Chapter 15

Defense, do you have a witness?" The Judge asks, and Matthew nods, standing up from his seat. "I would like to call, Liam Wilson to the stand," Matt says, as he and Liam walk in front of the Jury.



"Mr. Wilson, why did you decide to talk to Mr. Parker in the first place, at the supermarket?" Matt asks, and Liam shrugs.


"To be honest, I don't know. He just sorta looked sad, I guess. But I did invite him to the bar later." Liam answers, Matt, nodding his head.


"Why did you invite him to the bar?"


"Because when he was checking out, I saw bruises on his neck, so I needed to see what was wrong," Liam says, looking at Eugene, who was staring.



"Did you confront him on the bruises?" Matt asks, holding his blind cane in one hand.


"Yeah, at the bar. But by then he had told me about how Eugene, became violent." Liam states, Matt, nodding his head in understanding.



"Let's talk about the house, shall we. The house showed no signs of breaking in. Meaning, you would have had a key correct?" Matt asks, and Liam nodded.



"Justin gave me a key when I first met Jamey. He gave it to me so that if something really bad was happening, I could get in." Liam says, smiling at Justin.


"Ok, Mr. Wilson, the last question, you used to be a doctor right. More specifically a Pathologist?" Matt questions and Liam nods.


"So you would know how to kill someone with a baseball bat, correct?" Matt asks. Everyone's breath hitches, even Liams.



"Um, yes," Liam says, but before he could say anything else, one of Eugene's lawyers stands up, this time it's the blond-haired one.



"OBJECTION!!! What does any of this have to do with the case your Honor!?" The blond one questions as the Judge looks at Matt.



"He's right, Mr. Elchizer. Please stay on topic." The Judge warns, and matt nods.



"Continue." The Judge says as the blond takes his seat. "So, Mr. Wilson, if you were trying to kill Mr. Miller, where should you hit?" Matt says, and Liam looks around, nervously.



"You should… um….. probably hit in the lower neck, for the quickest way, I think," Liam says, and Matt nods.


"So, Mr. Wilson, why did you hit Mr. Thomspon?" Matt asks, and Liam sighs. "Because he was choking J. I just wanted him to be knocked out." Liam answers.


"And where did you hit him?"


"His lower back."


"And is that anywhere near the lower neck?"




"Meaning, if Mr. Wilson was actually trying to hit, and kill Mr. Miller, he would have aimed for the neck, not the back. No further questions." Matt says, as soft gasps of realization accrued from the jury.




Liam smiled to himself, noticing the other lawyers shocked faces. Through he didn't notice a blond lawyer walk up to him.




"Order in the court!" The Judge yelled causing everyone to become silent. Liam watched as the blond lawyer walked up to him, ready to slice the smile off his face.




"Mr. Wilson, I only have one question for you. So please, answer truthfully." The lawyer starts, Liam nodding his head in agreement.


"Do, you love Mr. Parker?"



Liam didn't expect that question, no one did. Especially not Justin. "Um." Liam looked at his shoes, not wanting to answer the question because he didn't know the answer.



"Better question." The lawyer says, quietly so only he and Liam could hear. "Why would someone love, something as hideous as you." The man whispered, and Liam's heart sank. Because he knew he was right.



But he also knew that he was doing this for his friend, his bud, his pal. He was doing it for only him.



"As a friend, y-yes," Liam says, gathering the courage to answer. The blond, nodded, smiling at Liam.


"So, Mr. Wilson, you would try to protect him in any way possible, correct?" The man asked, and Liam only nodded his head.


"And if you Mr. Miller wad hurting your friend, you would want him to stop, right?" He asks, and Liam only answers with a yes.

"Which means, getting rid of him, right?" He asks, and Liam goes stiff. Getting rid of him. Liam shivered at the wording, but still shook his head.


"But it does give you a reason, doesn't it. Mr. Wilson." Blondie says, not giving him time to answer before he says, "No further questions."




The Judge waited for both parties to sit down, before looking at the prosecution. "Any more witnesses?" The judge asks, his face unreadable.




