I hate you

Not long after that, he grabbed Qiara's cell phone and threw it out of the car. 

"Hey... Why are you throwing my cellphone? Stop the car!". Qiara shouted hysterically. Because on the cellphone there is a photo of her and her sister as well as the numbers of her friends.

"For what reason do you take it again?". Julian asked, trying to hold back Qiara from going berserk.

"You are a jerk, I hate you. Don't you know that there are the numbers of my friends and some important people again. Besides that there are photos of my memories with my sister". Qiara replied with a gaze that began to turn red.

"I've moved everything on your new cell phone". Said Julian who tried to calm Qiara's feelings.

"When did you do it?". Qiara asked confusedly, Qiara felt that she never let go of her cellphone, how could Julian move it.