The foreign woman's accusation

Hearing the host's request, Julian glared at the TV waiting for what his sister wanted to say. "What did she do? Don't tell me things that are not important! It's for the good of you and Papa". Julian thought calmly. Because he is not the type to easily waver or lose his cool when faced with a problem.

Meanwhile. Jasmin glares at TV, she can guess that Papa and her brother are watching. "Did you see me? Alright! I will give you a surprise that you will never forget. Papa, look at me!". Jasmin thought, smiling slyly at the camera. "Miss Jasmin ... Are you ready to tell?". Asked the emcee again when he saw Jasmin didn't budge.

"Ahhh ... Yes. But I want to confirm whether the audience really wants to hear my story". Jasmin replied, throwing her gaze at the studio to see if the audience was also curious about the story.

Not long after she said that, the audience clapped their hands and asked Jasmin to tell a story. Instantly the studio became very noisy.