Don't offend her

Qiara also glared to see who the person had shut her mouth. 

"Julian?". said Qiara with a dark expression and teary eyes. 

Julian's eyes narrowed sharply at Qiara in surprise. 

"Sorry, I was forced to shut your mouth. Because your screaming can wake everyone". Julian explained. 

"But you've made me shocked and scared, you think it's a joke huh?". Qiara replied with great emotion. 

"Once again I'm sorry. Oh yes, what are you doing here? Aren't you sleeping?". Julian asked in his cold voice. 

Without answering Julian's question, Qiara immediately pushed Julian's body while crying. After that she ran out to her room and did not forget to lock the room because she was very upset with Julian. 

Seeing Qiara like that, Julian didn't want to bother her, because it was useless to persuade Qiara when she was emotional. It will just be useless. So, he chose to sleep in his study without chasing Qiara. 

The next morning.