggest you call the police and tell them where Justin went. They would probably bring a swat car." Jamey says like he's done this before.



Liam looked at Jamey, confused as to how a 7-year-old knows this. "Wait, how did you…?" Liam questions and Jamey just shrugs.


"It's called swatting, people do it to gamers all the time. They lie and say there's a bomb in the house." Jamey says, standing up from the couch.



"It's messed up." He ends, walking up to Liam. "But, I don't want you getting in trouble," Jamey says sincerely. Liam sighs, letting go of the doorknob, closing the door in the process.



"Alright kid, get my phone," Liam says, and Jamey runs into Liam's room, coming out with the cellular device.




He hands it to Liam smiling. "Jamey you worrying me. What's with the smiling?" Liam questions, opening his phone.


Jamey sighs, sitting on the bar chair, turning to face Liam at the door. Liam followed suit, sitting down next to the boy.



"Dad doesn't beat Justin up for this long. So usually, he might be knocked out and was put on the couch. But, that comes with bruises, so the police will know."



Jamey says, taking a stuttering breath. "Jamey tell me," Liam said gently. "It's Harry, he's one of Dad's friends," Jamey says, looking down at his socks.



"Does, Harry hit Justin as well," Liam said confused. Jamey just shakes his head, lifting it to reveal teary eyes.


"Mr. Harry was nice to Justin. But Mr. Harry would carry Papa into a room, and do bad stuff to Papa." Jamey states, his voice wavering.


Liam stands up, abruptly, scaring the young kid. "Shit!" He yelled, though it wasn't to Jamey, it was to himself.



How could he have been so foolish? Of course, Justin gets raped by the Asshole named Harry.


Jamey watched silently, as Liam paced back and forth, deciding what to do. "Jamey, go into my room and don't come out, I'm going to talk to Foggy," Liam says and Jamey nods, walking out of the kitchen and into Liam's bedroom.




Liam grabs his phone, quickly dialing Foggy's number, and waiting for him to pick up. And after to tones he did.



"Nelson and Murdock, where we fight for the truth. How may I help you?" A young lady asks on the other end.



Liam paced back and forth, his voice wavering. "I need to talk to Foggy, he's a friend. It's an emergency." Liam saysyping was heard on the other end of the phone.


"Mr. Nelson is in a meeting right now, may I-" She starts politely, and Liam could feel her smile from the other end, but right now wasn't a time for smiles.


"Ma'am it's, and emergency. Not like a police emergency but a Foggy emergency. Please." Liam begged and the lady sighed.


"Ok, if it is an emergency, I will get a hold of him in a second please wait." She says as the music starts to play.



Liam taps his foot repeatedly, not noticing the fast rhythm. He needs to stop doing that. Liam heard the music stop, the sound of buzzing coming into the speaker.



"Hello?" Foggy says, confused as to why he's being taken out of a really important meeting. "Hey, Foggy, it's me," Liam says, and Foggy sighs.



"Wilson, if you start talking nonsense I will-" Foggy starts but gets cut off by Liam, his voice serious.


"It's Justin," Liam says simply, and Foggy stops in his tracks. "What's wrong?" Foggy questioned worriedly.


He went to the house to get clothes. But he's been gone for an hour. Jamey just told me that he gets raped by this man named Harry." Liam rambled, as Foggy grabs a paper and pencil, writing as much as he can down.



"How, long is the drive from your apartment to his house?" Foggy questions, lifting the pencil for a brief second.


"um, about 10 minutes. But Foggy, He's been gone for almost two hours." Liam says worriedly as Foggy sighs for the second time.


"Ok, call the police, tell them your suspicions, how long he's been gone, etcetera. Oh, and tell him that Justin is in a case, about Physical and Mental Abuse charges." Foggy states and Liam nods.


"Alright," Liam says, sitting back down in one of the chairs. "If, we can get this Harry guy to testify, plus Jamey's word, all the justice will be served," Foggy says happily.



Liam sighs, saying ok. "Wait, but can I come over, at least when to police is there?" Liam questions, as Foggy places the noted paper in his pocket.


"Yeah, they are going to do a test on Justin for rape. And that stuff has to be done in a hospital so yeah. You can convert him." Foggy says, Liam, smiling slightly.


"Ok, thanks, but now I have to-" Liam starts as there was a knock on the door. "Sorry, I have to go. Besides, I should probably call the police." Liam says.


They both say their goodbyes, and Liam walks up to the door to open it.



In stumbles a pale Justin, his legs and arms weak. There were bruises all over his neck, and his button-up shirt was almost all undone.


"Justin?!" Liam says, taken aback by the look of his friend. Justin looks at Liam, his eyes are glassy and red. His voice sore from screaming.



Justin falls to the ground, Liam somewhat catching him. "Justin, Justin stay awake for me, ok?" Liam says as he brushes the hair out of his face.



Jamey rushes in at the sound of his father's name, gasping at the look on Justin's face.



"Take care of him for me," Justin says, weakly. His voice scratched. Jamey grabs Liam's phone, calling the police.


"No, stop it. I don't need to take care of him, because I know you will. Geez, Justin what did they do to you."

Liam says, mumbling the last part to himself.


Justin wasn't too pale, but he did look like he was homeless. His shirt now missing a few buttons, and his hair a mess.


Justin smiles, before drifting into unconsciousness.