Chapter 21

"Hey Anastasia, How was school?" Liam asks, unlocking the doors so Anastasia could get in the car.



"Good, nap time was fun," Ann says, smiling. "Well, you were sleeping half the time," Liam says Ann closed the door behind her.


Liam heard his phone ring and he answers straight away. "Hello?" He says, holding the phone with his shoulder as he drives off.



"Liam we have a problem," Justin says urgently on the other side of the phone. "What kind of problem?" Liam asks, taking a right out of school grounds.



"Well, I got a call from the prison today. From Eugene." Justin says, walking into the kitchen to see if Aurora was there, luckily she wasn't.



"Oh, shit," Liam says under his breath. He looks in the review mirror and sees Ann playing on her kid's tablet, occupied with the game.


"What did he say?" Liam asks, tapping the steering wheel. "Well, he threatened Aurora's life. By the way, I don't even know how he found out about Anastasia or Aurora." Justin says, pacing in the living room.



"Well, it's not like he can get to her. And he isn't in the Mafia." Liam says, somewhat joking. "And who cares if he knows about us or them," Liam says, slowing down at a yellow light.


"I don't know. But he wanted to see me. And I feel like I should go." Justin says, sighing. "I'm not saying you shouldn't go, but are you ready to deal with that?" Liam asks as Justin stops in his tracks.


"Yeah, but I don't want to have full-on questions. Just ask what he wants, then leaves." Justin explains as Liam takes his foot off the brake.


"Well, he wants you, JJ. It's your choice." Liam says simply, easing up on the turn into the neighborhood.



"Yeah, your right," Justin mumbles, sitting back down on the couch. "You want me to come with?" Liam asks, and Wade sighs.


"No, I can handle it, I hope," Justin says, saying the last part to himself. "Well I'm close, so I'll see you when I get home. "Liam says, driving down the main road.


"K, love you. Bye." Justin says, hanging up the phone and sighing.






Days Later


Justin wore comfortable clothing. He sat in the chair next to Liam, bouncing his knee. Liam places a hand on his knee, looking at Justin, a soft smile on his lips.



"You're nervous," Liam says, smiling at Justin, who sighs. "Yeah, I am. Who knows what he'll say." Justin groans, leaning back in the plastic chair.


"J, trust me, he won't say anything bad. If he does, the guards will know." Liam assured, and Justin nodded, laying his head on Liam's chest.



"Justin Jones?" An officer calls and Justin sighs, standing up and following the young girl. "Who are you here to see?" The girl asks, looking down at her clipboard.


"Eugene Miller. He called me a couple of days, so I decided to come and see him." Justin says, trying to simplify the actual reason.



"Makes sense. Come in here." She says, pointing to a room, opening the door for him. He quickly thanks her, bee walking over to the table.



There sat Eugene, orange jumpsuit and all. He didn't notice Justin, and was instead, playing with his fingers.

"Damn, Eugene. Look what prison has done to you." Justin says sarcastically, taking a seat across from him. Eugene looks up at Justin and smiles.


"You came." He says, a smirk on his face. "Yeah, someone calling you is a good reason," Justin says, leaning onto the table to look at Eugene.



"What do you want?" He asks, looking into Eugene's eyes. "Simple, I want to talk to you. About life." Eugene adds, tilting his head on his side.



"So, you don't want to kill Aurora or anyone for that matter. Just want to talk?" Justin questions, expecting Eugene to threaten him. Though Eugene nods, smiling at the boy.



"How are the kids? I heard you just moved, was it fun.\? Is the neighborhood nice?" Eugene says, sounding genuinely interested in Justin's life.


"Um, they're good. Aurora is going through this girly phase so that's fun. Anastasia's birthday's coming up so I and Liam are trying to do something nice." Justin says, shrugging. Eugene nodded, smiling at the younger boy.



Justin felt happy now that he could tell someone about his life, besides Angelica anyway.



"Do they know? About us, that is? Do they know about me?" Eugene asks, and Justin sighs. "No, I wouldn't want to tell them about my past. New beginnings right?" Justin says, looking down at his lap.



"Well sadly, that has to change," Eugene says, a smile now plastered on his lips. Justin tilted his head, confused. Eugene just smiled wider.



"You haven't heard? My parents paid bail, and I was good in Prison." Eugene says, and Justin looks at him, still confused.


"I don't understand. What do you mean?" Justin asks, straightening his head, and he stared into Eugene's cold green eyes. Eugene smiles.


"I'm being let out, Babe"