Failed Again

"Of course, I want. Anyway, I have to bring a graduation announcement when I go to city A so that people do not look down on me". Qiara said excitedly. 

"That person? Who?". Demian asked in surprise.

Heard Demian's question. Qiara was silent then looked down regretting what she said.

"I mean ... The person who will stay with me later. My aunt has a child who is very annoying and likes to make fun of me, so I said so". Qiara replied while excusing the real answer. 

"Wahhh ... Good then. Yes, you have to study enthusiastically. In order not to be underestimated by him". said Demian excitedly too.

"Okay". Qiara replied. 

Since that night, Qiara asked Alya to stop coming. So, he is free to study with Demian in the city library every day.

With Demian's help and patience guiding her in studying. ever since then, Qiara had hopes of being accepted into Alexia.